Chapter 11: A big surprise

Of course anyone who sees her right now would be beyond surprised. A deep confusion started circling around my head. Is this really Hina? The goddess of our university who most of the students view as an example of what a great student and human should be. 

As I calmed down after seeing her with a lit cigarette, I quickly came to the conclusion that even the most revered persons have their own secrets and battles. And I guess that doesn't exclude a university goddess. 

"So you do smoke Hina." 

"That's quite the calm reaction coming from you. I expected you to be in shock." 

"I was, for a moment." 

I happened to buy two canned sodas so I offered her one which she accepted immediately. The air was filled with silence for about half a minute as we smoked both of our cigarettes. 

"I believe that you'll keep this a secret, Aoi." 

"I have no reason to tell it to others so you don't have to worry that much. We all have sides that we don't want others to see"

Hina smiled at me after hearing those words.

"I started smoking to relieve stress like most people. People including you, see me as a goddess, a perfect being. But a person can only handle so much. I, the person known as the goddess, can't handle all the pressure and expectations people give me." Said Hina. 

Just like me during my high school years huh? I guess we do have something similar. 

"You should rely on people more rather than smoking cigarettes. I'm sure someone out there would understand. But then again, if it's that easy I would have done it myself already." 

"Someone out there huh? Then why do you smoke Aoi?"

"Almost the same reason as yours, so I can kind of understand you, though not fully since all of us have different circumstances. I should probably take my advice." 

Hina laughed and tapped my back. 

"You're funny! If it's okay with you, do you mind becoming my friend?" 

A girl who rejected me asking me to be her friend. How insensitive can she be? But I guess this is better, rather than us avoiding each other's eyes everytime we walk past each other on campus. 

"Sure, but I think you should know that I haven't fully moved on yet even though I already gave up on you."

"I'll keep that in mind, new friend." 

After we finished both our cigarettes and canned soda we went on our way back to the hotel and went back to our rooms.

"Goodnight and goodluck with the activities tomorrow" Said Hina.

"Yeah, goodnight." 

On my way back to my room when I was about to enter the elevator, someone grabbed my hoodie and dragged me to the hotel lobby. It was Haruto.

"Would you mind explaining what I just saw?" Asked Haruto.

"Saw what?"

"I just saw you and Hina enter the building at the same time and you guys were talking. I have so many questions. Are you guys secretly dating? What about the news of her rejecting you? Where did you guys go?" 

"Calm down Haruto, you're overreacting. I bumped into her in a nearby convenience store and we headed back here together. I can't believe the news about her rejecting me haven't died down yet, it's been a while since that day already. Anyway, we're not dating so calm down will you?"

"Then what were you guys talking about?" Haruto looked at me really curious like a kid waiting for the climax of a picture book.

"She just wished us good luck with the activities for tomorrow." 

"Hmmm." Said Haruto, acting all suspicious.

"Just don't tell Arata and Kaito about this when we go back. I don't want to be bombarded by questions this late at night" 


We went back to our room to find Arata and Kaito already sleeping like logs. It's still early, at least for me 10 PM is still early. So I went by the balcony and read a novel just to pass time. Haruto sat right in front of me playing a mobile game he's so addicted to. 

We kept that up until late midnight not saying even a word to each other.

"You know what Aoi, we're friends but we really haven't known each other that deep." 

"Yeah, Isn't it better to keep it that way?"

"I beg to differ, how are we supposed to truly help each other if we even barely knew each other?" 

To be completely honest, I'm not the type of guy who exactly knows myself that deep. I never gave it much thought. About what type of personality I have, maybe my tendencies but never my emotional side. I'm also not the best person if you want someone to comfort you. I'm a rather direct guy. 

"Ask me a question then." 

"Then, what type of person do you want to be Aoi?"

"I can't answer that. I have yet to discover the answer to that question myself. But for now, I just want to be happy. Ever since entering college my life has been dull. But I think it's starting to change thanks to you guys. Being surrounded by people like yourself slowly made my days better. It makes me look forward to what tomorrow holds." 

"Then let's continue to make your life worth living. I don't know what you went through, nor do I have the right to know. But I'll be your friend so whenever you need something, just call me." Replied Haruto as he offered a fist bump while smiling. 

I reached out to his fist and replied "Right back at you."