Chapter 4: Chapter: Assault of the Blood Sea

The white-clad woman watched as Liang Hui swallowed the pill without hesitation, her lips curling slightly. With a hint of satisfaction deep in her eyes, she softly spoke, "Just call me by my name, Qingyi."

"Qingyi, sister," the young man responded earnestly, enduring the effects of the pill.

Only then did Qingyi turn around, scanning the blood-stained temple grounds outside. She slowly extended her hand.


In the next moment, as if possessing consciousness, the earth outside the temple began to churn and collapse, burying the corpses.

In a soft voice, Qingyi's words reached Liang Hui's ears. "Let's go, it's time for us to leave." With a wave of her hand, radiant light shimmered, and a jade-like boat, seven zhang in size, appeared in front of the temple. The boat was carved with intricate runes, exuding vitality under the moonlight.

Liang Hui nodded, struggling a bit to stand up. He carried the sleeping Liang Si and walked towards the green boat. Soon, he stepped onto the boat, placing Liang Si aside. He reached out to touch the canopy of the boat, feeling the warmth in his palm. Gradually, his heart calmed down. In less than half the night, they had experienced crossing, crisis, planning, and killing. Now, they could finally have some peace for a while.

As Liang Hui's thoughts wandered, Qingyi, who was seated at the front, had already lifted the boat into the air. It turned into a streak of green light, cutting through the night sky and disappearing into the horizon.

On the ground, a girl in a black dress, resembling an elf under the moonlight, looked up at the passing green streak with a faint smile on her face. "The road back is not easy, but I hope we'll meet again."

A green boat glides leisurely across the sky. Liang Hui has changed into a blue robe, his once frail and dark face now showing a hint of rosiness. However, under the loose robe, he still appears rather awkwardly youthful. Behind him stands Liang Si, also dressed in new attire, observing everything inside the boat with a sense of bewilderment.

Even though two days have passed, Liang Si's mind is still filled with a dreamlike haze. All he remembers is the night when the army came to capture them, the tolling of bells, and then losing consciousness. When he woke up again, he found himself living this luxurious life.

Neither of the two on the boat pays much attention to Liang Si's complex emotions. At this moment, Liang Hui looks at Qingyi, who is sitting cross-legged at the front, with a hint of resignation in his eyes. Considering the speed at which the boat initially departed, they should be close to the border of Yunzhou by now. However, on that day, after flying for only two or three hours, they landed and started walking on foot. After walking for most of the day, they boarded the boat again.

In this manner of flying and walking, two days have still passed within Yunzhou. At this moment, Liang Hui understands that the reason for landing and walking must be due to Qingyi's limited internal energy, which is insufficient to support long periods of flight.

Qingyi also sensed that something was amiss. According to the plan, the support from the Yuanyang Sect should have arrived a day ago, escorting them back to the mountain gate with special techniques. Undoubtedly, the support had encountered some problem.

With her gaze lowered, concealing her thoughts, Qingyi softly spoke, "Even if I'm the only one, I'm capable of guiding you back to the mountain gate." Though her words were light, they carried absolute confidence.

Before the young man could respond, laughter erupted—initially low, then echoing through the sky, ultimately shaking the very earth. From the horizon, a dense blood-red color rose, spreading towards the green boat.

A vague figure emerged in the blood-red light, exuding a formidable aura with just a simple stance. "Young one, weren't you here to eliminate this rebellious figure of mine? Why the hasty departure?" The laughter ceased, replaced by hoarse words reverberating through the space.

The response came in the form of the delicate clinking of a bracelet. With a graceful movement of Qingyi's arm, a radiant and pure light rose, countering the cascading blood-red hue.

The green boat, adorned with countless runes, continued to rotate, its green light suddenly bursting forth like a sharp sword piercing through the sea of blood, heading towards the distance.

Qingyi never had any intention of entanglement. Her sole focus at this moment was to safely deliver Liang Hui back to the Yuanyang Sect.

Suddenly, the swiftly traveling green boat came to a halt, and Qingyi furrowed her brows slightly. As she looked at the figure appearing in front of the boat, she felt a sense of familiarity. It was an old man with a weathered face, dressed in the distinctive robes of the Yuanyang Sect.

The old man wore a sinister smile, bloodlight gleaming in his eye sockets. For the first time, Qingyi's eyes carried a cold and fierce intent. She spoke in a clear and chilly tone, "Liu Yunhai, I respect the noble deeds you once performed, and I have shown pity for being the sole survivor of the righteous sect. But these are not reasons for you to massacre elders of the sect."

"If you seek death, then stay here."

As she spoke, dazzling light shimmered around Qingyi, forming several divine rings that enveloped her body.

Then she stepped forward, and in the next instant, she was already in front of the old man. Her fair palm pressed against the old man's head in an instant.


The head, along with the body, exploded directly, turning into a flow of blood.

"Wu as the main, Dao as the auxiliary, that memory is indeed correct," exclaimed voices from all directions. The crimson blood mist once again shrouded the sky, its origin unknown.

"But, this is not a place for you to boast," she continued. "Fight!"

With a low shout, dazzling light soared into the sky, instantly evaporating a large amount of blood mist. The divine light and the blood color intertwined, causing the green boat to sway continuously.

Liang Hui leaned against the boat's canopy, frowning as he watched the grand battle unfolding before him. Yet, deep down, he felt helpless. Wasn't the most important thing at this moment to leave here?

Future God Emperor!

You're just abandoning me and going to fight alone.

"Big brother, what should we do now?" The question from behind interrupted Liang Hui's thoughts.

"Wait!" With no power to support them, they could only wait for the battle to end.

Boom! Another wave of aftermath hit the green boat, causing its green shield to flicker continuously, but ultimately it remained intact. However, this impact also brought the green boat closer to the ground.

Suddenly, a crimson pillar of blood-red light rose from the earth, swiftly crashing into the flying boat.