Ciona’s determination (1)

It was easy to forget, or even notice, that the person was actually using this Nascent Art of Aeolus Steps.

With Ciona's first and second movements, a new accumulation took effect, increasing her agility, dexterity, and physical capabilities by a factor of 2.2.

The result was a Ciona who managed to perform another forced half-turn at the exact moment the sole of her foot met Kizaer's palm. Before he could close his fingers around her foot, blocking and destroying her momentum, Ciona struck again with her other leg, hitting Kizaer's neck.

The blow was dry and firm. Kizaer had to allow the impact to throw him backward to minimize the initial force of the blow and regain his stance.

Using the inertia, Ciona performed another half-turn as she fell towards the ground. She landed gracefully on the tip of her left foot, her right leg again at chest height, and Ciona was no longer facing Kizaer; her target was Shen.