Ties that tighten

For a few moments, no one said anything. Kizaer stood there, holding his small communication talisman, with a distant and vacant expression.

"Kizaer…" Shen's voice resonated through the talisman transmission. "What did you just say?" His voice carried a hint of cynicism as he questioned Kizaer.

"I said that I wanted to kill Ciona," Kizaer replied curtly.

But a few moments of silence hung in the communication channel of the Unlucky Team.

Sigh. "Look, if it weren't for Ciona's warnings, and if we hadn't witnessed so many other situations like this, maybe I'd believe your words," Shen responded wearily.

"By the gods, Kz, you really need to work on your terrible habit of saying things halfway or out of context," Joane chimed in immediately, irritation evident in her voice.