Chapter 16: Where I truly belong

I went back to the apartment and found Shin, Haruto, and Kaito asleep on the floor. Hina looked at me wearing a worried expression as I entered the room. Arata on the other hand was busy reading a novel I wrote way back. 

"Don't worry Hina, Yukino was picked up by her uncle. She's just drunk. I hope you understand." 

"That's good, I was worried for a moment."

We sat down on the floor. Not a single word was spoken as if the event earlier messed us up, the three of us were on edge. 

"You write good novels, Aoi." Said Arata, breaking the awkward silence. "I think it's a good decision that you're going back, It'll be a waste for a talent like you to stop writing these stories. For a moment I felt like I was transported in your novel." 

"So Haruto told you already. But yeah, I should probably work even harder now and never let it go again." 

"So you do write novels." Remarked Hina as she sat beside Arata. 

The two of them read the novel for a few minutes until they felt like sleeping. It was already 3 AM after all. The two argued who would sleep on the bed and on the couch. They settled the argument through a game of toss coin. Arata ended up winning so he slept on the bed and Hina on the couch. 

I went out on the veranda and sat on a chair as I looked up at the stars. Today was both fun and intense, if I would describe it. I'll ask Shin tomorrow to help Yukino and Hina make up so there won't be any awkwardness between them. 

I found myself falling asleep on the veranda. I woke up as the sun started to torch my face. I sneezed and it appears that I have caught a cold. It wasn't surprising considering that I slept outside during this time of the year where the weather is starting to get colder and colder. 

I went back inside and saw them still sleeping despite it being 10 AM. I decided not to wake them up since it's Sunday and there's no classes. As I was about to prepare breakfast for them, I found a letter from Hina sitting by the kitchen island and noticed that she's not here anymore. 

"Thank you for letting me stay the night, I'll be going back home now as I have a shift at my part time later. -Hina" Was the content of the letter.

I guess she doesn't want us to see how she looks like after waking up. 

I practiced cooking for myself these past few days to save up some money for the shoes I've been wanting for a long time now. So I made breakfast for the group. Surprising as it may be, the food turned out really well. A simple scrambled egg with bread and bacon accompanied by a hot cocoa. 

Haruto screamed like waking up from a bad dream. "Wahhhh" 

Arata, Shin, and Kaito were woken up by the sudden scream as Shin slapped Haruto's nape. Haruto was too stunned to speak. It was funny. 

"What's your problem dude? Can't you be quiet even in sleep? Wait, do I smell food?" 

Shin rose up and hurried to the kitchen as she saw 5 sets of meals prepared on the table. 

"Who cooked those?" Asked Haruto.

"I did." 

"You're lying Aoi. These actually look nice! Where did you buy it?" 

I wrapped my arm around his nape and messed his hair using my other hand as a joke. 

"Just try it already and tell me how I did." 

The four of them sat by the small compact table and started stuffing their mouths with the food I cooked."

"Aoi! You grew up well!" Said Shin acting like she's tearing up proud of her child's achievement.

As we were eating on the table I suggested how we could reconcile Hina and Yukino.

"Don't think too much about it, they'll make up in no time. I'm just surprised they fought about you. How does it feel then? Two girls fighting over you?" Said Shin.

The other three were so attentive listening to what I'm about to say.

"Don't be absurd, these three idiots might get the wrong idea." 

As we finished eating, Arata, Kaito and Haruto went on their way home to get proper rest. Shin stayed saying that she has something to talk to me about. I wondered what it was so I sat by the bed waiting for her to start talking. 

"I have two agendas that I need to discuss with you. First, I heard from Haruto that you'll be writing again?" 

"I was about to tell you but I guess a certain someone who always runs his mouth already told you. But all jokes aside, yeah I guess I will."

Shin stared at me for a few seconds wearing a worried face. I know where this is going, she's probably worried about me. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. After all, Shin saw me in a state where I shut myself in barely even sleeping just because I lost the ability to write. She was there watching how I gradually got thinner because of stress.

 "You don't have to worry, it'll be different this time. I think I've found myself worthy to write again. Not that I've become unworthy in the first place, it's just that my mind hindered me because of guilt. Writing wasn't the one who rejected me, it was I who rejected it. But this time around I won't let it go. Perhaps I also found someone I could write for." 

"Just tell me you'll be okay this time and I'll support you all the way." 

"I'm good now, Shin. Thank you for being there all this time." I reached out to hug her as she was about to tear up.

I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen and headed back to Shin. She drank the glass wiping her eyes with a tissue to dry out her tears. I'm really lucky to have someone like her. I'll be sure to be there for her as well if she would ever need my company. 

"Now for the second agenda, I guess it confirms it as you remarked earlier how you found someone you could dedicate your writing to." 

"I think I know what you're about to ask me." 

"So, do you like Yukino? You two seem to get closer nowadays. I guess she's the one who pulled you back in your writing agenda." 

"For starters, yeah she did help me realize what's truly important to me. But to answer your question, I don't know yet. But it seems like I'm getting even more interested and attracted to her as days pass by."

Shin was smiling from ear to ear. Like she was about to cry again, but this time, it'll probably be tears of joy.

"Let me boost your reputation to Yukino then! Leave it to me my dear best friend. I'll make sure she falls in love with you. That is if she hasn't yet." 

"Stop it already, you heard it from her as well right. She doesn't do boyfriends."

"Oh stop it Aoi! Let me handle this one." 

I really hope she doesn't. 

Right after Shin went home, the rain started pouring outside. It's already October so a sudden pour won't be surprising. My window was filled with raindrops as it became foggy.

Days like these might actually be the best time for writing. I wrote like a madman for hours. This continued for a week. My mind just won't stop giving me the ideas and words that I need to write a novel everytime I sit at my workspace. My life basically revolved around going to university and writing. To my surprise, I was able to write 27 chapters just this past week. 

I had already started working for a while now through Haruto's recommendation. My first day at work, about a week ago, I sent 8 chapters and the editor said that it has potential. I wanted to ride the momentum so I decided to send the rest as soon as I finished writing them.

Today, I started writing during the morning since it was a weekend. I basically had all day to write. It was raining hard. I checked the forecast and most of the upcoming days will be filled with rain from morning till late afternoon. I decided to take a break, opened the blinds, and saw that the moon was already out.

It seemed like the rain had let up. My stomach was rumbling loudly as I only filled it with nothing but coffee the entire day. The last full meal that it had was early in the morning.