Hard Work, Effort, Merit

7 – Hard Work, Effort, Meriti.


After 10 minutes had passed, approximately 27 students were completely entranced in the state of Flow Attunement, and some were already slowly practicing the breathing technique provided by the school. Among the students from prominent backgrounds, they cultivated techniques passed down by their families, clans, or associations. Venerable Ling didn't mind if students brought their own cultivation methods to the school, but for them to practice their respective techniques within the institution, a copy had to be submitted to the director. The material would then be analyzed to ensure the practitioner's safety and that of other students nearby. After reviewing the technique, it would be destroyed, and Venerable Director Ling would swear an oath regarding not sharing the contents of the techniques he received.

The other 13 students who couldn't attain Flow Attunement gradually gave up. Some continued to make an effort, while others simply abandoned the attempt within a matter of seconds—either because they didn't want to follow the path of Flow Cultivation or because they didn't feel the need to exert themselves.

Among the students who weren't actively trying to achieve Flow Attunement, some whispered to each other about various random topics:

"Just sitting here breathing is so boring!"

"I can't calm my heart; all I think about is lunch… I'm starving!"

"Did you hear that John got into a fight with boys from the other school?"

"I can't wait for economics class—I want to improve my merchant skills and properly inherit my family's business."

"My mother said I should brush my hair carefully under moonlight so that my beauty never diminishes when I become a woman."

Every type of comment echoed softly in that class, and the teacher remained silent, as nobody was obligated to attempt the path of Flow Cultivation at the Free Feather Martial Arts School.

Even with low aptitude, if a person puts real effort into what they desire, they can indeed tread the path of cultivation. Not everything boiled down solely to aptitude but also to personal conditioning and the will to achieve transformation through the Flow.

In fact, the goal of this class wasn't to determine who could or couldn't cultivate, but rather to distinguish two factors among the present students.

First: Observe the predisposition of students when faced with a difficult task. Who would persevere, and who would give up? Regardless of whether they wanted to follow the path of Flow Cultivation, perseverance and discipline were qualities necessary in any area of study at the Free Feather Martial Arts School.

Imagine a person receiving the chance to fight for the opportunity to achieve all their dreams, goals, and objectives. But to do so, they had to demonstrate at least the attitude required for such a feat. Yet, when faced with the door that would open the path to their desired goals, they didn't even show interest in making the minimal effort to push the door.

Indeed, students who didn't express at least a serious attempt would receive red martial attire after this initial cultivation class, signifying the type of attitude they demonstrated. This would mean that in subsequent classes, they would face somewhat more rigorous evaluations. It wouldn't directly affect them, but based on their disposition toward the classes, students might be politely invited to withdraw from the school.

Venerable Ling might be a philanthropist, but he is no fool. Every year, the maximum quota for admitting new students practically explodes, and each spot is crucial, especially for those who genuinely want to secure their own future but have no one to turn to.

Second: Take note of those with higher aptitude. They would also be placed under closer scrutiny because they could potentially represent the school in external tournaments, increasing the chances of the school achieving victory and garnering more resources to invest in all students.

The Free Feather Martial Arts School is known for welcoming children who lack aptitude for cultivation, as long as they demonstrate effort, determination, and hard work. These students also have the right to receive the same training and resources as their more fortunate peers.

"… It seems we have some interesting students this year." The teacher observed silently, jotting down the names of the students, the speed at which they entered the state of Flow Attunement, and the duration they remained in it.

As minutes passed, students gradually broke their breathing rhythms and left the state of Flow Attunement. Being in sync with the Flow required concentration and mental endurance—qualities that children aged 8 to 10 present still had much to train to master.

"They're still persevering in the breathing and Flow Attunement exercises… Let's see how much longer they hold on." The professor commented to himself, observing the 11 students out of the 27 who continued to persist in the training.

As time went by, the professor dismissed from the class those students who didn't want to cultivate, awarding them medals of different shapes corresponding to each student's attitude up to that point.

The released students were instructed to proceed to the Resource Department, where they would receive uniforms based on the medal they presented. Among the 13 students who chose not to continue on the path of cultivation, 6 would receive red martial uniforms, while the others would receive blue martial uniforms, distinguishing them as freshmen in the institution.

The sun had risen to its midday position, and slowly, one by one, the students opened their eyes and struggled to stand. Their bodies trembled, sweat covered them due to mental exertion, their legs and muscles ached, and they felt numb from maintaining the breathing posture for so long. Mental fatigue was evident on each of their faces.

"Very well, all of you clearly have a good disposition for the cultivator's path, and it's evident that your aptitudes are commendable," the professor concluded the final moments before directing the students to their next class. "Come here, each of you, and take these medals. Use them to collect your uniforms at the Department…" Suddenly, the professor furrowed his brow and noticed that all the students had stood up except for one—someone who remained seated with closed eyes, immobile as if nothing in the world could disturb that moment.

Notably, the only one still in the process of Flow Attunement was Kizaer, or at least that's what he appeared to be doing.

The professor observed this unfolding with astonishment, and the remaining students were also shocked when they realized that someone was still persevering intensely in that arduous task. The only person who was quietly moving away from the group, trying to hide her face, was Ciona.

Not even 3 seconds had passed when the concentration of everyone observing the scene was broken by a very distinct sound: *snoooreee*.







The room seemed to reach a new level of silence as that sound shattered the tranquillity of the moment. Ciona, the only one who knew what Kizaer was doing, swore to herself that she never wanted to be seen near him again. The other students observed the scene with mixed expressions: shock, disbelief, outrage, while some suppressed laughter, and a few simply ignored it.

"KIZAER!" the professor shouted, irritated. "SIR, YES, SIR," Kizaer responded, rising to his feet with his body stretched and muscles taut, demonstrating an almost inhuman reaction.

"WERE YOU SLEEPING THIS WHOLE TIME?" inquired the professor, furious and disbelieving that someone had the audacity to sleep during a class where others would be willing to give their lives just to participate.

"SIR, NO, SIR," Kizaer replied before glancing around and seeming to remember that he was at school, not home.

Realizing where he was, his posture and voice relaxed. "Oh! Hehe, my apologies, professor. I wasn't sleeping the entiiiiiire class. I just took a tiny nap right before everyone stood up."

"AND HOW, I ASK YOU, DID YOU KNOW PEOPLE WERE ABOUT TO STAND UP IF YOUR EYES WERE CLOSED!?" The professor's eyes were red with anger at such disrespect. In all the years he had taught at that institution, no student had dared to be so reckless and disrespectful.

Kizaer simply shrugged and pointed to one of the students who was two seats away from him. "Well, he was the first to break Flow Attunement, and then it was that girl over there." Kizaer gestured toward a girl who was a bit closer to the professor. "Since most people started pretending they were still in Flow Attunement, I deduced that the class would continue a little longer, so I decided to take a short nap." Kizaer narrated as if it were entirely normal, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean, I wake up very early for my grandfather's morning exercises, and I was tired, so I ended up dozing off. My apologies?"




The professor didn't know what to say. Indeed, as a veteran, he had noticed that some students had exited Flow Attunement, but he chose not to mention it to avoid embarrassing anyone. However, he had recorded their names in order and the duration they persevered.

The professor was astounded by the situation. How could a freshman so clearly discern who was and who wasn't in a state of Flow Attunement? It was an exasperating and absurd question. Kizaer seemed to possess a peculiar observational ability, or perhaps it was just luck. Regardless, the professor was determined to keep a closer eye on him.