Chapter 13 Who Allowed You To Treat My Cat Like This?

Outside a completely transparent room, two figures stood side by side, looking at the scene in the transparent room. Inside was a woman, a beauty with an extremely hot figure, it was Wanda.

At the moment, Wanda's body was curled up and her brows were wrinkled from time to time. It was obvious that she was not in a good state even though she was sleeping.

The White Queen looked at Wanda in the transparent room with a solemn expression: "This little girl, the power in her body is terrifying!"

Locke smiled and nodded. That was the magic power of Chaos, the three most powerful forces in the universe. It was more than just terrifying.

"Definitely, she is what I expect to be the top fighter in Hellfire Club in the future."

"I roughly know what you are planning to do. This little girl's potential is indeed amazing, but with my current ability, it is not enough to help her sort out that terrifying power."

"No need to comb it." Locke shook his head.

"There is no way to sort it out. The source of this power is far more terrifying than you imagine."

"What you need to do is to help her strengthen her mental strength and recover her spirit, so that she can slowly control this power."

Since the Wanda in front of her can Awakening Chaos force in advance, it is obvious that the help Mind Gem brings to Wanda is to enhance Wanda's psychic power, allowing Wanda to return to normal from the rampage, and then gradually begin to control Chaos magic.

In this case, there is no reason why White Queen, who also uses psychic power, cannot do it. Even though the quality of White Queen's psychic power is far lower than that of Mind Gem, White Queen is, after all, the first-class combat power on the surface, second only to Professor X. Master, Professor X can suppress the Phoenix force at the same level, but there is no reason why White Queen cannot.

"I'll try my best." White Queen responded solemnly.


Meanwhile, the world of Tom and Jerry.

At the moment, Tom's big face was full of confusion.

Tom likes Locke very much and wants to follow Locke. But, Tom is a loyal cat. His master has abused me thousands of times. I treat him like my first love.

Asking Tom to take the initiative to tell the owner that he wanted to leave, Tom felt that there were some things he couldn't do.

Very confused, very confused!

As a result, Jerry was stealing his own dried fish again, and Tom didn't want to deal with it. Tom fell into the most important choice in his life.

Suddenly, the master's voice came from outside.

"Tom, you stupid cat, give me a good home, do you hear me?"

Tom's expression changed. It was almost time to contact Locke, and he couldn't let his master go out.

Tom instantly transformed into a fiery cat whirlwind and quickly appeared in front of his master. He grinned like a cat and stood in front of his master.

The owner was angry: "Tom, you stupid cat, don't block my way to work!"

He slapped Tom aside and hit the door panel hard.

Tom skillfully pulled himself out, not caring about his master's violent actions, and stood in front of his master again.

"Damn it Tom, you have to let me beat you up, don't you?"

With that said, the fat, dark-skinned owner picked up a broom.

Tom suddenly made a growl in his throat. He could no longer hesitation, otherwise he would definitely be beaten.

Tom's hand that had been hidden quickly came out and revealed the gold bar he had been holding. The bright golden light instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The plump dark-skinned master was stunned for a moment, and then became completely Rage.

"Damn it, Tom, you dead cat, you actually learned how to steal!"

"You stole my gold bars, and now you are still here deliberately provoking me!"

As he said this, Tom was hit hard all over his head and face.

Tom was blinded, not because of the pain, but because the owner actually mistook Tom for a thief!

Tom suddenly felt aggrieved, aggrieved due to distrust.

At this moment, Tom thought of Locke. If Locke was the master, he wouldn't be so distrustful of him, right?

In the Marvel world, Locke suddenly shrank his eyes and instantly opened the latitude trading interface.

I saw that Tom's favorability score, which was originally stuck at 99%, inexplicably reached 100%.

In addition, perhaps because Tom's favorability reached full value, the Latitude trading interface seemed to have undergone some changes.

Locke did not pay attention to the new changes, but chose to connect with Tom as quickly as possible. Tom's favorability reached the full value inexplicably, something must have happened.

Locke is more concerned about what's wrong with Tom than about the new function.


In the world of Tom and Jerry, Tom, who was being beaten and running around, suddenly heard a rapid prompt.

"Your trader urges to come to your world. Do you agree?"

Tom was stunned for a moment. He didn't have time to dodge, and when he found the opportunity, the fat master laughed ferociously, and the broom in his hand almost danced out of his image. He caught Tom and beat him violently, making Tom scream.

With a bang, a broom was suddenly broken. The fat owner still couldn't understand his hatred, so he grabbed another stick and swung it at Tom.


A hand suddenly appeared out of thin air and grabbed the iron rod in his hand.

"Who allowed you to treat my cat like this!" The cold voice sounded like the coming of winter, causing the temperature of the entire room to drop a lot.

With a slight exertion, accompanied by a crunching and abrasive sound, the entire iron rod was forcibly pinched to form a row of fingerprints.


The dark-skinned and plump mistress of Rage, who was originally extremely rich, looked at this scene dumbfounded, an inexplicable coldness rushed straight to her forehead, and her back was instantly wet with cold sweat.

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