Chapter 10 Scold Licking Dog angrily

Peng was paying great attention to Jenny beside him.

But it was obvious that Jenny was not interested in men like Peng.

In terms of economic conditions, Peng was much worse than Jack, even renting a house.

However, Jenny still smiled and said to him, "Thank you, Peng. But I happen to have a friend that night. It's really unfortunate!" A disappointed expression flashed on Peng's face.

He spent a whole month's salary on these two concert tickets!

I originally hoped to take the opportunity to confess my feelings to Jenny during the concert.

But I didn't expect to waste in vain.

Jack saw this scene and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Peng's licking dog would not yield any results in the end.

But in addition to feeling lost, Peng saw Jack next to him with a smile on his face and couldn't help but feel angry.

In order to shift his embarrassment, he immediately walked over and said to Jack, "Jack, you are not very professional in your work!"

"A big man asked a woman to help you move things. Do you mean that?"

"Jenny came to work today and kept shouting 'My back is sore'. If this happens again next time, I hope you don't trouble anyone!"

Jack glanced at Jenny.

It turned out that this woman had spread the news.

Jenny pretended and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Actually, there's nothing wrong with my body."

"It's just that I can't do hard work, it seems like my waist is a bit twisted."

As she spoke, she reached out and pinched her small waist, then frowned with a painful expression.

Peng wanted to show his masculinity in front of Jenny.

Suddenly, he pointed at Jack with arrogance and said, "Hurry up and get 500 dollars for Jenny's medical treatment."

Unexpectedly, Jack's eyes turned cold and he glared at Peng, cursing, "She took the initiative to help me move things. I didn't ask her for help."

"Besides, what kind of thing are you, pointing fingers at me here?"

"Do you really consider yourself a person."

Jack's fierce scolding, full of enthusiasm, frightened both Peng and Jenny.

Peng was just an ordinary clerk in the warehouse, with no authority or power.

The reason why he dares to scold Jack was simply because Jack had a good temper and didn't like to argue with others.

But seeing Jack really angry, Peng immediately became a bit hesitant.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

"I'm just discussing with you."

Jack sneered and turned his head before leaving.

He was too lazy to waste too much time with Peng.

Because now Jack looked at anyone as if he was looking at a dead person.

A month later, 99% of the people around him would gradually die in the extreme cold storm of the apocalypse.

Why did he have to talk nonsense to the dead?

After Jack left, Peng ran to Jenny and whispered, "Jenny, I told you that Jack is not a good person. You should stay away from him in the future."

Jenny frowned, feeling puzzled in her heart.

Because in the past few days, Jack seemed to have completely changed.

After seeing her, he didn't take the initiative to come over and say hello.

He didn't even chat with her every night and say good night to her.

"There must be something strange!"

Jenny secretly thought in her heart.

Jack got off work and drove to a five-star hotel in T City.

Coincidentally, it was H hotel where he had previously ordered meals.

The manager of H heard that Jack had arrived and immediately asked someone to arrange a room for him with a smile on his face.

The rooms in a five-star hotel cost over a thousand dollars per night.

Jack, however, did not feel any pain at all.

Anyway, he still had a few million dollars in his hand, and if he can't spend them all, he would feel wasted.

That evening, angelic bitch Jenny took the unprecedented initiative to send a message to Jack.

Jenny: "Jack, I passed by your house today and saw someone decorating it!"

Jack curled his lips and said, "Hmm, yes."

Jenny said, "I feel like you've been so strange lately. You've been hoarding things and decorating your house. Is something going to happen recently?" Jack couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Although this angelic bitch was bad, its brain was not stupid at all.

It seemed that his strange behavior recently had caught her attention.

However, Jack didn't care either. The opinions of others were meaningless to him now.

"It's nothing."

He answered coldly and then threw his phone aside.

On the other end of the phone, Jenny looked at Jack, who was indifferent to her, but felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

In the past two years, Jack had been very kind to her.

And he always asked for warmth and comfort from her, and every night he found various reasons to chat with her.

However, recently, he seemed to have completely changed his attitude towards her, becoming indifferent and not even taking the initiative to chat with her.

This made Jenny feel very uncomfortable in her heart.

She may not be interested in Jack, but she absolutely cannot allow Jack to lose interest in her.

In Jenny's view, it signified that a fish in her pond had escaped.

Although Jack was not a second-generation wealthy person, he was still considered a high-quality middle-class.

If she can't find a wealthy second generation to marry in the future, she can still give Jack a chance to take over.

Jenny picked up her phone and sent another message.

"I feel like we've been in less contact lately. It makes me feel a bit lonely."

But after waiting for half a day, she didn't receive a reply.

Jenny bitted her lip and couldn't help feeling a little restless in her heart.

"This damn Jack, have you been running into evil lately? I took the initiative to find him, but he dared not reply to my message!"

At one side, her roommate Rose came to her with a smile when she heard Jenny's roast.

"Recently, that Jack has been a bit strange. Who knows why he bought so much food and drink, and even booked so many banquets from the hotel."

"It's really like there's a shortage of supplies coming up soon."

Upon hearing these words, Jenny frowned slightly.

She said to Rose, "Rose, do you think something will happen in a while? Did Jack start hoarding goods after receiving the news?" Rose was stunned for a moment when she heard this, then covered her stomach and burst into laughter.

"Jenny, are you foolish? If anything happens, the official will definitely notify you."

"We just need to be at ease. If we really hoard supplies, others will laugh at us as fools."

After hearing this, Jenny also smiled herself deprecatingly.

"That's right."

Jack stayed in the suite of a five-star hotel for several days.

He hadn't gone anywhere. In the past few days, he had been aggressively purchasing banquets from major hotels.

On the other hand, it was in the room that he began to practice the use of composite bows and crossbows.

Fortunately, Jack used to enjoy hunting and had a good foundation.

Now within a range of fifteen meters, his shooting accuracy was particularly high.

Especially with professional level composite bows in hand, modern equipment like this can allow an ordinary person to shoot an arrow comparable to that of an ancient archer. Not to mention dealing with humans, even encountering wild boars, jackals, and large dogs can cause decent damage.