1: The first Transmigration Part 1

The bustling city of Kyoto home to many. Everyone going through their normal lively hood; police patrolling the area, supermarkets bustling with customers, malls bustling with humans and various activities, festivals bringing more spirit and culture to the place truly epitome

In a four story flat on the second last door on the third floor with a door number 21

The house was not that large and had only five rooms a living room filled with shelves covered by DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes and various manual books and one large sofa

The kitchen was connected to the living room with a small rectangular kitchen table with only two chairs around it

A bathroom

A room with a mini flat screen tv connected to a PlayStation three, four and five with an Xbox One and series X by the base of a gaming table

A large desktop also on the gaming table with a red and black gaming chair by it. The gaming room was in a mess and everything was scattered on the ground

Empty snack packs lying on the ground

The dishes in the kitchen looked like they hadn't been touched in ages

And a bedroom the only room that seemed to be in order only because it only had on clothing cabinet and a large matress with a boy with long brown hair, deep sleeping

He woke up by the sound of his alarm on his phone under his pillow

"Ahhh..shit what time is it..." Drowl covered his face and his eyes where very stern and red he looked like he was drunk and black out last night

He walks passed the gaming room into the kitchen and finally the living room and notices how much work he was in for that day

He starts cleaning up his house room by room ensuring he got rid of all the dirt

'Well I guess this is fair....They call me Inoske Hatsune I'm eighteen and work as a private game beta tester and developer...although my job is pretty demandimg I take a couple days off like today in order for me to...well clean my house I guess... yesterday I finished testing a new FPS game I was given by a large game creating company here in Japan...I don't really think I'll get any other calls for the next month but the money I made from that one is enough to suffice for about two months or so...' he thinks to himself

He finishes cleaning up and heads for the shower to go bathe. He takes quite a long time in the bath and begins to prepare himself breakfast

He opens the fridge and is dumbfound to see that it was completely empty

"AHHHH why am I even one bit of surprised..." He slaps his face and closes the fridge door

After that he changes Into a blues long sleeved shirt a grey short and black Nike slides and heads out of the house with his phone and keys he checks the time and to his amusement it's already 2:57Pm

He walks towards the stairs and realizes that he has forgotten something

"I have my phone, shoes...keys...grocery list but something is missing oh I could I forget...my face mask..."

He rushed back into the house and gets his face mask. His face mask was on the gaming table close to his wallet which he also picks up

"That's where you are oh my wallet is here too...cant forget that right..."

He leaves the house and walks several blocks through the busy streets during spring time filled with people preparing for a spring festival next week

'The festival is almost here I should get my self a girlfriend or a friend in order to have some happiness during the time...nah you intrusive thoughts get lost I'll enjoy it like every other year by myself with myself and for myself...'

He walks into a convenient store and begins shopping his groceries

He fills up a trolly and heads to the till

"Morning Frank..." He looks at the tiller with a huge grim on his face. The tiller was a middle aged man with short orange hair and an orange beard

The tiller never saw through Inoske's trick and fell for it

"Oh morning Inoske how's been your day..."

The second tiller a young lady with long silky black hair glares at Inoske for a minute. Her name was Nami

"Don't fall for it Mr.Frank he's just messing with you it's 2pm in the afternoon not morning..." She stares down Inoske with murderous eyes and he feels a chil down his spine

"Oh sorry Frank I just wanted to paly with you..."

Frank did not look that pleased with Inoske. But later on bursts into laughter

"Don't woryy kid mind trickery is what I loved doing when I was younger this might just be my karma no worries and don't you dare bring the courtesy here"

Inoske bows at Frank, pulls out his tongue at Nami and leaves the store

'Huh I do t really get why my life ended up like this so average...the convention store to home to a part-time job to home it's just so average...maybe I should try and get a girlfriend...' he thought to himself as he strolled down the ally way

He never noticed a huge truck across the other side of the road that lost control and was headed his way because he was lost in thought


The truck lost control and was right infront of him. He finally noticed it and.....

Jumped the other side and only got a bruise by the gravel he fell on

The truck driver was uninjured and the truck ramed into a wooden pole and stopped moving

"Hey kid are you okay..." The driver looked at Inoske with a worried face

'Wair did he just call me kid am I that short...' he thought

"Yes sir I'm fine..." Inoske stood up and helped the driver out of the truck

The street was very empty at the moment and only a few people noticed the accident

Once the driver came out the height difference between Inoske and the driver was quite noticeable

The driver got shocked to see that Inoske was very tall. More people arrive at the scene and even the news

Inoske notices that the scene was producing more people faster than he had imagined and just slipped right through the people back to his home.

"Ah...home sweet home I will never leave you here ever again I have enough supplies for the week or two..."

He puts his groceries in the fridge and cabinets of his cabin

He turns on the tv and sees himself on the news

"Huh... this is very awkward..."

The news says that he was a superhuman according to the witnesses that dodged truck kun when he was just three Centre metres away from the truck

'Uh the news is always full of lies I was a good two metres away from the truck and all I did was jump to the floor the other direction not use some manga quick moves and dodge it faster than the speed of light..."

He turned of the news and got onto his laptop and began checking through his emails

He received a new email as soon as he had opened his email of a new uprising gaming company that needed his help for development of their new game called The Normal Game System

The game was a life simulation game and had other aspects such as war, fps, strategy, adventure, action and some romance

The company had tried to reach him before according to the email but failed because of his previous engagements and needed him as soon as possible

The email also stated that he was going to be given accommodation from the companies main branch in Kyoto

He kept reading through the email checking the pay, demands and worker benefits the company was offering

"Damn isn't this not supposed to be an uprising gaming company how do they have better worker benefits than PlayStation this doesn't make sense"

'And plus they need me to be at their main branch today if I accept this means I have a new contract...wait it looks like a permanent position...wait I might be promoted to manager if I do a good job...this all seems very sus...should I accept...' he thought intensly

He accidentally accepted the terms and conditions of the company

'Uh shit...well it's too late all I can do is prepare an instant meal and eat on the way...'

He finished sending his details to the company and began preparing noodles and meatballs as quickly as possible

He recieved a message on his phone which he placed on the table

He finished preparing his meal and began eating it from the pot directly. Because he had to be at the companies premesis before it hit 4PM

He got his phone and read the message while sipping some orange juice

The message said that he had received 2 million yen from the company as a starter for him to buy the necessary equipment and lounging expenses

He immediately spat out the orange juice as was surprised at the message he then got a message from the companies CEO apparently

Saying that the amount he received was from the first week of his services and that as he continues to work with them they would give him his full salary later

'Who even are these people...what company is this to pay a beta tester this much money just for a week of work even before I work...'

He thought to himself

He sent a message back asking the CEO for more details

He never read through all the terms and conditions so he never saw the companirs name but the CEO replied as immediate as his questions went

He asked the name of the company and the CEO responded saying The God Of Games Chil Bros Incorporation

'Chil Bros Incorporation huh...that's not a japanese name I guess it might be American or something...But why japan why make games here when they've got so much huge competition...'

He finished preparing and wore a navy blue lue American first cut suit with a white shit and no tie

He then got on his morto cycle and headed for the companies main branch according to the directions given to him by the CEO

The facility was not that far from his pace and it took him lesser than fourty minutes to get there

The parking lot only had seven vehicles including his vehicle. Two vans, three super cars, one convertible and his morto cycle

The facility was a large very unique build of a two storied building with glass all over the place. Little trees for a unique design. Very clean with white tiles white walls some paintings to add on the beauty of the building and alot of AI controlled doors, lights and other equipment

The entire building was controlled by and Ai

When Inoske walked through the sliding doors he was great by a voice of the Ai it had a male voice and Intofuces itself as GOG

"Hello Inoske Hatsune welcome to the Chil Bros Kyoto main branch I will be your guide...you can call me GOG or Itachi if you'll like..."

Inoske was surprised to see that the lobby had no person their but an empty seat and that the Ai new his full names

'Stocker much...'

"So Itachi if I'm guessing correct this place is run by you and the CEO right and I'm the only human here..."

"That question is correct and wrong... you're not the only human here but it is run by me and the CEO...your office is by the navy blue line on the wall..."

The left side of the entry desk had seven colors on it red was the first, blue the second, navy blue the third, green the fourth, black the fifth , grey the sixth and orange the seventh

He followed Itachi's instructions and followed the navy blue line the red line ended first on a translucent door on the left wall of Inoske's left hand side

The green line dropped to the floor and went to the right hand side of the hallway and ended on a grey door

The blue line also dropped and went to the other side but continued for a while

The orange line ended on a glass see through door and Inoske could see that it was an office filled with canvas and painting equipment as well as graphical design blue papers

'So that's the graphical design room I guess...'

The black line dropped and went to the other side of the wall and ended at a black door.

'Uhm not weird at all black line black door I have no questions here...'

"Uhm Itachi how far is my door I've been walking for a while now I feel this facility is getting even larger than I think it is..."

"Your door is the last door Inoske and yes the facility is larger than the outside because it continues underground your body may not have noticed it but you are going in a diagonal way and not straight..."

Inoske was shocked and kept following the path

'I signed up for this just endure Inoske just endure...'

The red line ended on a grey door

The the white line ended on a white door

'Uh white on white yes not racist at all...'


'Finally my door..' he was very pleased to see that he had finished the hallway
