Awakening, search, patrol.

The night passed slowly for the members of Team 6. A few hours after the passage of the Night Serpent, a slight movement and a low grumbling caught the attention of the trio inside the hollow shelter of the titanic tree.

"Nhumm Nghunn…" Shen mumbled as he made slight movements. Ciona, who was closest to him, rushed to his side. "Shen, don't move, don't move!"

Despite Ciona's pleas, Shen was overcome by the last memory his mind could conjure—the attack of the now-deceased Alpha Iron-Tailed Monkey lying outside the shelter.

Shen's body jolted, and he relived one of the worst experiences of his life. His body sent overwhelming signals of pain, especially from his broken limbs. Fortunately, Shen was weak and couldn't move his broken limbs abruptly, preventing the wounds from reopening.