Chapter 11 A Ruthless Man

boom! boom! boom!

Various explosions continued to sound in the base, urgent alarms sounded like lifeless sounds, and the astonishing Shockwave destroyed large areas of wires and even cameras.

Baron Strucker's face in the main control room became extremely ugly and he could no longer wait.

The risk is too great, and those two experimental subjects may not be able to stop Locke who has undergone unknown strengthening.

Baron Strucker immediately returned to his room and started to pack his things. He packed some of the most important things very quickly. It took him almost a few minutes to collect all the really important things, and then he immediately opened the door and was ready to leave.

However, after taking just a few steps, Baron Strucker stepped back. At the same time, he raised his hands high and had no time to pay attention to the treasures he had prepared.

Locke put a gun against the opponent's head, and the cold muzzle made Baron Strucker feel no sense of security.

"My good friend, this is a misunderstanding, believe me." A forced smile appeared on Baron Strucker's face.


A bullet grazed Baron Strucker's forehead and entered the wall behind him. A blast of cold air rushed from the soles of Baron Strucker's feet to his forehead.

"I want to forgive you too, but, my good friend, this gun has different ideas."

Looking at Locke who was smiling but not smiling, Baron Strucker fell silent. This time he was frustrated.

"Sit!" Locke motioned to the sofa beside him.

Baron Strucker's expression changed. Are you planning to kill him?

Locke sat carelessly on the other side, saying nothing, as if waiting for something.

Time passed slowly, and Baron Strucker began to become more and more uneasy. The unknown is always scary.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a light knock on the door.


The door opened and a beautiful woman walked in. At this moment, Baron Strucker's face turned pale.

Because, following the unknown beautiful woman was a guy who looked exactly like Baron Strucker.

However, at the moment this guy who looked almost exactly like Baron Strucker had empty eyes, as if he had completely lost consciousness.

Baron Strucker looked pale and murmured: "You, no, you shouldn't know!"

"Is there anything that should or shouldn't be done? How can underground rats be upright? Paranoia of being persecuted is almost a common characteristic of you underground rats, so get a fake person, a substitute, and pretend to be yourself. This is not you underground rats. routine operations."

Locke glanced at the counterfeit Baron Strucker, picked up a bottle of unknown brand, but knew it was expensive at first glance and tasted it.

"Why do you think I attacked this base? I want to kill you. I have more than ten ways to make you meet your God without knowing it, and it's not just to force that guy out."

The fake Baron Strucker took a deep breath and suddenly calmed down.

"Let's do it."

"The real Baron has fallen into your hands, and I, the fake, have lost all value."

"Kill you? Why should I kill you?"

The impostor Baron Strucker was stunned for a moment: "You won't kill me?"

"Make a deal."

"What deal?"

"You help me take complete control of this base. As a deal, you will be the second in command of this base in the future, the real second in command. You will no longer be someone's stand-in, nor a victim that can be sacrificed at any time."

The face of the counterfeit Baron Strucker suddenly changed, and soon, his breathing became uncontrollably hot.

He was already certain to die, but now not only does he not have to die, but he can also transform from a fake body into a real person?

If possible, who would like to be someone else's substitute!

As for having an extra boss above his head, it doesn't matter. Originally, there was a real Baron Strucker above his head, but he just changed the boss. The most important thing is that the new Baron Strucker seems to be really willing to delegate power to him. , this is more fragrant.

Taking a deep breath: "I agree to this deal."

"Boss!" The fake Baron Strucker bowed respectfully.

Locke nodded: "Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you stop this riot?"

"Okay, boss."

Watching the interested impostor Baron Strucker walk out of the room and go to the main control room, the White Queen casually sat next to Locke.

"Do you trust this guy that much?"

"Trust?" Locke sneered.

"That kind of thing doesn't make any sense."

"If he wants to survive and stop being a false substitute, he can only listen to me."

"As for whether you will have other ideas in the future, I remember that your psychic power can modify your memory."

White Queen suddenly understood: "No wonder you always let me save my psychic power."

"If it is a temporary modification, I can complete it at any time. If it is a permanent modification of a person's memory, it will take a little time."

"Then do it. As long as I control that guy, this base will almost fall into my hands."

White Queen nodded and looked at the real Baron Strucker, who had dull eyes on the side: "What should we do with this guy?"

"Extract his memory, and then use his memory to find out the core high-level information that knows there are two Baron Struckers, and then...kill!"

"Kill all those who know the secret, and the secret will no longer be a secret."

White Queen nodded, and couldn't help but glance at Locke from the corner of her eye. There was some strange color in her eyes.

The White Queen has now understood all of Locke's operations. The attack on this base is just a facade, in order to force the real Baron Strucker out, and then use this commotion to kill all the core executives who know the truth, and finally use the fake Baron Strucker, take complete control of this base!

I'm afraid, even finding her and finding Hellfire is just part of the plan.

This plan is not too complicated, but... Locke, this man in front of you!

He has strength, force, ambition, and most importantly, he is ruthless!

If such a man cannot succeed, then what kind of guy can succeed!

Once he completely controls this unusual-looking base, this man might really be able to rescue her body!

"It seems good to follow such a guy." White Queen said silently in her heart.

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