The last one, prey, a furious hunter.

After approximately 25 minutes of a hurried journey, the members of team 6 managed to reach the closest access to the riverbank nearby in terms of distance from the city gate to that point. That was the last stop and if they didn't find any animal, they would return empty handed today.

Any other riverbank access would be considerably farther away from that place and would border the limits of other quadrants, potentially leading the quartet to invade inadvertently a territorial Wild Beast's space, resulting in a dangerous and deadly encounter, and this was something they wanted to avoid as much as possible.

As they approached, Kizaer then signaled for his companions to slow down and proceed with caution. It was wiser to act prudently at that moment rather than rush ahead and risk being seen by an Iron-Tailed Monkey if one of them happened to be near the riverbank quench its thirsts with its pack members.