Chapter 59 : Learning About The History Of The World ( part 2 )

Hearing Bing Tian's question, Wang Qian quiet down as he think about all kinds of things. Such as, how to become a god, or how to prevent Bai Lian from fighting other lifeforms at space and etc. He then asked.

"If our planet really goes to war with other planets, are the rulers the only beings that can fight?"

"Of course not. If so, we will definitely lose to the planets that have more rulers than us."

"I thought you said there was a fixed amount of rulers in a planet?"

"I did, but different planets has different amount."

"Then let's say I was able to kill a ruler from other planets, will I become that ruler?"

"No, you'll just be qualified to become one when our world lose one ruler during war."

"I see."

"Well, putting that topic aside. Are you guys interested in learning about this planet's history?"

"Me! Me! I want to listen to stories!" Bai Lian said as she raised her hand. Seeing this, Wang Qian shook his head with a smile on his face before looking at Bing Tian, waiting for her to start.

"Well, let's start with how a planet forms. For a planet to be formed, another planet needs to be destroyed. After a planet is destroyed, a new one is created, maintaining a fixed amount of planets in the entire universe. Our planet has formed for around 100 million years, fighting off multiple invasion from other planets."

"At first, our planet was just a small percentage of the total amount of chaotic energy that the universe has. Chaotic energy is also known as creation energy by the people from this world. Although being a small percentage, it contains a large amount of destructive force. This chaotic energy slowly stabilized as it formed a core using large part of its energy, while the rest formed the lands were on right now."

"Later on, humans came to this planet after their home was destroyed. They then decided to live here as it was very similar to their previous home. They started building civilizations, forming kingdom, empires and other things you know. The energy then later on formed it's own will, which is called as "World's Will" by the entire universe. The World's Will then accepted the humans as it residents and started picking the first batch of rulers."

"Since most of them didn't know anything about rulers back at their world, a lot of them immediately accepted the offer made by the World's Will. They became rulers and stayed in their given territory. Soon, the first war came."

"A nearby planet finally noticed the planet and thought it didn't have any residents, so the rulers decided to bring a few humans over to occupy it. The World's Will alerted the rulers on our world as they were sent to fight the enemies off. Thankfully, their enemies were very weak. After killing the enemies off they returned back to our world as they didn't want the tragedy of losing their home to happen again."

"Just like that, peace continued on for centuries. There was only a few times that rulers from other world came to invade, but the rulers from our world didn't fail their mission. Time passed and it finally reached 'present'. The end. Well, any questions?"

Bing Tian asked. Wang Qian and Bai Lian didn't say anything as they tried to digest the information. Bai Lian didn't think that much as she was just trying to think cool points about the story. Wang Qian on the other hand, was trying to find any questions he could ask.

"About this World's Will, is it still there? Inside of our world, I mean."

"Well, it is. It wasn't devoured by some greedy rulers, and we didn't have one in the long passage of time either."

"Devoured? Does that mean rulers can kill the World's Will?"

"We can, but we choose not to. With the death of the World's Will, the world will have all kinds of natural disasters happening. Although devouring it will increase our authority and chance of becoming a god, the risk is just too big. Lots of rulers in other worlds had their authority disabled due to their territory being destroyed by the natural disasters."

"I see. Well that should be it for now. We won't bother you anymore. We'll only come and find you if we ever need something."

"There's no need to wait for when you need help, you guys can come over whenever you want. It's good to have someone to talk to once in a while."

"Okay then. Goodbye." 

"Goodbye, sister Bing Tian!" Bai Lian said as she waved her hand to Bing Tian. Bing Tian waved back to the leaving shadow of Wang Qian and Bai Lian.

"What an interesting pair of father and daughter." she said as she kept the tea set and disappeared.


Back at the city's entrance, a solider was reporting to the city lord while kneeling with one knee.

"Reporting to the city lord, 5 out of 7 B-rank adventurers are here with us. The other two are the ones that condensed the giant [ Flame Balls ] and the man that was next to him."

Hearing his words, the city lord's eyes twitch for a second as he was sipping the tea in his hands. He placed the tea down as he said.

"Good work, continue the search for the two B-rank adventurers."

Just then, a soldier entered as he said.

"City lord, two humans have appeared on the edge of the forest. It is suspected that the two are the B-rank adventurers who are missing."

"Really? Quickly bring them to me. I have things to ask them."

"Understood" The two soldier then left the tent as they relayed his orders.

When Wang Qian and Bai Lian arrived at the base, everyone was looking at them with suspicious eyes, including the other B-rank adventurers. A soldier then came to them as he said.

"Mr Wang Qian, the city lord has summoned you to meet him."

"Bring me to him then." Wang Qian replied after thinking for a while.

Wang Qian and Bai Lian was then brought to the city lord's tent. The soldier lifted the cloth to let the two enter. After they entered, the soldier let go as he went back to finish his other tasks. What they saw was the city lord who was pouring alcohol into two small cups he then brought it to the table as he sat on the sofa.

"Welcome, Mr Wang Qian and Miss Bai Lian. Please, take a seat." The city lord said as he pointed at the sofa opposite to him. Wang Qian then brought Bai Lian to sit at the sofa.

"May I ask why did city lord summon us?" Wang Qian asked.

"Haha, you don't need to be this dense. I'm just here to ask a few questions." The city lord laughed as he tried to make Wang Qian relax. 

"Were you related to the sudden retreat of the monsters?" The city lord asked as his eyes narrowed and both hands on his legs. Hearing his question, Wang Qian became more nervous as he thought of a way to reply.

'What should I say? If I say yes, how do I explain how I did it? But then again, if I say no, I can't explain what I was doing in the forest..' he thought. Wang Qian looked at the city lord again before sighing.

"Yes, I'm related to the sudden retreat of the monsters."

"Ho? Then can you tell me how did you did it?" 

'As expected, he was going to ask this question.' Wang Qian thought

"I asked the lord of the forest to summon back all of the monsters back to the forest while I did something for it in exchange."

Hearing his words, the city lord raised his eyes.

"You said, you met the lord of the forest, am I correct?" the city lord asked.


The city lord then sighed before he stood up. He went and grabbed another cup as he asked

"Miss Bai Lian, do you prefer apple juice or orange juice?"

"Apple please." Bai Lian replied.

"No problem."

The city lord then took out a bottle of apple juice as he poured it in the cup. As the cup was halfway filled, the bottle was suddenly released as the city lord pulled out the sword that was hanged on the wall in front of him. He then dashed towards Wang Qian as he swinged it towards him, aiming for the neck. 

Wang Qian reacted quickly as he jumped back while carrying Bai Lian, who was confused, and place her down. He then condensed a sword in an instant as he dashed forward to attack the city lord. The city lord then blocked the attack using his sword. Both of them jumped back at the same time, creating distance between them.