Why was the collector of the dead sitting around in a cage, waiting for… something while she could be out there, helping with Endbringers as she reaped her bloody harvest?
Even though normal people had to wait before the official reports were released, I knew how many lives were lost when London fell under Leviathan's might. How many Capes died defending the doomed city even after realizing that Scion wouldn't show up.
I had begun to suspect that her faeries weren't pure idle talk. I had felt how more than just the minds connected to me during my takeover.
After so many conversions, I knew that any Power I got was still centered around the child it originated from. I saw something behind each and every one of my cuddle snakes thanks to Pinky and only those who were directly created from my flesh bore any resemblance to others.
If she could see the same or even more, knowing that these… faeries would be lost must be frustrating.
Even disregarding that, it had been a rough five weeks in here with the same company and I was already bored out of my mind if I didn't find ways to entertain myself.
"The fighters would be too busy worrying about me to combat the Nemeses threatening their very lives. The losses would doubtlessly be akin to now but their faeries would be compelled to dance to the tune of mine." A sad, harmonizing chuckle escaped. "In my eagerness to save the little ones, I have been like a doting mother before, smothering their creativity by instilling a passion to please me in their little hearts. I couldn't save them all in the first place. Better let them enjoy the wide variety this world has to offer and welcome them when they have they have evolved a tune and dance as unique as themselves."
That also confirmed my theory how Ciara was talked into walking into the Birdcage in the first place – and why she hadn't escaped yet.
I didn't quite agree with her.
Even though it was… amusing to see the PRT suppressing their panic in order to come up with a roundabout way to permanently deal with threats now that the Birdcage was considered lost, a problem they had created themselves by rushing me in here, it was frustrating when I realized how much I could have helped the people.
Without changing anyone, I would have been able to rise to considerable power – I was rising to considerable power. I could have been an Eidolon-lite when given the time and chance.
With the right wording transforming Capes as well wouldn't have been that big a problem either. Just feed the knee-jerking people lines like I was continuing the legacy of dead heroes and turned the Powers of villains for the better after a calamity like an Endbringer attack.
The PTR PR team was smart enough. They had managed to sell a literal body snatcher as a true hero, so why wouldn't they be able to do the same for a girl who could turn rapists into cute snake-like creatures?
I could have done something
My previous crimes wouldn't have been a problem either. Everybody with a clue of the local Cape scene knew that Shadow Stalker belonged in juvie. She just happened to be damned effective even while reigned in.
It wasn't like I wouldn't have been punished enough. I still impale Dad when I sleep. Saw his agonized, unseeing eyes as I ripped out his sides and observed his body from three different angles as I nailed him to the floor.
The worst was seeing his face go slack in relief when he realized that I was alright.
Leafy around my neck coiled tighter on my neck in a reassuring hug and May interrupted her silk-production to present an intricate work of webbing. I knew that they were trying to distract me from my pain. I felt their shared pain through my connection.
Even though I knew their ulterior motives, it worked.
I would find a way to get out of the 'Cage when the controversy around me had died down and I wouldn't earn an automatic Kill Order for merely existing. Even if it was just to prove to the big shots how wrong they were.
The fixed and upgraded television showed reports of pro-birdcage protests that had popped up throughout the US and Canada. Well, strictly speaking, they were against it the way it had been used but they were convinced that all life should be preserved, even that of prisoners condemned to remain incarcerated for all eternity.
It was enough for me to break the semi-comfortable silence that often occurred ever since Sharky had joined us.
"I think this is the right time to start demanding a better variety of books and more cigarettes," I stated looking at the report.
Conversing with Ciara had become a bit peculiar since I created a child to better scale the walls of the prison through whom I'd be able to make better use of the vertical space.
My goal was also to enable us to firmly attach our homemade hammocks but the best plans had multiple, mutually constructive goals after all.
I had been surprised when it became clear that would cost my entire body below the diaphragm but by then it was already too late.
At least it had put the chest burster birth of May two weeks before that into perspective when my stomach escaped together with four ribs and my left arm to form the silk-producing child.
Losing just my left leg the following week to birth Spike had already been peanuts compared to that and utterly paled to seeing your lower body crawl off.
Anyway, Sharky had the happy side effect that the more our roots spread, the harder we were to read by Thinkers. The information became more diffuse that way.
The white-ish roots didn't even look that bad with the dark blue metal that made up the walls of the Cage and were excellent anchors for all the hammocks and nests I could dream of.
Ciara had answered by manifesting a gho- faerie with a similar blocking effect and the whole thing quickly devolved into a game of trying to guess each other's thoughts. I didn't mind drinking my tea mostly in relaxed silence.
It was almost as fun as Tinkering together with my children.
Said Tinkering had also brought about beefing up the connection to the outside world that Pinky had established to the outside world in the first place. It became the main focus as soon as I learned that Dragon had died.
My opinion on the "world's greatest Tinker" might have dropped considerably after our little conversation before she dropped me into hell but she was the one keeping the whole prison running.
Or at least so I thought.
To prevent food riots for which I'd certainly be blamed, I wanted more information, so I maybe, kinda, established an internet connection for myself and used it to get full access to the PRT's inner workings, online databases, and communications.
In there, I found out that most of the 'Cage was self-sustaining and repairing as long as a steady shipment of supplies was maintained. It wasn't hard to twist a few conversations and create misinformation and strife to keep that running for the immediate future.
To be sure nobody tried to pull a fast one and bomb us out of existence and to better secure the supply train, I also started to mobilize the loud and the gullible.
That had been surprisingly easy. I only had to find the few people who were already vocal about the injustice that was represented by the birdcage and sent them a few inspiring messages. It was actually enough to remind them that the PRT would starve the poor souls in there if they got the chance out of convenience. That it would be an even absolute affront to our justice system to basically transform nearly 600 life-sentences into gruesome death-sentences through thirst, starvation, bloody riots or suffocation without even a retrial.
After that, it was only a matter of sprinkling different tidbits aimed at the feelings of the people on news sites and forums and directing them to the mobilized leaders and my job had been done. Things like reminding them of the six prisoners who had been judged innocent in a second ruling but were already imprisoned forever. That others might be innocent as well. That people they might know and loved could trigger at any moment and through a fallible system might have ended there as well. Leaking information that there was no medical personnel on site and then bringing up the attempted murder statistics of other prisons, extrapolating it to what it might mean in there.
The fact that there was talk about eased Kill Order designation in order to compensate for a lost Birdcage made it all too easy to paint pictures of a dystopian future filled with potentially super-powered Judge Dredds running around and "doling" out justice.
It was almost too easy to undermine the trust for the government in people by playing into their fears and channel that by giving them a way to apparently fight for someone else. By giving them the moral high ground.
Especially if you could post things at almost the speed of thought and multitask sixteen conversations and personas simultaneously. I would have been able to do more but the screens had become too small to be legible at that point.
It took less than a week to organize a protest march where everybody thought it had been their own idea.
All the while I had my children produce their spider silk on steroids in one of the cells and feed it into the spinner/weaver/fluffer machine that was my third invention while others were optimizing my other creations.
"Alcoholic beverages would go a long way to relax the situation," Glaistig Uaine answered.
I felt myself nodding in agreement. They had found ways to brew shit on their own anyway and the lure of better supplies would likely convince some inmates to turn their backs to Blocks with leaders, decentralizing the power a bit in the process.
I would have to model how much would bring the additional destressing while also preventing drunken riots but it was more than doable.
Nobody inside the 'Cage would know, of course. Just like they were unaware of my previous efforts. It would only serve to unnecessarily raise the tension with dreams of mass-escape. Something I knew would be impossible.
If I pushed the protests a bit, I might be able to frame it as an act of goodwill and remembrance for the lives lost in Levi –
"It appears you'll soon have visitors, Queen Administrator," Ciara announced using title she had given me, tearing me out of my thoughts. "I will leave you with your thoughts, then, to not intimidate those trying to join you. Until we may meet again."
Right those guys. Precise precognition was surely handy if you could get your hands on it.
"It has been a pleasure, as usual, Faerie Queen," I replied with a curtsy. "I'll bring the blankets when I visit you tomorrow."
With a small curtsy, the scariest Cape of the Birdcage made her way towards the bright red curtains that marked the end of my Cell Block; my dominion.
I followed her a minute later, walking past the incomplete snake-like construct we were currently working on when I noticed the two figures climbing the ladder to my floor with my object sense.
It had been by far the weirdest thing that had happened to me since I was thrown in here and that ought to tell everyone something.
It was a week earlier when two tattoo-covered men I thought who were in their mid-thirties visited me with a request to join me.
Their facial tattoos should have been a clear sign to their motives. The two green orbs that adorned the left cheek of the lanky Hispanic and the bright red eye tattooed on the forehead of the Scandinavian made their alliance clear.
The Fallen had found me and some of them had apparently chosen me to be worthy of worship. Luckily, it wasn't a trend I had noticed outside of the Birdcage.
Still, the idea had somehow bothered me. I didn't like the mad fervor that shone in their eyes when I told them that the changes were permanent.
I was bothered how little objection I had felt to comply then and there; how I had to stop myself from transforming them.
I knew how much Missy, Steve, Pinky, and the rest liked being included in my little family. How much I longed to become more powerful – a longing strong enough to make me far too unfazed about the idea of brutally and painfully mutilating myself when it meant getting more Powers. I was going to create a new one as soon as we had recovered fully from Sharky.
I knew that I should have more reservations about what could easily be seen as permanently enslaving my fellow humans.
I had sent them away, imploring them to think on it for a week and only come back when they were completely sure. It might have also been an excuse to give myself some time to get used to the idea of people willingly giving up on their humanity.
Get to terms with apparently being worshiped by some.
"So, you have returned," I stated when the duo passed Beefy and Spike at the entrance.
"Yes," the presumed hydrokinetic replied. "My Queen."
Both of them kneeled in front of me, anticipation, joy, and zealousness intermingling in their brain and eyes.
"This is my last time I'll ask. Are you sure? There is no way back."
Even after a week, I hadn't been able to appeal to my conscience that what I was doing was supposed to be wrong. Instead I only found more reasons why I should.
The first and foremost was that these two were convinced enough that they would force my hand.
Even now I could see the little tells and clues that they were preparing to attack me in the hope of fulfilling their desires by force.
"Yes, my queen." Steel shone in the blond beefcake's face.
I took a step forward. "Very well then. Anything else you want to tell me before I begin?"
It wasn't as if I could make them stand up. I spent far too much time trying it the last time without success.
"Thank you," both murmured after giving each other a nod and lowering their heads in expectation.
I suppressed a sigh as I touched the crown of their heads. I heard their heartbeats quicken in joy.
I could see through their eyes what they had done to land in the cage. I felt the maiming and murder and worse they had committed to please their supposed gods.
The second thing I had realized was that the majority who survived the 'Cage were monsters. They would get a chance to start righting their wrongs as part of me.
My newly gained psychometry only confirmed my suspicions.
I twisted.
Fear spiked through them moments before they dropped to the ground, convulsing as bones shattered and their bodies were re-arranged.
I thought it might be fun to try my hands at being an admin on the PHO forums. It had spiraled into a mess after Dragon and with her Tin_Mother died.
Snake Queen would be a good admin username after all.
Chapter 3.2
The now familiar feeling of minds connecting washed over me as the newest additions joined our extended family.
"Hello there," I welcomed the slightly disoriented four-foot snakes, "I hope it is everything you hoped for."
Happy chittering was all they had to say on that topic while I had Brain try out a combination of the hydrokinetics powers and Steve's.
"Go on, make yourself at home and we'll see where you two can help," I continued with a small mental push.
I felt a smile spread across my face as I saw them slither in with their heads held high, brimming with excitement.
If only they knew that they still had some presents waiting for them as I moved the others to the court.
Still, I needed to come up with some new names as well. I had kinda forgotten to ask and either way, I was sure it wasn't something I wanted to use in the first place.
Calling a child to me using the name "Braincooker" or something equally ridiculously threatening tended to put people on edge.
Even more so than they did already.
That said, it was becoming increasingly difficult to find fitting names for my children. With the ones made from my own flesh, I could still cheat by getting inspired by their looks and go from there. The ex-Capes mostly looked the same with only minor variations like Pinky's ever so slight belly.
It made the name picking process a bit tricky with how surprisingly quickly names could suddenly run out.
What made it more frustrating for me was how distinct every child felt in my mind. It felt inadequate to just pick any name. It felt inefficient. I didn't need names when they were all less than a thought away, eager to do whatever I asked of them. Eager to help the growth of the family.
I felt reassurance wash over me from the two newcomers. "No, it isn't fine that you two go without. The others have gotten ones and that's the least both of you deserve."
That was another thing I had noticed in the aftermath of Teacher's little stunt. My children seemed to be happy either with or without a name. I think they were generally happy when it came to what I did with Gonzo being the sole exception. The slippery little rascal.
It had become a matter of personal pride.
"What about… Carlos and Mike?" I asked as Brain cut through a metal plate with relative ease using his claw coated in fast-moving acid.
They seemed like a Carlos and Michael before they joined and their happy chirps confirmed that it was indeed good enough.
Well, if they seemed happy…
That feeling tripled when I had everyone come over to share their part of Pinky's power, making them that more capable of functioning without my direct input. Giving them better reaction times and patching up the holes in their perception. Allowing them to use most tools with only the foldable flaps of their claws and clever manipulation of their tails
It wasn't like I didn't have anything else to do so while Brain continued to slice a scrap of metal. I began the process of hacking into the PHO site and setting myself up as an admin. The site had always been a popular target for these kinds of things thanks to its popularity in Cape and general nerd culture and it had the added benefit that it wasn't a government site, which meant less severe consequences when a hacker was inevitably caught red-handed.
Add to it that, apparently, Dragon herself guarded over that domain, and you had something of a prestige object.
I had everything set up in less than twenty seconds and the reign of terror of Snake_Queen began.
It only took a minute before I got the first angry message objecting to the queen administrator tag I had cheekily given myself from one of the previous head-honchos. They got a polite reply that I was a merely concerned citizen who cared about their online forums and as such had promptly volunteered.
By the time I had issued the first warnings and temporary bans to my new subjects, I started to taste the desperation in their messages threatening that they would find out sooner or later where I was. Of course, when they'd find out anything it would be when they were already used to my presence and would end up "finding" a Texas-based, Snake-themed heroine whose self-absorbed nature was well known enough.
I let the two newlings to deal with the amateurish counter-hacking attempts of one self-proclaimed cowboy while collecting the rolls of fabric Marquis and Galvanate had ordered.
He hadn't taken it that well when I gave him a week-long time-out for Cape guessing and apparently decided it was time for more drastic measures. At least it gave Carlos and Mike an easy first day in the family.
"Gonzo, Drilly, and Thomas," I called out as Leafy secured the roll of cloth on my left shoulder while I held the one on my right. "It's time for walkies!"
The three children in question turbo-moved to my side and thus we went our way towards the ladder leading to the lowest accessible level of the men's block. It was kinda silly, summoning them like that and I knew that people might be listening in.
I was actually counting on being heard. Rotating the children out that accompanied me during my tours through the Birdcage and announcing that fact might help to keep people on their toes. Announcing their names for everyone to hear might make people believe that their powers were similarly individualistic.
It wasn't coincidence either that I took four children with me either. It hit a kind of a sweet spot between accessibility and intimidating. It dissuaded people from bothering me while I was transporting luxury items without looking like much of a danger myself. Rotating three of the four companions helped to keep the people on their toes as they couldn't be sure what to expect either.
Stepping through the curtains that marked my block, I had to suppress a slight chuckle as the final reason for my exiting tactic kicked into action.
It gave the Capes sent to observe my movements plenty of times to scamper away. That way I ran fewer risks that the full extent of my perception would get known.
I knew that there was at least one Stranger who prided herself in her camouflaging abilities. If I only perceived the normal visible spectrum it was indeed an impressive ability, it was just her bad luck that she was still emitting heat and that it didn't help much against my literal x-ray brain vision either. She still thought.
Never mind how I simply instinctively knew where she was inside the range of the object sense Brain shared with the class if everything else failed.
I had the children who were on guard duty at any given time react to any strangers who tried to sneak in and take a peek at what happened behind the curtains but I didn't want to thoroughly dash the confidence of my watchdogs.
I was beginning to really like being underestimated. People who were too confident made more mistakes.
Just ask Pinky what happened to those people.
"You okay, Leafy?" I asked the one constant neck-based companion on all my trips as we comfortably traversed the overgrown corridor to the makeshift ladder going down.
She chirped an affirmative while I could feel the few Capes who remained in my floor stare at me in open mistrust. I let them, focusing instead on the five children who were using Mike's microwave beam on steroids to heat the metallic shavings Brain cut earlier.
I only had access to the heat-resistant polymer block the metal was resting on but would love to make a crucible now that I had a reliable way to heat it. It was one of the things that was relatively high on my to-do list and something that held back my Tinkering significantly. For that I'd have to find superior isolating materials than those I could synthesize myself which in turn meant dealing with Lab Rat the next time I paid him a visit.
I really wanted to get a feel of the power-output range first and use that to calculate how much "ideal" material I'd need. His prices would otherwise be exorbitant and he wasn't someone I wanted to be indebted to. I didn't like the cruel bastard.
"Look out below!" I shouted into the hole as the trio slithering snakes made their way downwards.
Sure, I could save a couple of seconds by just jumping down with the rolls of fabric on my shoulders but that would just serve as evidence of my own enhanced abilities. It would ruin the fun of having to mime feeling the load in the first place and the more people that thought I was just a fairly regular Master, the better.
Besides, I didn't want to risk a too heavy landing. It was enough of a miracle that the place hadn't simply collapsed already.
I seriously had no idea how Dragon had made this place on her own before she truly got active on the Cape scene.
By the time I rejoined my thrown rolls of trade goods, one roll was balancing on the heads of Drilly and Thomas while in my block the heat-resistant polymer had caught fire.
While making my way to Block W, that problem was solved by making a daisy chain from the running showers to the fire and channeling a continuous stream of water.
"Hey there, CH!" I greeted Marquis' lieutenant at the gate as my children, the danger averted, went back to their previous posts. "How are the teeth?"
"They're fine, Sliver." The cape with the charcoaled hands replied, gnashing his teeth.
"Are you sure? I even brought Teacher's previous head-dentist with me if you don't trust me." Drilly waved with a friendly chirped greeting.
Instead of just speaking his mind, Cinderhands opted to stare at me. One of his molars had started to rot a few days before my drastic take-over and he blamed me for the pain it caused.
Sure, I offered him the same service and better than he would have gotten before for half the price but he had proven to be extremely reluctant to let me anywhere near him. Even after proposing to do the check-up in their block under the watchful eyes of Marquis.
"Bit late for that," he replied after calming down a bit, pulling back his mouth to show a missing molar in a mocking smirk. "Took care of her myself already. That cloth is ours?"
"One of them," I replied bumping the roll on my shoulder for emphasis, feeling a pulse of glee coming from Leafy. "Are the books prepared?"
"Sure." Cinderhands shrugged and counted my children, looking for any hidden ones while his brain flared to life in concentration. "That's all of them, right?"
I gave him a placating smile. "Where would I ever want to hide anything? I could successfully hide behind a streetlamp. These are all of them I brought today."
"Just don't cause any troubles in there," the lieutenant on guard duty finally warned me as he stepped aside.
"I won't," I easily answered stepping past him. "Just make sure to ask for my help the next time your teeth start acting up. I won't bite. Promise."
It was always the same deal with the guy in the handful of times I had visited Block W. He had probably been a leader of his own back when he was free only to learn that his powers weren't enough to hack it in the 'Cage. He had the paranoia of someone who was used to people aiming for his position and the subsequent disdain of having to rely on others. He was longing for the time where he could take any existing structures over without having to rely on his powers too much, fueling his rebellious streak he tried to suppress.
"Can't fucking wait until the creep slips up." Case in point: his muttering when he believed himself to be out of my earshot.
Walking the floors covered in ever so fine powered bone I made my way to Marquis cell, intimately aware how I was moving through the lion's den of the gangster and wondering whether I should tell him about his subordinate's revolutionary streak.
I kept a steady pace and ignored the blatant stares my presence always brought about. It was interesting how the different leaders ruled their blocks.
Where Marquis commandeered his block with an ever-present but subtle reminder of the danger he posed in a laughingly nonchalant manner, the more cautious ones like Galvanate didn't let me enter unless necessary.
Marquis wanted everyone he dealt with to remember that they were in his mercy and thought his strength was enough to invite people in.
With what I remembered and researched from his reign in my home town, I had to agree. Especially after reading his official PRT files and seeing how his was one of the only two blocks with five functioning televisions.
The leader of Block W walked out of his cell, past his carelessly discarded shards of bones that decorated the entrance while I had Pinky take a closer look at the water pipes after having cleaned up the watery mess of earlier.
"Sliver," Marquis started, looking down on me from his place on the ramp and easily leaning on the railings. "I'm pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect it to be finished quite that soon."
"I've been busy," I replied while setting foot on the ramp. "I hope it wasn't too difficult to acquire the books I asked for?"
"No not at all, I had them collected as soon as I placed the order. They're in my cell. After you." Marquis beckoned me in, dipping his head in a polite curtesy.
It lifted my mood that was kinda ruined by my discovery that the pipes had a mixture of one way valves and ones that were opening and closing at such intervals that there would be no extended stretches of continuous water. Getting in whatever collection tank they led to would probably be possible with my new hydrokinetic powers but getting anywhere else from there would likely be impossible. Getting back would be a challenge all on its own even with Steve's Breaker form helping out.
I suppressed a sigh. It wasn't unexpected with how Carlos had stuck around but, still, it was disheartening to strike out another possible escape route off the list. I sent Pinky to help with dismantling my current project together with the others.
At least that one I could rebuild with much better tools, improving on the design of the robot I wanted to make.
"I'm guessing there's more to it than just handing me my payment, isn't there?" I idly asked when Marquis followed me into his own cell.
I didn't feel like hanging around for long enough to start becoming uncomfortable and he did seem like a guy who would like to cut the chit-chat in private.
"Most observant of you," he noted with a tinge of approval. "And direct as well. Fine."
I saw the sign of him steeling himself, the lowering of his heartrate while at the same time preparing to use his powers, without his mask changing one bit.
"I wanted to ask you about an…interesting observation I made recently. If you don't mind that is."
"Sure, ask." I shrugged. "I'm not in a hurry today. Either people aren't getting sick or wounded or they don't trust me just yet so I'd just be reading after delivering the other roll to Galvanate."
"You see, when we learned that Dragon kicked the bucket we half expected that soon we'd be fighting over supplies with this facility being functionally useless to our dear friends at the PRT. I was even preparing my block for the worst case." He grabbed the bundle of books with a biology textbook plainly visible, handing it to me. "Imagine our surprise when that didn't happen and even better, that the drops we did get became almost unnoticeably better after remaining nearly constant for more than a decade."
"Oh, it did get better," I replied with my best poker face while Carlos and Mike were typing out a warning to a troll on the PHO forums. "I was wondering whether it was my imagination. I mean, I only had the gruel while I was in Ciara's block so it was difficult to accurately compare."
It was fun to see his tension spike at the mere mention of Glaistig Uaine's given name. "It was also very interesting to see people protesting for our rights – the first time in more than a decade if my memory serves me right."
"Very interesting." I smiled. "Maybe others will be spared our fate when the big shots manage to get their access back and we won't face starvation. If we get a better living down here all the better. I mean, it's not like we can ask ourselves anymore now that our draconian overseer has kicked the bucket."
"Very lucky coincidence indeed," Marquis agreed, sizing me up behind his unmarred mask.
"Might I ask a question in return?"
"It's only fair amongst fellow leaders."
Marquis knew or at least strongly suspected what I was doing behind the scenes. Trying to buy his silence was a fairly good idea. Even if he was pragmatically focused on his own survival and thus not a serious threat, I couldn't be sure that Gavel or String Theory didn't offer him a better deal after my interference to ensure the 'Cage's continued survival wasn't needed anymore.
"Is it possible that Cinderhands has been a bit more withdrawn since my first visit?"
Marquis raised an eyebrow. "He wasn't that talkative to begin with. Why do you ask?"
"It's just that he doesn't seem to agree with my presence here." I left out the part that I was here on Marquis' express permission. Undermining his leadership too much would do me little good. "I even overheard some clear remarks that underlined that sentiment when he thought I was out of earshot." I gave him an innocent smile. "I was just wondering whether you knew the cause. I mean I even offered the guy healing at half my rate so I thought it to be a bit strange."
Something cold and calculating flashed in his eyes. "I didn't know. If you'd allow it, I'd like to investigate my subordinate's attitude myself."
"Sure," I admitted airily. "No problem. By the way does anyone need my services to your knowledge? I mean since I'm here anyway and I brought the Dentist."
Drilly gave an affirmative chirp from under Galvanate's roll of thick cloth.
"That won't be necessary," Marquis answered while subtly moving out of the way from my path to the door. "I guess I can't convince you to join for some coffee?"
"No," I answered before taking my first step. "Thank you, Marquis, for the offer but I just had tea with Ciara so I'll have to decline."
"A pity." Again, that short spike of panic. "Maybe next time, Sliver."
"I'll try to keep it in mind." I said, stopping at the door. "Just out of pure academic curiosity, would people be glad for a beer every now and then?"
"One can only dream, Sliver." I saw the corner of his mouth creep upwards as I turned to make my way to Galvanate.
I made sure that Drilly, Thomas, Gonzo, and Leafy waved CH goodbye as we continued our journey to hopefully fetch the second bundle of books.
The encounter with the leader of Cell Block Y was much shorter and far more businesslike.
A runner was sent inside when the guards spotted our approach and after a short conversation, both between me the runner, and the guards, Galvanate himself stepped outside with the parcel in one hand.
I couldn't help but notice how he deliberately touched both guards while his Powers flared when he passed them.
A couple of questions ensuring that they had no need for any of my additional services and an exchange of goods later and I was once more on my way. This time, back to my cell.
Nobody in the either of the leaderless blocks made any attempts to get my attention, instead keeping an eagle's eye on me and preparing for a fight that would never come.
I guessed nobody was badly hurt which was perfect.
While the two children responsible for manning the terminal were doing their best, there was only so much they could type with only one claw each – even with a Mover ability that specialized in small, fast movements. With the increasing pressure from the other mods and the explosion of speculation, they were approaching their limits.
It was time that I tagged them out and showed everybody on the PHO forums that I was there to stay. They could help converting one of the cells into an extended bookshelf.
Spoiler: Taylor's happy, slithering family
Last edited: 22/10/2017
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Reader mode
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The Color From Beyond has returned.
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Heh, and people say mental superpowers are boring..
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Null Entity
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If she manages to get a body snatcher power, she can do a pretty good imitation of the goa'uld. Not that it would be any better for her PR than turning people into snakes.
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... it took me this long to realize that Bullet and Piston synergize beautifully.
Though I notice that Taylor still has very little in the way of defensive abilities outside the Muscle Sliver, so she's still very killable.
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Rukaio Alter
Rukaio Alter
Ineffectual Comic Relief
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X0ll0X said:
I thought it might be fun to try my hands at being an admin on the PHO forums. It had spiraled into a mess after Dragon and with her Tin_Mother died.
Snake Queen would be a good admin username after all.
Click to expand...
I don't know why but this idea amuses me a lot.
Sliver: *pets Sliver* I would tread carefully if I were you, Galvanate. If you insist on trying to encroach my supplies, you may end up in trouble. Accidents are known to happen in this prison, after all...
Several minutes later...
Snake_Queen: I swear to God xXxVoidCowboyxXx, if you drag us off topic again with one more stupid conspiracy theory, I will set Marquis on you!
The next day...
Sliver: Ciara, I need help.
Ciara: Oh? One of our fellow inmates making trouble for you?
Sliver: Worse. Spambots