A conversation between old friends

"So… is this where that old, mangy mutt is living now?" Old Wei asked in his raspy, weathered voice, pointing toward Rymann Bandolen's house.

Kizaer merely smirked. "Yes, Senior Old Wei, this is where my grandfather and I live."

"Humph!" Old Wei huffed at Kizaer's response before continuing. "And so, 'Old Thing,' you notice the presence of an acquaintance in front of your house but pretend to be crippled in your cultivation? You hear the voice of someone who has helped you so much, yet you feign deafness?"

Old Wei took a step toward the door, continuing his complaints. "What's next? When I'm standing right in front of you, will you pretend to be blind as well?"

Some seconds later: "Tsk." An irritated tongue-click echoed from inside the house.

"It's impossible not to notice your presence, you've smelled like wild beast dung since the moment you crossed the northern gates." The door creaked open slowly, revealing a displeased-looking Bandolen.