Chapter 18: Dream Profession

Silence accompanied us for a few minutes. As we both watched the neighborhood from the abandoned high-rise apartment's rooftop. I was getting conscious of the silence so I decided to break it. 

"I was just wondering, you told me about stuff you liked but you never told me what profession you really wanted to pursue." Asked I.

"Profession? I can't really say I have one. I haven't thought about it but if I were to choose one, I guess it has to be photography. I want to capture moments so that they can live forever. " 

"That's actually nice. I haven't thought of photography that way. I have an idea, a rather silly one." 


I realized that my idea basically suggests that we should hangout with each other often but I'll suggest it anyway.

"Should we do these types of night walks more often and start to document everything through photos and videos? What do you say? I think that'll be fun."

Yukino was too stunned to speak and saw her face turn red for a moment so she looked down, I guess to hide it. A few seconds later, she looked back up as she said these words we the brightest smile.

"I would love to, Aoi." 

Seeing her smile like that made me blush as well. Despite being so cold, I felt my face getting warmer. The way she smiled was deeply ingrained in my brain. The moon was reflected through her eyes as it sparkled despite the rooftop being so dark. 

That moment made it clear. What I feel towards Yukino can't be described as just admiration, interest, or mere curiosity. What my feelings tell me is that I have fallen in love with this girl. She shook my world in a positive way. She has seen me at my worst and never held that as a reason to stay away from me, in fact, she was there to accompany me. 

"I think I remember the reason why I got drunk when we met in high school."

"Oh you mean the day you kissed me?" 

"Yeah." I answered with a stoic face that seemed to surprise her as she slightly turned red. "I think those days were when I couldn't write." 

"I-is that so?" 

"Why are you so tense, Yukino? "

"How could you keep a straight face after I just teased you!?"

"Was I supposed to be embarrassed?"

"Y-yes! That's a ki-kii-kiss…. Anyway! Your hair is getting longer!" 

"Is it?" 

I touched my hair and it seems like it really did grow longer. It was almost shoulder length but not so long to the point where you would mistake me for a woman. If I were to estimate the measurement, it's about two or three inches above my shoulder. 

"Let me tie it up!" Suggested Yukino.

"Sure I guess?" 

She grabbed a ponytail from her pocket and started tying my hair up. I'm really glad I'm facing backwards so that she won't be able to see how I look right now. I bet my face is getting all red. I see her as a romantic interest now so you couldn't blame me for being romantically excited right now. 

She finished tying my hair up and asked me to face towards her direction. I simply obliged and turned around. 

"So how do I look?" Asked I.

"Cooler! You should keep it this way."

After staring at her for a couple seconds, I noticed a dust sitting on the top of her head. I guess it was stuck to her hair from our way up here considering how dusty the stairs were. I leaned forward to pick it up. 

"There, all gone." 

I looked at her and she was blushing. It was too late when I realized what I just did so I blushed as well. We quickly averted our gaze away from each other and quickly faced toward the neighborhood view leaning to the rails as I scratched the back of my head. 

"T-there was dust on your head.." 

"Yeah, thanks." 

Silence accompanied us and it felt so awkward considering the situation we were just in. Thankfully, the rain started to pour so we quickly ran to her house. The aftermath was that both of us were soaking wet as we arrived at her house. 

"I'll prepare a bath." Said Yukino.

"It's fine you can go first, I'll wait here." 

Yukino went to go and take a bath as I sat on the living room floor to not wet their couch. If I do that, I'm sure her uncle would kill me. That being said, I wonder where uncle is.

Yukino finished so I went to the bathroom, I soaked myself in the tub with hot water. What I did earlier was way out of line. I hope she doesn't think that I'm weird. Well, I guess that's better rather than giving her the idea of me making moves on her. Arghhh, why did I do that?! I should've been more mindful. But thinking about it, she blushed right? Stop it Aoi! You shouldn't be thinking of that, you're in her house. Just keep your calm and act as if nothing happened. 

"Do you have a change of clothes?" Yukino shouted.

"Unfortunately, I don't" 

"I'll bring you some of uncle's" 

After I finished bathing, I saw that she left the clothes at the front door of the bathroom. I made my way out to the living room carrying the clothes. Yukino was so shocked to see me as I only had a towel covering everything below my waist. Which basically meant that my whole upper body was naked. I forgot that I wasn't at home. Yukino quickly turned around and shouted.

"What are you doing? Go change in my room! Second floor, first door to your right!" 

I quickly ran upstairs and went inside her room. I was so embarrassed that she saw me that way! Wake up already Aoi, you've been out of your mind this whole time! 

Her room is what you would expect from a girl's room. The walls were painted pink. At the corner of the room was her bed covered with white sheets. Across the bed was her desk with a laptop and beside the door was a tall cabinet. It was rather simple but neat compared to my room. 

I began to change my clothes. It was her uncle's shorts and a plain white t-shirt which looked very baggy on me. Am I this thin compared to her uncle? I don't want her to think that I was fidgeting with her things so I went down as soon as I finished dressing up.

"I'm sorry about earlier. For a moment I forgot that I wasn't home."

"You're thin, you should start eating more." 

We sat in the living room and decided to watch television. We were about two persons apart, two large pillows separating us. Every show was romance so Yukino quickly turned it off leaving the two of us awkward.