July 8th 2001
Washington DC President Powell
"So, what are the chinese up to?"
My advisors looked at their notes, my vice president had a look of concentration on his face, I noticed a crayon and tried to ignore it. I'm pretty sure his father felt the same way about Dan, as long as he kept silent, I honestly didn't care what he did.
"They fought Leviathan."
"And why did they want to do that alone?"
I was shown the results of the attack on a screen, I was going to miss the spy satellites when they went away. I watched as a multitude of lasers, missiles and other weapons were used. Planes, submarines, ships. The chinese were going for the kill and they were doing quite a bit of damage. I watched as Lung appeared...and then leap into the ocean and promptly swam away.... That was the problem with conscripts, especially ones not from your country. Eventally Leviathan was driven off, a victory for the chinese but not a kill.
"Lots of reasons, it looks like they wanted to test out all of their new toys."
"Unknown, but they're asking to send their wounded to Seattle."
I stared at him.
"Naturally, in the spirit of international cooperation we offered to send Ironwood directly to China, he's on an aircraft carrier as we speak."
I nodded that was good, we didn't want China probing the Zone's security network.
"The chinese response?"
"They agreed, but smart money is that a lot of their wounded capes who got hurt prior to Shanghai are going to be there."
I shrugged.
"So be it, it's simply the price of doing business."
"But they're commies?"
I looked up, goddamn it now he pays attention.
"We're at war with actual aliens, we allied with Stalin to take out the nazis, we can heal a few capes to keep them in the war with the Endbringers."
That and the UN demanded it.
"So speaking of the recent election, the democrats have a new budget prepared for us."
I sighed, we got slaughtered in the election, I barely won a second term. The democrats brought up all the times we defunded PBS, brought up Gingrich stating that PBS wasn't going to stop an Endbringer. Ironwood's defection gave the democrats something they hadn't had for 20 years, an actual way to hurt us.
Now they controlled both the House and the Senate, and they wanted things.
"How bad is it?"
"Higher taxes on the wealthy, more money into social programs, of course PBS is going to get a grant."
I shrugged as I looked it over.
"Lets do some horse trading here, here and here, and remind them what happened the last time they tried gun control."
Good years for us.
"And PBS?"
I shrugged.
"They got us Ironwood, and that got us some actual information, the equivelent to a tinkertech hospital and our first actual Endbringer kill. As far as I'm concerned they earned every penny."
I looked at the budget.
"So how are things on the streets?"
"With our vets back on the streets the PRT is getting more arrests, we're also able to put the money we're saving on medical costs into more tinkertech, which is giving us a qualitative edge."
I nodded.
"So the next question, Ironwood's plants."
"The anti gravity plant works pretty damned well, NASA's launch costs are down 99%, it's easy to use, simple to grow, cheap, affordable anti-gravity. The bio algae works well, it grows fast and is easy to refine. You can get 5 barrels a week with a pool the size of a jacuzzi."
I blinked.
"Have the Thinkers crunched the numbers?"
"Energy independence is possible within 5 years, one of the reasons why the economy's been so bad is because the middle east spends half of it's time on fire."
"The oil companies?"
"Fighting it tooth and nail, but the all the farm lobbies are fighting back. The Thinkers and Tinkers have said that it's safe."
"Release it to the farmers and put in some regulations, just in case, speaking of that hows the defector doing?"
"About as well as any new parent, reading lots of books about childcare, babyproofing his residence, being a little bit overprotective of his wife."
"And how exactly did that happen? I thought that the PRT's security would be more stringent."
The man shrugged.
"Ironwood's an Endbringer, to a large degree if he doesn't want to cooperate we really can't do anything. We kind of have to adjust our strategy to his psychology."
He passed the updated files and I cringed.
"And this is what Endbringers think of as a noncombatant? God help us all."
"Yeah, that's the update on his capabilities after Ellisburg."
I shook my head at that disaster, the only brightside is that we were able to save some of them and kill that Nilbog asshole.
"This is terrifying."
"It is, which is why we allowed the Icy situation to develope, honey pots are a useful tool."
I blinked.
"You put a girl up to that?"
"No, we found someone with the right psychological profile, let her transfer and then let nature take it's course. It was a longshot that worked out, turns out they're pretty cute together. Like I said, we have to adjust and roll with the punches. It's give and take, Ironwood's willing to work with us, he can be reasoned with, but he didn't have a lot of connections with the human race and we don't have a lot of sticks."
"And now we have his wife, soon we will have his children, that gives us leverage."
"Public opinion?"
"Mostly neutral, the wedding and Behemoth has the public reluctantly on board with the defection. Not a lot of support, but not a lot of negativity, the public had a year to get used to the idea of having him on our side. He's a monster, but by god he's our monster."
I nodded and looked over my notes, Hamas had won the Palestinain authority elections in a complete blowout, that was bound to be another disaster.
"So onto international relations...."August 20th 2001 Ironwood
I sat with my legs crossed in a hospital wing, June sat next to me, the other couples stared at us, the instructor walked in and froze, she slowly created a fake smile and waved.
"So I see we have two brand new people in our Lamaze class, could you please introduce yourselves?"
I turned to June.
"Um... my names Icy, I joined the Wards when I was about 12 years old, then I transferred to Seattle and joined the Protectorate. That's where I met the big guy and we hit it off, got married and I'm um pregnant."
She waved.
"Right and um."
"Ironwood, I used to work as a medic for the beings you called the Endbringers, I have recently defected to your human side, I've never been a father before, and I am the nervous."
The instructor smiled just a little bit too much.
"Great see? that's um interesting, so yeah new faces.... So I'm going to start this class off with a very detailed video on childbirth and what to expect. I'm just going to, um gather my wits."
She plugged in a TV and we watched the video, a few people left but me and June watched, though at one point June looked a little woozie.
"So yeah... that's the miracle of life.... now it's time for breathing exercises. Ok breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. Good good, now it's very important that you learn how to support your partner."
The class eventually ended and the instructor wished us all the best of.
"So how did you two, um get um... you know, get pregnant."
I stared at her.
"Well I liked her very very much and then there was a special hug."
The instructor put up a finger and then put down her hand.
"On second thought, I don't really want to know, just um stay safe."
We got into a van and drove home, June sat next to me.
"So is it going to hurt? You know that badly?"
"No I will shut down your pain receptors for the duration."
I had heard about the cravings, June's was for meat, potatos and bell peppers. We found a place that was still open and ordered a couple sandwitches. She sat down next to me as she ate.
"I feel fat."
"You're pregnant, not fat."
"I feel bloated, fat and ugly."
"You just finished two of the steak sandwitches, adjusting for colaric intake most humans would feel bloated, and I think you're cute."
"And I'm still hungry."
"You're eating for three people, this is expected."
She started eating the fries.
"Do you still lov-"
I pulled her close, my arm around her.
"We knew this wouldn't be easy when we got into this."
"Maybe we rushed into this."
I nodded.
"We did, but we also don't know the future, I don't want to have any regrets."
We watched the sunset and the Space Needle in the distance, June leaned against me, our fingers intertwined. We said nothing and just let the experience overtake us.Zack Mcarthy October 5th 2001
I was off disability now, which meant that my steady stream of income...ok yeah that's a laugh. I had sold off the last of my stuff and lived in a van now, I had my laptop and access to PHO and did whatever odd jobs came my way. I sent most of my money to my ex to pay for child support.
"You're a hard man to find."
I looked up and held up my hands.
"I'm trying to pay the money I owe and-"
The man sat next to me.
"We have a job open for you in the special district."
I blinked.
"I thought the government was finished with me."
He shrugged.
"You're not the only person who acted like an ass, and with Ironwood's wife being pregnant and all there's been a request for more personal."
I stared at the cheap watercup in my hand.
"I've been out of the game since New York, I haven't had a steady job in years, and-"
"Ironwood requested you personally."
I blinked.
"He said something about water under the bridge."
"But the child support?"
"Has been overturned, 50/50 custody has been the law of the land since 89. That only gets overturned if one party agrees to it, cases of drug abuse, and abusive behavior. What happened to you was illegal, you were denied your parental rights, and were discriminated against because of a disability gained during your service to your country."
He paused.
"The PRT lawyers think they can swing full custody, but you're going to need a steady job."
He handed me a letter.
"You can keep living in that van or you can move to Seattle, your choice."
I opened the letter.
Dear Mr. Mcarthy
I hope this letter finds you well, I know I didn't make a good first impression, I'm trying to be a better, well person but it's a struggle. My wife is pregnant and I'm going to become a father, and honestly I'm scared, I'm told your a father too. I'm scared that something will happen to them, that I will screw up and a lot of things. I know I'm asking for a lot but, I'm not asking for me, I'm asking for them.
Please protect my children.
Yours truly, Ironwood.
I put down the letter, and looked at the dingy fastfood joint I was in, and then outside at the rusted van.
"I'm in."
October 31st 2001
"Trick or treat!"
The children stare at me as I hand them some candy, it's a Public relations thing, having me hand out candy in the Special District, some people are still angry at me for the loss of Lincoln park. This is mostly about soothing some of those hurt feelings. June waves at the children as they leave, she's dressed up like a pumpkin, I don't know if theres a joke in there.
"Trick or treat."
I hand over more candy, these children are clearly PRT brats, there seems to be three kinds of people who showed up tonights events, PRT kids, past patients, and thrill seekers. I look at the clock, only five more minutes until ten until the event ends. The camera's are still on us as we try to appear as american as apple pie. Finally it ends and I shut the door, I walk to our couch and June sits next to me.
"Are you?"
"I'm not made out of glass big guy, I'm just pregnant."
She leaned against me when another knock came on the door, I opened it and some PRT Agents looked at me sheepishly.
"Um Woody we need some help, Al um..."
I scanned him with my senses.
"Oh you shoved something up your rectum I will fix it, um drop his pants."
The man winced in pain as his friends did so, I used my powers to draw glass out of his behind and heal the wounds.
"Look um Woody, I would-"
"This is not the first time I have done this....I can't count the number of times Leviathan put an object up his behind."
The three of them stared at me, Al put his pants up.
"Your shitting us right?"
"No, I don't pretend to understand my brother, but one of his chief source's of entertainment besides destroying things was stuffing new objects up his behind."
They looked at each other and then at me.
"Is that um, classified?"
I shrugged.
"I don't see why that would be classified, and it's not like he ever bothered hiding it, he used to challenge people to contests about who could stuff up the most."
Their jaws were low.
"The only one who actually took him up on the offer was the one you call Behemoth."
"Who won?"
"I don't know, All I know is that it took dozens of cycles to get all of the items out of their systems."
They kind of blinked, shrugged and walked away, I shut and locked the door and went back to our couch, June stared at me.
"You know thats going to be up on PHO with in the week right?"
I shrugged.
"If he wanted me to keep that secret then he shouldn't have acted like a jerk."
I shrugged and she fiddled with the remote and I sighed.
"It's a tradition."
"We did this the last year."
"I know, and you're going to have to get used to it."
I relaxed and resigned myself to watching Beauty and the Beast yet again.
November 13th 2001
"I'm doing that."
June almost sounded annoyed, but she kept pushing.
"You know what, this doesn't hurt nearly as bad as people make it out to be, I dont see what everyone's-"
"I shut down all your pain receptors for the duration of the birth giving process."
June rolled her eyes.
"I'm a cape big guy, I'm made out of tougher stuff then that, you can, you know undo that."
"You were very insistant in the Lamaze class that we handle it this way, June."
She waved her hand.
"I just got a little emotional during the movie, I can handle this-ARRRGGGHHH!"
She screamed in pain.
I fiddled with her nervous system, and the screaming stopped.
"Ok... so yeah, not doing that again."
I hear a cry.
"It's a boy!"
"It's a girl!"
June took a deep breath in, I cautiously healed any damage as the doctor handled things, she held my hand as our children were cleaned and swaddled. She smiled as she was handed our son.
"Hey Justin, welcome to the world."
I felt a sense of wonder and awe, as my children slept in my wife's arms, the doctor left us alone. She smiled as we held the children.
"I didn't think it was possible to love something this much."
She smiled, and leaned her head against me.
"Yeah, this is big, you know really big."
"They are tiny?"
She smiled and chuckled.
"You know what I mean...maybe we should have more?"
"Lets see how we do with these two first."
She smiled and nuzzled our children.
"How much trouble could these two be?"2001 December Sphere
It wasn't fair, humanity was finally given the keys to the kingdom, cheap renewable anti-gravity had just been given to us, the technology was so simple a 3 grader could make it work, just run a current through some plant juice and you are gold. The plant? Grew like Kudzu. It was everything I had ever wanted, ever dreamed of and it came with the price, the knowledge that the leader of the Endbringers would try to destroy everything we had ever made.
Why? Shits and giggles....yeah it was hard for me to accept as well. So I had three choices, go back to Earth, go further away in the solar system or die with my colony. Some of us went back but most of us truly believed in the cause. We went further into the stars, we also recieved more people, NASA knew that it's days were numbered and had settled for using every inch of launching capacity they had. They sold memorabilia, they did tours, they asked, begged for donations and fought tooth and nail for every scrap of eqiupment they could get.
I stared at the results.
"Old tanker ships?"
"Put in a couple gas generators, a couple barrals of G juice, and a couple weak rockets and you can get anything into space."
"It looks like scrap."
"It is, but it's filled with seeds, machine tools, books, media, and everything we could stuff into it, Sphere."
I looked at the incoming armada.
"Yeah, turns out the government seizes a lot of drug boats, we pulled some strings, we also bought a lot of ships that were about to be scrapped."
"Thanks, this is a lot of help for a doomed cause."
The NASA rep chuckled.
"What we both know that the Endbringers are going to cut us off."
"There's hope, were trying to leverage the PRT and the government but mankind just might have the stars, Endbringers or not, I'm sending you the files right now."
I opened the email and my eyes open.
"This...the keys to the kingdom, can he really do this?"
"He's delivered on all his other promises, the issue's political more then anything else. Some people still don't trust him, even after Behemoth."
"Can you convince them?"
"Not all of them but enough, we're doing every inch of lobbying we can but we're going to need your boys to hold down the fort."
I looked out into the starry abyss.
"You can count on us."
"Roger that Sphere, good luck and godspeed."
I opened up the intercom.
"Ok people you see all of that? That's humanities hopes and dreams coming our way, the Endbringers want to steal the stars from us, today... today we say no. Today, we represent the defiance of the human race, we are not cattle to be devoured and destroyed, we will endure and grow stronger."
I paused.
"We are not alone in the universe, we have of course suspected it for a long time but aliens are real, in the Endbringers' case they're hostile, but we also have friends amongst the stars. This isn't the end, this is the beginning. The beginning of a new age and we're all going to have to work hard to make it work."
I cut off the intercom and turned to look outside, at the stars.
"We do this for all mankind."
Science! with Doctor Haywire- PBS
A scientist smiles and steps up.
"Hello, I know that a lot of people are scared these are scary times, people with super powers, Endbringers and a lot of other strange things. Humanity is at war and for the longest time we didn't know how, or why, or what was happening. It's been a strange 20 years, but thankfully we now do have some answers."
The background changes to an image of space, the man smiles.
"This is the universe, it's really big and for a long time we wondered if we were alone in it. It turns out we are not alone."
He frowns as images of Behemoth and Leviathan are shown.
"Aliens do exist, and some of them are bad, they choose to hurt people and destroy things because they think it's fun, and that's wrong."
An image of Ironwood forms.
"But some of them have chosen to help us."
A child raises his hand.
"But aren't the enbringers bad?"
The man nods.
"Being bad is a choice, have you ever said mean things to some one?"
The child looks away embarrassed.
"That was bad, but have you ever helped someone?"
The child nods.
"That was good. This is Ironwood, he's an Endbringer, but he realized that what the other Endbringers were doing was wrong and he's on our side now."
The child nods.
"But he's scary."
A child walks in with his mother.
"This is Alex, Alex actually met Ironwood."
An image of a bald child in a wheelchair is now on screen.
"I used to be real sick, I hurt real bad every day and I couldn't walk, but Mr. Ironwood fixed me right up."
The scientist smiles.
"Like I said, you can choose to be a good person no matter who you are"
He then gets a serious look as Alex is walked away, the image of a spaceship is now in the background.
"The Endbringers came from outer space, they crash landed on Earth. Their ship keeps most of them away from us, but they are trying to escape. I know it's scary but humanity is at war. Sometimes when you're dealing with a bully, well you have to fight back."
The man looks sheepish.
"Always try to talk to an adult first but sometimes you don't have a choice and we don't. thankfully the alien ship didn't just have Endbringers, they also had shards."
An Image of a hero apears in the background, the number of heroes gets larger as he speaks.
"Shards are symbiots, things that help you out. When something really bad happens to you, you trigger and get superpowers. You can choose to be a good person and become a hero and make the world a better place."
The image of the heroes grows larger.
"You could also chose to go into business and become a rogue."
An image of a smiling cape in a business suit, the scientist comes back and frowns.
"Or you could chose to become a bad person and become a villain."
Images of destruction, crying people, injured people, the scientist comes back into focus, shaking his head.
"Like the bad Endbringers, villians have chosen to hurt people, don't become a villain."
The man take in a breath, an image forms of a hideous spiky monster, the child looks scared.
"Is that a villian?"
The scientist looks tired.
"No, in fact let me bring him in."
The spiky monster walks in the children looks scared.
"Hi my name is Hedgehog, I'm not going to hurt any one."
They back away the scientist shakes his hand.
"This is Hedgehog, he's a case 53 and he's a good guy."
The child blinks.
"Then why do you look scary?"
The scientist, nods.
"Sometimes when people trigger it goes wrong, people lose their memories and can look different. This doesn't mean they're bad people, just like normal capes they can be heroes too. What matters isn't what you look like, but the choices you make."
"What should I do if I trigger?"
"If you ever trigger you need to tell the PRT, then you can join the Wards."
He smiles.
"The Wards will teach you how to use your powers safely."
Commercial break.