Deliberations, Choices and Maturity.

Kizaer entered the meeting building, followed by Shen, Wang, Cassia, John, and Ruth. Passing through the entrance portal, he noticed a reception area responsible for guiding visitors and clients of the Burning Fist Group.

In the eastern wing of the meeting building, there was a smaller room reserved exclusively for direct meetings with a maximum of two clients. After all, it wasn't practical to use the main hall every time someone requested some kind of work.

Behind the reception desk, there were two entrance doors positioned respectively on the right and left sides, facilitating the entry and exit of people in case a meeting needed to be held in the Operations Room.

Kizaer walked through one of the access doors to the Operations Room and saw the familiar large rectangular table placed in the center of the room. This table had once hosted traders, representatives from smaller organizations, and even members of the Burning Fist Group, discussing various matters.