Ugly Poster

After catching my breath and making sure the guards were truly gone, I emerged from my rocky hiding spot. The sun was beginning to rise, casting an eerie glow over the demon realm. My stomach rumbled again, reminding me that I couldn't just sit around and hope for a miracle. I needed food, shelter, and some sort of plan.

As I wandered through the forest, I stumbled upon a trail. Trails meant civilization—or at least something resembling it—so I followed it, hoping it would lead me to food. After about an hour of walking, I found myself on the outskirts of a village.

It looked quaint in a demonic sort of way, with houses made of dark stone and twisted metal. Smoke billowed from chimneys, and the smell of food wafted through the air, making my stomach growl even louder.

"Alright, Eileen," I whispered to myself. "Time to put on your best smile and charm these demons. How hard can it be?"