I give up

The arena was a maelstrom of energy as Thalira and I squared off, the crowd hushed in anticipation. Every eye was on us, the tension palpable. I wiped sweat from my brow and focused on Thalira, her shadow magic swirling around her like a living entity. Her gaze was steely, unyielding, and I knew this was going to be the toughest fight of my life.

"Ready to dance?" Thalira called out, her voice echoing through the silent arena.

I grinned, raising my hands as blue flames flickered to life. "Let's give them a show."

With a sudden burst of speed, Thalira lunged at me, her shadows forming into tendrils that lashed out like whips. I countered with a torrent of flames, the two forces colliding in a brilliant explosion of light and darkness. The impact sent us both skidding backward, but neither of us gave an inch.