Chapter 23: Aoi's Birthday

After getting a wakeup call from Haruto, I was a bit surprised that it's already 3:30 PM on the afternoon of the 24th. I took a bath and right after, I put on a sweater as well as a coat to shield myself from the cold. Before leaving, I looked out the window and saw bits of snow falling. I guess it'll be a white Christmas so I picked up a scarf and wore it. 

I rushed to the meetup place. I was about to be late so I ran as fast as I could to the station. I decided to not bring my motorcycle just in case the snow make the roads slippery later. I arrived at the diner and found Arata, Kaito, and Hina already sitting at the table. 

"It's a bit unusual for you to be on time, Aoi." Said Arata as Kaito, Hina laughed.

"Don't want to be left out on Christmas Eve. Anyway, Where's the other three? Haruto was even the one who called me here." 

Nobody answered which actually made me a bit suspicious. Yeah, Haruto might actually be late sometimes but I wouldn't expect it from Yukino and Shin. Something's definitely up. 

A few seconds later, Shin and Haruto showed up with the staff while singing and holding balloons, as well as a tarpaulin that had my name on it that said "Happy 21st Birthday Aoi!". The other three who were seated also started singing happy birthday. A few seconds later then came Yukino who was holding a cake with lit candles as she slowly approached me while also singing. I blushed a bit and Shin noticed so she smiled at me trying to tease me. 

The presentation ended. Shin walked towards me and put on a birthday hat on top of my head.

"Blow the candle Aoi," Said Haruto.

Yukino took a step forward to bring the cake closer to me. "Make a wish Aoi." Whispered Yukino. 

A wish? What should I wish for? I guess I'll wish for something simple. My only desire is that all of us here find true happiness.

I blew the candles and all of them clapped as they shouted the words "Happy 21st birthday Aoi!" in unison. 

We settled down and Yukino sat beside me as she whispered 

"What did you wish for?" 

"It's a secret." 

Yukino pouted and looked disappointed so I just smiled at her. 

"How come you didn't tell us today was your birthday Aoi?" Said Arata.

"It didn't even cross my mind. But I'm glad you guys did this. Thank you." 

I bet Shin was the one who planned all this. After all, she's the only one who knew today was my birthday. 

We ate with smiles on our faces. This might actually be one of the best birthdays I had so far. For three consecutive years, I spent my birthday with Shin only considering that I never had close friends. I wasn't in a close relationship with my teammates back in high school so this was something I highly appreciate. 

Haruto stood up and gathered our attention saying that he has an announcement to make. Seeing how Shin is sitting beside Haruto acting all embarrassed, I think I already know what to expect from this announcement. The group fell silent as we all eagerly tried to listen to what he had to say. Haruto was speechless for a few seconds acting all nervous so I tried to give him a push.

"Go for it Haruto." 

"Ahem Ahem. So I have an announcement to make. Actually, Shin and I are dating now." 

Haruto quickly sat down. His face was pure red, sweating all over despite being so cold. It was the same for Shin. These guys are funny, considering how talkative these two usually are, they're considerably quiet right now.

Kaito handed out money to Arata right after Haruto made that announcement. Don't tell me these two made a bet about this. How funny. 

"W-w-what? Did you guys bet on this?" Asked Haruto.

"Yeah, I won the bet that you two will start dating this year." Said Arata while smirking. 

"Since when?" Asked Hina. 

"About 3 days ago." Answered Shin.

"Let's toast to this!." Haruto raised a glass and we did as well. 

They're a good fit with each other so I guess there shouldn't be any major problems. Should I confess to Yukino as well? What? Snap out of it Aoi! My face felt hot despite how cold it is right now. I sensed Yukino looking at me so I hid my face under my scarf as quickly as I could. Now I wonder when Yukino will celebrate her birthday. I might as well ask uncle sometime. 

We finished eating and after resting for a while. We decided to go to the karaoke which was our main event of the day. I went out a bit earlier than the rest of them to catch a quick smoke before going to the karaoke and Haruto followed. 

"I guess you'll be smoking?" 

"Yeah, thanks for covering up for me." 

I lit a cigarette and blew the smoke to the air as the snow continued to fall down from the sky. 

"Take care of Shin, okay? I might not be showing it all the time but she's really important to me. She's one of the persons I cherish the most. Like a sister from another mother." 

Haruto looked at me seriously.

"Of course! I'll do my best to make her happy." 

"I know you will." 

"Anyway, how long will you be wearing that birthday hat?" 

I almost forgot about it so I quickly took it off. That was so uncool. Smoking with a birthday hat huh? 

We made our way back to the group and I saw Yukino and Hina talking while smiling. I guess they made up. That's good. As we went on our way to the karaoke. Yukino and I walked beside each other as the others were all noisy talking with each other in front of us. Shin glanced back for a second and winked. I'm relieved that Yukino didn't see her. There were a lot of couples on our way there. I guess that's to be expected. It's Christmas eve after all.

"Doesn't this remind you of our night walks?" Asked Yukino as she coughed.

"Yeah a bit. Aren't you all healed up yet?" 

I got a bit worried considering how often she would cough nowadays. But it was brushed off as soon as she reassured me she was okay.

"I'm good. It's just a small cough. It gets like this during the cold months of the year. Don't worry!" Yukino replied and tapped my back.

We arrived at the karaoke and went to the room. We ordered alcohol and chips from the counter before going inside. Yukino and I still sat beside each other as we settled down in the room. Arata, Kaito, and Hina sat next to each other. And as you would expect, Shin and Haruto sat beside each other. Well, I guess it's time to sing our hearts out now.