Chapter 4 I’M Not A Bad Person Either

In the mid-air, a black spot appeared at some point. It looked vaguely like a bird. If you look closely, it seems to be a little longer and thinner.

Suddenly, the black spot began to fall, falling at an alarming speed. In a few seconds, it was already in front of you.

boom! ! ! !

A mud wave several meters high was set off on the ground, and within a radius of several hundred meters, countless cracks appeared like broken glass.

Locke swept away the dense dust around him and heard a cold, low voice.

"You came later than planned."

Locke raised his head and looked toward the voice, where he saw a strong man in military uniform, leaning against a muscle car, his body filled with an aura of iron blood.

Locke and the other person looked at each other. It was clear that the two of them had no similarities in appearance, clothing, or temperament. At the moment, they felt a strange sense of harmony and similarity.

"Frank, that's all you noticed?"

The strong man named Frank said calmly: "What do you mean by the power you just showed?"

"Yeah, not bad power."

Facing the mighty force that was like a natural disaster, this man was really too calm.

But this is Frank, the man known as the Punisher.

Locke shook his head, not feeling anything wrong with the other party's attitude.

"You haven't answered the question I just asked, Locke."

Hearing this, Locke fell into silence.

"It seems that you have been betrayed." Frank said calmly and clearly.

"Betrayal? No, no, no, is that considered betrayal?" Locke sneered.

"HYDRA and I have always had a cooperative relationship."

"Work together to attack S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Cooperate and fight for the treasure of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"I failed, and the other party chose to give up on me as a loser, so everything is as it should be."

If it weren't for the cooperation with HYDRA, how could Locke's power alone have caused the entire S.H.I.E.L.D to be so miserable?

After all, Locke was just a mortal in the past. Even if he reached the limit of mortals and had the same combat power as Frank that could be defined as a level 10 agent, it was absolutely impossible to confront the entire S.H.I.E.L.D head-on.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D., why did HYDRA cooperate with Locke to trap S.H.I.E.L.D when it was already considered a member of Snake Shield? It is naturally because the HYDRA that cooperated with Locke and the HYDRA that occupied S.H.I.E.L.D did not belong to the same branch.

There was a lot of pressure. Pierce identified the braised egghead who was not HYDRA as the hope for the rise of HYDRA. Naturally, some people would also think that the braised egghead was an obstacle to the rise of HYDRA, such as Baron Strucker.

It's not about right or wrong, it's just about different camps.

"You seem a little excited?" Frank's voice was filled with doubts for the first time.

"Yeah, I'm very excited!" Locke smiled inexplicably.

"If that guy doesn't give up on me, I won't be too embarrassed to just kill my partner and take over everything he owns."

"After all, I'm not a vicious person, right? Haha!"

Frank's eyes dilated slightly, and a bloodthirsty excitement surged deep in his eyes.

"Count me in!"

"Nonsense, you're my best buddy, Frank!"

With two "bumps", Frank opened the door at a weird speed and in almost one second, got into the driver's seat, and then patted the co-pilot hard.

"Come on, man, get in the car!"

Locke did not choose to take a seat, but shook his head.

Frank frowned: "Do you think the power of me and you is not enough to destroy those scum?"

Locke shook his head again.

"With the two of us, it won't be a big problem to surround those guys."

"However, there are too many HYDRAs. Just the two of you and me are not enough to block them all. Ordinary HYDRA members can stay, but those core executives cannot stay. If any one of them escapes, it will be trouble. You know Yes, I have always hated trouble, so I can only work harder and send them all to hell."

"In addition, there are a few little guys there who are difficult to deal with."

Locke thought of two people, Wanda and Quicksilver.

According to the original setting, Wanda and Quicksilver gained Awakening Ability after being stimulated by the Mind Gem, but in fact everyone understands that Wanda's Origin Magic Power is derived from Sithorn, the god of black Mephista, and the Mind Gem only stimulates it. Wanda originally has the power of Origin Magic Power in her body.

Therefore, even if the plot of the Avengers alliance has not officially started yet, and the Mind Gem has not yet come to Earth, Wanda's potential may not be unexploited.

After all, this world is not simply the Avengers alliance world or the Iron Man world, but a more comprehensive Marvel world. All the heroes under Marvel are more or less over-the-top. Therefore, Locke has always just taken the lead in the original plot. It is used as a reference and has never completely relied on the so-called plot.

"So, we need a few helpers."

"Then where should we go now?"

"Find a place to rest."

"Also, go meet someone."


"Hellfire, White Queen!"

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