Chapter 34 : Saying Goodbyes ( part 2 )

Because they didn't have any place to stay tonight, Liu Kang offered his bed for Wang Qian and Bai Lian, but Wang Qian declined saying that he didn't need it and only needed sufficient space. Hearing his words, Jian Ze and Liu Kang moved the tables and chairs aside. Wang Qian wanted to help but was rejected by them. Their reasons was 

"My lord, just needs to sit and wait for us to complete your orders." they said

After they cleared up some space, Wang Qian stood up as he used [ Magic Condensation ] to condense a bed big enough for him and Bai Lian. He then went ahead to touch the bed, it was soft and seems to be weightless. Feeling content with his work, he condense a big pillow and a blanket.

Finishing this, Bai Lian woke up. Jian Ze and Liu Kang greeted her as they stood at the side.

"Good evening, Princess Bai." the two said

"mhmm. Where's papa?" Bai Lian asked 

"My lord is currently making a bed for the night" Jian Ze said to her

Bai Lian then got up and look at Wang Qian who was placing the pillow and the blanket on top of the bed. He then looked over to them and finally saw that Bai Lian woke up.

"Good evening, did you slept well?" he asked

She nodded. 

"Since you've woke up, come and try this bed that I condensed using magic. It's soft and comfortable." he said as he sat on the bed

Bai Lian walked over and sat next to him. When her skin touch the bed, she felt that it was very cozy and warm. 

"So warm...." she said

"I know right? Well, let's finish things up and head to sleep earlier today. Jian Ze, are you going to stay with us for dinner?" he asked

"I'll have to refuse my lord. I have a meeting with a merchant from an other city who is coming tonight."

"I see. Well, looks like there's only 3 of us left. Liu Kang, can I borrow the kitchen? I'll make a dish for us tonight."

"Anything you wish my lord." Liu Kang replied

"Well, I should get ready to start cooking." Wang Qian said 

"Then I'll be taking my leave first, my lord" Jian Ze said

"Okay, make sure to tell the others to come and meet me in the outer area of the forest tomorrow morning."


Jian Ze then left the restaurant. Wang Qian headed to the kitchen and looked at the materials there was. This world's materials are not necessarily found back at ours, so Wang Qian can only pick those that he knows how to handle, which was cabbages, carrots, potatoes and some meat. Liu Kang also had some rice left from the business in the morning.

"Good, the rice can be used for eating later, and there's a few materials that I can use. Everything's ready, looks like I'll be able to make a table's worth of dishes today!" Wang Qian said proudly.

Despite being blessed by the plot already, the saying "The higher you aim, the harder you fall" still applies to him. When he proclaimed that he will cook a table's worth of dishes, he ended up only cooking a bowl of rice with meat mixed with cabbages, carrots and potatoes for everyone. 

He then became depressed at the fact that he can't even cook a single dish. Seeing this, Bai Lian comforted him, saying

"There's no need to be sad, papa. You can try to make dishes in the future as long as you learn and practice, just like magic" 

"You're right. I should definitely not give up on cooking a dish. If I can't even cook a simple dish, what kind of a demon lord will I be?" Wang Qian then said after being comforted

The three then quickly finished their meals, and headed to sleep.


The next morning, Wang Qian woke up to an alluring smell spreading in the air. When he opened his eyes and looked around, he saw Liu Kang at the kitchen making breakfast for the three of them.

"Good morning" Wang Qian said to him.

"Good morning, my lord. Please wait for a while, your breakfast will be prepared shortly" Liu Kang said

"No need to rush, I'll just eat when Bai Lian wakes up"

"Understood, then I'll continue to cook breakfast"

Liu Kang then finished cooking all three of their breakfast as he placed them on the table that Wang Qian was sitting at. Bai Lian also woke up due to the intense smell of breakfast, assaulting her nostrils, making her want to wake up immediately.

"Good morning, breakfast's ready. Come and eat while it's hot" Wang Qian said to Bai Lian 


She then got up and sat next to him. They finish their meals quickly as they borrowed the bathroom of Liu Kang's restaurant, which was also his house at the same time. What Bai Lian wore today was the white dress. Wang Qian the went ahead to shower. 

After all of them got ready, Wang Qian and Bai Lian put on their cloaks as Liu Kang was waiting for them outside. 

"We'll be going to the forest to meet the others now. Did you bring your orb along with you?"

"Replying to my lord, yes." 

"Then let's start going" Wang Qian said. He then jumped onto the roof and started running towards the city's entrance. He slowed down his speed so that Liu Kang will not be too far away from him. It didn't take long for them to reach the city's entrance. 

After they exited, they continue to run towards the forest's outer area. They went ahead to find a suitable spot that is big enough to hold everyone. After they found one, they sat down and wait for the others to come.

It wasn't long until Jian Ze contacted him through the link

'My lord, we are in the forest. Which direction should we go?'

Right after Jian Ze said that, he and the people around him heard Wang Qian voice reverberating through the forest.

"I'm over here." he said.

Following where the sound came from, Jian Ze and his group managed find where Wang Qian was.

"Paying respect to my lord and Princess Bai"

"You all can get up. Is everyone here? Or is there still someone who are on their way?"

"Replying to my lord, there is still a few that are on their way to the forest. It should take them around 10 minutes to reach here." Jian Ze said

"Then let's wait for them"

After 10 minutes, Wang Qian asked Jian Ze

"Are they all here now?"

"Replying to my lord, yes all of us are here."

"Good, you all should have know that I summoned you guys here because I have an announcement to make. Which is that all of you here, are cursed"

Hearing his words, the people started to panic. It was until someone raised his hand and asked

"May I ask why my lord says so?"

"The reason is because of the communication orbs you all have. Can I borrow yours?" Wang Qian said as he borrowed an orb from the person in front of him. The person took out his and passed it to Wang Qian. He then hold it high up and continue to talk

"This is how all of your orbs look like, am I right?" 

The people nodded. Wang Qian the borrowed Jian Ze's orb and showed it to the people

"Look! Lord Jian Ze's orb is white."

"Why is Lord Jian Ze's orb different from us?"

"You all must be wondering why is Jian Ze's orb different from all of yours, right? I will now explain it the reason to you."

"The communication orb was created by the previous demon lord using his mana. Due to the mana being a little negative and dark, coming into contact with it too much will cause one to get a curse. But do not worry, as the curse is only a low level one. I will be curing you all and your orbs starting from now. I want you all to split into groups consisting 10 people each. I also want you to take out the orbs and placed it on your hands. Move now."

The people started moving according to his order, forming 50+ groups. They then take out their orbs and placed it on their hands.

"Good. I'll start from this group." Wang Qian said as he walked towards the group on his left

He casted [ Holy Cure ] on them. Thankfully, things work out as expected. The people got their curse lifted and the orb in their hands emitted a faint white light before dying down and changing it to bright white. He then repeated the process on every group. With his mastery increasing every try, he started from only being able to cure 10 people at a time to 20, 30 , 40, and it is still increasing steadily.

By the time all of them finished getting cured, Wang Qian was able to cast it on 80 people at the same time.


[ LEVEL : 25 ]

[ EXP NEEDED FOR NEXT LEVEL UP : 1300/ 250000 ]


[ MAGIC VALUE : 88700 ]

[ STRENGTH VALUE : 88400 ]




[ SHOP ]




[ COINS : 8 ]

'Ooh, my [ Holy Cure ] has already reached level 8 in just a short time. My magic value also increased by 300.' 

Just as he was checking for more improvements in his status, his people suddenly kneeled down

"We thank the lord for lifting the curse on us and restoring our health" they said in unison

"No need to say so, it is what I should do as you lord"

"Now before we dismiss, I'll like to thank you all for helping me in the city. Unfortunately, I'll have to move to the City of Memories. I suppose this will be the last meeting until I come back. And again, I thank you all for all of your help during my stay in this city. That will be it, dismiss."

Unsure of what to say, they decide to support their lord's decision and give him their goodbyes

"We shall await for the day that the lord comes back!" they shouted as they lowered their heads

All of them returned back one by one, leaving Wang Qian, Bai Lian and Jian Ze standing there.

"My lord, I shall help you in establishing a link with the general at the City of Memories"

"That will be appreciated"

Soon, a link was established. The sound of a woman appeared in Wang Qian's mind

'Paying respects to my lord, your loyal believer, Hua Yue ( Flower Moon ) is here'

'Hello Hua Yue, I'm the new demon lord, Wang Qian. I suppose that Jian Ze should have told you about me staying at the City of Memories'

'Replying to my lord, Jian Ze did told me that my lord is going to come here to escape from the people there to prevent getting swarmed. I will prepare a room in the city lord's mansion for my lord.'

'The city lord's mansion? Could it be you're the city lord of the City of Memories'

'Replying to my lord, this lowly one is the city lord'

'That was unexpected. Anyways, I'll meet you in a few days. So, I'll this conversation here first'


"Have you finished talking to Miss Hua Yue already my lord?" Jian Ze asked

"Yup, I suppose this will be goodbye. Thanks for your help all this time"

"It's what I should do as the general of this city. I've prepared a carriage outside the forest. To prevent my lord's news of leaving the city being spread out, I couldn't risk hiring a person to help my lord."

"It's okay, what are inside the carriage?"

"A set of clothes for my lord and different kinds of dresses for Princess Bai. I also put some of our local specialty inside so that my lord and Princess Bai will have something to eat on the road"

"Thanks for your consideration. Well, it's time for me to go now. May we meet again."

"Goodbye, my lord and Princess Bai." Jian Ze said as he bowed towards the leaving shadows of the two.

When Wang Qian got out, he saw a carriage nearby. Knowing that it was the one, he got on the carriage and commanded the horse to start moving.

Bai Lian, who was sitting next to him, waved her hands towards the city that was getting smaller as they got farther. 

"You don't need to be sad. We'll definitely come back here one day."

"I know" Bai Lian said

"Papa, how long are we gonna stay at the City of Memories?" she asked

"Probably a week, I still need to collect the fragmented recording left behind by the previous demon lord." Wang Qian said after thinking

"Then will we have the chance to play around the city?"

"We definitely will" he said as he patted her head.

The two then continued on their journey of exploring the world together with their new horse and carriage...