Chapter 40: The Concert

We finished eating as they were too full to even get up from sitting, let alone move. 

"Wouldn't your stomachs hurt after eating all that?" Asked I.

"I hope that won't be the case, it's only 3:30 PM and the concert will start at 7 PM." Said Shin.

I guess even Shin didn't expect this to happen. Digestion would usually take 4 hrs so I hope that they can hold out till 7 PM. Hina on the other hand seemed to be alright as she went out for a smoke. I faked a phone call once again and followed her. 

Hina and I lit a cigarette as we blew the smoke in unison. 

"That phone call excuse is getting repetitive, Shin might get suspicious any time soon so I suggest you tell her already." 

"She'll know eventually." 

"Do you still go around pub hopping?" 

"Nope. I've stopped for a while now thankfully. All that drinking is taking a toll on my wallet anyway." 

"How's Yukino? She seems to be doing better."

"That's a front. It's actually getting a lot worse. She's been going to the hospital with her uncle a lot more often now." 

"How are you holding up?" 

"I'm doing good right now, but who knows when she can't put up a front anymore and the real situation is unveiled. I need to be strong when that time comes." 

We finished smoking and right before we entered the restaurant, the others were already on their way out so we commenced with our scouting once again. 

Time passed and it was already 4:30 PM and still no signs of seeing the artists walking around. So I guess Shin is probably devastated now that we weren't able to stumble upon her glorified artists. 

As we were walking, Yukino saw a crepe stand that caught her eye as she gazed at it for a while like wanting to let go of my hand to run and get a crepe for herself. 

"Do you want one?" Asked I. 

Yukino nodded shyly. That's cute, I guess I'll buy her one. 

"Let's go and buy some then, I'm getting a bit hungry anyway." Suggested I, as Yukino followed me, still holding my left hand.

So what should we get then? There's a huge menu and I'm struggling to pick one for myself. I think I'll just get what Yukino picks. 

"Have you decided what you want already?" Asked I.

"Hmmm. I guess I'll have the choco banana crepe!" 

"I'll get the same order then." 

After a few minutes of waiting in line, we finally got to order. The crepes were handed out to us and to my surprise, they served a good portion just like what it looked like in the pictures. Considering that there are a lot of people in line, I guess that they make good crepes.

Yukino tasted it first and she seemed happy. There was a bit of cream in her lips so I wiped it with a tissue which made her blush. She was trying to hide her blushing so she took another huge bite. 

"So? How was it?" 

"It's really good! Try it!" 

I took a bite and it didn't disappoint me. It tasted exactly as it looked. It was really good. I guess I should start learning how to make crepes this good, this might actually sell hehe. 

Yukino then reached out to wipe the cream out of my lips with a tissue the same way I did earlier. I guess this really is embarrassing considering that I can feel my face getting warmer. I'm probably blushing right now.

"There, all clean." Said Yukino smiling at me which made me blush even more seeing how cute and beautiful she was. 

It was about time for the soundcheck so we made our way to our designated places in Yokohama Arena. We were seated right in front of the stage which was really amazing. There are barely any people here yet but I'm pretty sure that this stadium will be packed when all the fans make their way here. 

The band made their way to the stage for soundcheck and Shin was so happy that she started choking Haruto right beside her while singing their song. After the sound check, the main vocalist waved in our direction which made Shin choke Haruto even more. I think I can see Haruto's soul coming out of his mouth which is kinda funny.

"Did you see that? He actually waved at us!" Said Shin while still not letting go of Haruto's neck. 

The vocalist didn't particularly wave at us but in our direction where other fans were also sitting. But I don't want to spoil Shin's fun so I decided to not tell her that or I'll suffer her wrath. 

"I think you should let go of Haruto if you want him to see the main concert with us." Said Hina as we all laughed except for Haruto. 

A few minutes later, the stadium started to get packed as the fans made their way inside the venue. In a minute, it started to get noisy as the people started talking to each other. 

I guess this band is really popular huh? I wonder if I can perform in front of all these people and still perform to the best of my abilities. Probably not, I'd be too nervous to even come out on stage let alone sing a song for them. I admire them for the courage and guts they have to perform for all these people. That is by no means an easy feat. 

A few minutes later, the lights started to dim as the voices of the fans started to echo around the stadium. Even Shin started screaming her lungs out as the band made their way to the stage with their opening song. I can feel the atmosphere getting exciting as the people started to sing along with the band. 

"Sing your hearts out!" Said the vocalist as the people started cheering for them.

I guess we'll have a blast today. The group including me started to raise our hands up as we joined the fans cheering and singing along. How do we know the song? That is because Shin drilled it into our brains these past few days. That actually helped considering that we can sing along and have a good time right now. 

I guess I should also start preparing for the surprise. To be honest, I am surging with different emotions right now. Excitement? Nervousness? Panic? Fatigue? I guess all of it.