Chapter 36 : Bai Lian Going Through Changes

Hua Yue leaded Wang Qian and Bai Lian to their room. As she opened the door, it revealed a table that is placed in the middle as two sofa are next to it. On the opposite of them was a giant window with curtains on the side, the bright sunshine landed on the floor of the room through the window.

"Wow! This place is so big!" Bai Lian exclaimed as she ran inside.

"It's also beautiful too. Where's the bedroom and bathroom, Hua Yue?"

"I'm glad that my lord and Princess Bai likes the place. The bedroom is on the right side while the bathroom can be access through the bedroom"

"I see. Well thanks for preparing this place for us. Bai Lian and I will be taking a bath first"

"Then I will give some space to my lord and Princess Bai. I'll be taking my leave"

"Bye, Big sis Hua Yue!" Bai Lian said as she waved her hand

"Now, let's go shower first. You can go first, I'll wait here"

"Okay. Papa, can you get the new dresses that Uncle Jian Ze gave me? I wanna try it on"

"No problem, I'll go take it now. Take care of yourself while I'm outside. Although this might be the Hua Yue's mansion, danger still lurks here" Wang Qian warned Bai Lian before he got out of the door.

When he reached to where his left carriage, he took out the crate that was filled with his and Bai Lian's clothes prepared by Jian Ze. He then brought the crate back up to his room. When he entered back in, Bai Lian the noise and ask

"Papa, is that you?"

"Yup, I'll leave the crate open in the bedroom. You can pick the dress you want later."


He then sat on the sofa as he looked outside. After 10 minutes, Bai Lian came out wearing a blue princess dress. (Imma try and see if I can make one out through AI )

Wang Qian immediately ran to her as he held her high up and spin a few rounds, saying

"Ahh, my little princess! You're just too cute!"

"Hehe. Papa, you should go shower too. There are some clothes that I think my look good on Papa."

"Is that so? Then I'll go shower now, but don't run out of the room. And don't open the door unless I'm next to you."


Wang Qian then headed to the bathroom and started his session. When he came out, he wrapped his lower body using a towel, before coming in front of the crate and trying to pick something suitable for him to wear.

"Should I pick this uniform? Or is this suit better?" Just as he was having problem deciding, he noticed a set of black uniform clothes with a jacket-like cape on it

"I'll pick this one" he said as he took the set out and started to put it on


"Papa, are you done yet?" Bai Lian asked. She was starting to feel bored as there was nothing to do. Just then, the door opened.

"I'm done. How do I look?" He asked

"Ooh! You look cool, papa!"

"Really? Then I'll wear this everyday."

"But you'll need to wash it, or else it'll become dirty" Bai Lian said

"Oh right. Well, then I have to choose other clothes to wear tomorrow. For now, let's go and have lunch. I've already asked Hua Yue before we came here, the canteen is quite near to our room."


They then walked out of the room while holding hands. As they reached the canteen, they saw that it was empty. 

"Could it be that the guard's time for lunch is not here? If so, will there be food for us to take?"

"Why don't we asked Big Sis Hua Yue?" Bai Lian suggested

"Good idea. I'll contact her now."

Wang Qian then used the link to contact Hua Yue.

'Hua Yue, will there be food provided by the canteen if isn't the guard's time to have lunch?'

'Replying to my lord, yes. The food will only be taken out when it is time for the guards to eat so as to keep the food warm. Could it be that my lord and Princess Bai has finish taking baths and is now at the canteen?'


'Please wait my lord, I'll send someone to lead you and Princess Bai to the dining room for important guests.'

'....You don't need to do so, just bring it to my room' Wang Qian said after hearing the reason

'I can't do so, it's a must for important people like my lord and Princess Bai to be seated at the dining room while having meals' Hua Yue said

'Fine, how do I head there?'

'My lord only needs to walk in to the room on the left after walking past the corner'

'Okay, I'll be heading there now'

'Understood, the food will be served shortly'

Wang Qian then brought Bai Lian to the dining room. Like in our world, the room had a big long table in the middle with a lot of seats around it. The two simply choose their seats an sat on it. After waiting for a while, the food arrived as a waiter entered the room with a serving trolley in her hands as she pushed it in. She then took the dishes on it and placed it in front of them.

"This much? There's only two of us though.." Wang Qian exclaimed as he saw that the waiter placed more than 5 different dishes.

"The city lord says that she will join Mr Wang Qian after finishing the work on her hands. She also said that Mr Wang Qian can start to eat if you feel hungry." The waiter explained

"I see. Thanks for your hard work."

The waiter bowed towards him before closing the door.

"Well, let's dig in"


The two started eating as they took some of the dishes and placed it on top of their plates. As they were talking, a knock was heard on the door.

"Who is it?" Wang Qian asked

"It is me, Hua Yue"

"Quickly come in then, the dishes are gonna become cold soon."

Hearing so, Hua Yue opened the door and entered. Butler Chen, who was behind her entered along.

"Paying respects to..." 

Before they can finish it, Wang Qian interrupted them as he said

"Just skip the formalities, come here. The dishes are gonna get cold soon."

They then sat next to Wang Qian and grabbed their portion of food. After all of them finished their meals, the waiter entered back and took the empty plates back. He then took out four puddings and placed it in front of all of them. 

Bai Lian was the first to eat the pudding. She scooped up a small spoon and sent in to her mouth. 

"Mhmm! It's sweet!" she said happily

"I'm glad that you like the dessert we have, Princess Bai." Hua Yue said after seeing her reaction.

"May I ask my lord if you have any plans for the night?"

"There's none for now. Why?" Wang Qian said as he tasted the pudding

"I would like to show my lord the beautiful scenery we have during the night. It is one of the best things about this city, just that not much people know."

"That's also a good thing. Do you wanna go, Bai Lian?" Wang Qian asked

"We're going to go sightseeing at night? I want to go!" she said

"Then it's decided."

"It would be my honor to show the city to my lord" Hua Yue said


After they finished the desserts, Wang Qian and Bai Lian went back to their rooms as they took an afternoon nap. When they woke up, the sun was already setting as the sky got darker every moment. They then decided to go have dinner first and only come back to have a shower after they finish the walk. 

When they entered the dining room, they saw that Hua Yue and Butler Chen was already there. The two then got up and greeted Wang Qian and Bai Lian. They greeted them back and sat next to them.

"It's a good thing that tonight will be a full moon, as my lord and Princess Bai will get to see a even beautiful scenery of our city" Hua Yue said

"Is that so? That'll make me more interested then" Wang Qian replied

The dishes quickly arrived and they started digging in as soon as it did. The dishes was lesser compared to the lunch they ate in the afternoon, but it was very tasty. After resting for a few minutes, Hua Yue asked

"Is my lord and Princess Bai ready to head out and see the scenery? I'll be calling a carriage for us if my lord and Princess are."

"There's no need for a carriage. We can just walk slowly as we admire the view" Wang Qian said 


Butler Chen stayed behind as he said that he will manage the mansion in Hua Yue's stead. The three then got out of the mansion. Just as they stepped out, the bright moonlight shone on them. Bai Lian started to frown as she felt something weird

"Are you feeling unwell? We can go out on a later date if you are." Wang Qian asked worriedly after seeing her expression

"I'm fine, papa. Let's go." Bai Lian said after breathing for a while

"The scenery I wanted to show my lord is the lake in the middle of the city that is surrounded by Cupid's arrow."

"Cupid's arrow? What's that?" Bai Lian asked

"It's a type of tree with pink leaves. It got the name as many people confessed under it."

'So it's the cherry blossom, huh' Wang Qian thought

As they walked towards the lake, they walked slowly on the street as Wang Qian and Bai Lian looked around them, curious by different design of the houses in the city. 

"The houses is designed like that as it comes in harmony with the lake in the middle of the city" Hua Yue explained.

They soon reached the bridge of the lake. Bai Lian ran onto it and said to Wang Qian

"Papa, quickly come here. The moon is over there"

"Coming!" Wang Qian shouted towards Bai Lian as he and Hua Yue walked towards her.

"This is the Lake of Love. Legends say that this place was chosen as a place to hold a wedding ceremony for the heroes who contributed a lot by the kings of the past. But after the city got attacked once, people stop coming here thinking that they lake will not be as beautiful as it was."

Just as Hua Yue finished explaining, Bai Lian suddenly screamed


"Are you okay, Bai Lian?" 

But Bai Lian didn't reply. Wang Qian wanted to use [ Appraisal ] on Bai Lian, but before he can do so, Bai Lian's body started giving off a white light similar to the moonlight.

"Bai Lian!" Wang Qian shouted

Currently, Wang Qian and Hua Yue is extremely worried for Bai Lian's safety. They didn't know what to do, so they could only stand there while thinking of ways to help her..