Visiting the Armanci Clan – part 4

The agent that Mary Armanci had sent had already left the main pagoda and had arrived near the external window of Joane's room to try to gather some information.

At first, the agent did not understand the urgency of the branch leader's instructions but set out to complete the mission with the same efficiency she would execute on any occasion.

The agent was standing near the window outside and ended up hearing all of Kizaer's words. Surprised, she stealthily leaned her body and looked into the room, seeing Joane in her casual clothes with an extremely red face and the boy's open and sincere smile.

Because of the possibility of being seen, the agent did not lean her body further and could not see Ciona next to Kizaer. All she did was think to herself, 'The branch leader is not going to like this at all. It's better I return and report what's happening before these two end up "cooking rice before its time" and the Leader gets furious.'