Our Nascent Arts

120 - Our Nascent Arts


The temporal streams that govern the world continued to flow incessantly, and with them, the days of every living being in this world.

Rymann continued to periodically take Kizaer to the cardinal seals so that he could refine the Asura Combat Style and control the intensity of energy infusion during the use of the Crimson Cut Technique.

This way, Kizaer would be able to use the Crimson Cut Technique without accidentally taking someone's life during training at the college.

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The Unlucky Team had created a kind of modus operandi for their activities. They were always present at the training sessions and classes of the Free Feathers Martial Arts School and the joint training sessions in Ciona's courtyard, evolving slowly but steadily and consistently.

The Unlucky Team continued to accept small missions of escort, security, location, and collection of some more common medicinal herbs.