Chapter 3 Shopping and Stockpiling

Jack's attitude towards Jenny was very indifferent.

Jenny and Rose also noticed something was wrong.

They mistakenly thought that Jack was the second generation of invisible wealth, not only did not get angry about Jack's attitude, but also took the initiative to approach him.

What's wrong with wealthy people having a bit of a temper? That's called having a Cool!

Hey, Jack, were you eating at this restaurant just now?

Rose pretended to be casual and said.

Jack's eyebrows furrowed slightly. This woman was not a good person either, and she was like a bird of a feather with Jenny. She also had a share in the food that was used to trap him and kill him.


Jack answered coldly, then put his hands in his pockets and turned to walk towards the supermarket.

Jenny and Rose quickly followed.

"Jack, where are you going?"

Jenny asked with a gentle smile on her face.

"Go to the supermarket."

Jack's voice remained cold and somewhat impatient.

If it weren't for wanting her to experience the despair of the apocalypse, Jack would have killed her instantly.

Jenny gave Rose a glance and quickly said, "It's such a coincidence that we're also planning to go buy something. It's just on our way!" Jack now understood.

They must have seen what I had a big meal in Michelin 3-star restaurant, so they mistakenly thought I was some kind of invisible rich second generation. That's why they suddenly became so passionate to me.

He was too lazy to say anything to them and walked straight towards the supermarket.

But the more he was like this, the more Jenny and Rose believe that he was a wealthy second-generation.

Otherwise, why so arrogant?

The two of them followed Jack, and Jenny was even closer to him, sometimes intentionally reaching out to touch him.

When Jack looked at her, she made a shy look and turned her head, blushing as if very shy. Jack sneered in his heart.

"Angelic bitch, you really can act. If you go to the movies, you will definitely get an Oscar for Best Actress."

Jack entered the supermarket, pushed a handcart and walked inside.

Jenny and Rose also hurriedly pushed the handcart to follow.

"Jack, are you eating with someone? "

Jenny asked with a smile.

Jack walked towards the food area and said coldly, "Can't I eat with myself?"

Jenny's eyes lit up and she quickly said, "Ah, that's not what I meant. It's just that the things inside are quite expensive. I thought you were treating someone to dinner!"

Rose couldn't help but ask, "Jack, your monthly salary is only over 1000 dollars, right? This meal will have to eat up half a year of your salary."

"It seems that your family has left a considerable amount of money for you."

Jenny quickly gave Rose a fierce glare.

Idiot, how can such words be asked casually!

As a top-level angelic bitch, the most important rule is to talk about emotions with the rich and money with the poor! Rose realized she had said the wrong thing and quickly made up for it.

"Hahaha, I'm just joking. Actually, everyone is good friends, and it really doesn't matter if money doesn't matter." And Jack didn't pay any attention to them at all.

He arrived at the food area and looked at the dazzling array of goods on the shelves, as if he had entered a treasure trove. In his past life, he experienced the feeling of eating a bag of instant noodles for two days.

So he has an infinite desire for food in his heart.

Jack walked directly to the shelf and put the food on it all into the handcart.

He purchases a large quantity of ham sausages, instant noodles, self heating hotpot, and seasonings.

This action left Rose and Jenny stunned.

"Jack, why are you buying so much food? Are you going camping?


Jack gave a faint answer.

Rose, however, became suspicious and secretly whispered in Jenny's ear, "Will the second generation of wealthy campers eat these?"

Jenny also had some doubts, but when she thought of the Michelin 3-star meal, she was unwilling to give up the idea that Jack was a rich second generation.

She ran up to Jack and politely said, "Is there anything I can help with?"

There was free labor available, and Jack had no reason not to use it.

Moreover, looking at Jenny and her pretentious innocent smiling face, Jack also had a thought of revenge in his heart.

He still had one month to prepare for the end of the world.

It was not difficult to build a perfect shelter and ensure one's own safety.

As for living materials, he could also obtain them through Mart warehouse.

In this way, he could ensure that he was in an absolutely safe and prosperous state in the apocalypse.

Why don't you deliberately reveal to Jenny that he had stored a certain amount of materials, and then let her cry and beg him when the time comes!

As for Jenny's plan to leak his information and attract the besieging of those bastards and neighbors, this could be easily resolved.

As long as his safe house was built strong enough, he not only didn't need to worry about being besieged, but can effectively counter kill those damn neighbors!

The smile on Jack's lips turned a bit abnormal when he thought of their angry and helpless appearance.

Well, this was indeed an option that can be considered.

Jack planned to go back and found a security company to build such a safe house.

If feasible, used this plan.

If it didn't work, he would stay away from the city and find a remote wilderness to build an underground shelter.

There were two preparations.

"Then you can help me push the car!" Jack said with a curve at the corner of his mouth.

Jenny quickly nodded in agreement.

Jack also asked Rose to push the handcart.

Although their hearts were filled with doubts, they still followed the orders.

Jack bought a lot of food that can be stored, including instant noodles, ham sausages, as well as some cured meat and canned goods.

He also used a handcart specifically for storing fresh meat, fruits, vegetables, and some live fish.

He wanted to experiment whether his own space had any special effect on storing fresh food.

Three handcarts were packed to the brim, and Jack entrusted the two women with the handcart filled with beef, mutton, and canned goods to push.

At least four to five hundred pounds, which made them sweat profusely.

Jenny complained a bit and pursed her lips, said: "Jack, how many people need to eat so much food? Are you having any activities that you didn't tell me?"

Jack sneered and said, "There may be unforeseen circumstances. What if one day the world end? I'll hoard more things to make a living!"

What Jack said is all true, but no one can believe it.

Jenny thought that Jack was joking and chuckled, "Oh, if you don't want to say it, forget it! Why are you making such a joke?"

"It's just that I helped you so much today. You'll have to treat me a dinner later."

Jenny's eyes were full of hints.

She was expecting Jack to take her to Michelin 3-star Restaurant for dinner.

Jack's mouth slightly curled up and said, "Eh, OK. But I've been quite busy lately and don't have much time. Let's go next month!"

Jenny said happily, "Okay, let's make a deal!"

Rose quickly leaned over and said, "Okay, okay, let's go together, hehe!"

She was certainly very happy that just helping push a car would allow her to have a big meal.

Seeing Rose's inappropriate, Jenny glared at her again.

But Rose only pretended not to see it.

Jack went to settle the accounts for the items.

He paid the bill without blinking an eye.

You should know that in the apocalypse, the value of these materials must at least multiply by tens of thousands of times! It can even be said to be priceless.

Because no matter how much money you have, you may not be able to buy a bite.

Due to Jack buying a lot of things, the supermarket also happily lent him a handcart to use.

Jack rudely ordered the two women to help him push things home.

In fact, he had his own car and can definitely go and drive to bring things back.

However, there was free labor available, so there was no need for it.

Although the two women kept shouting exhaustion, Jack promised to treat them to a big meal, and they immediately came to work hard.

So, a group of three people pushed three large carts of supplies back to home.