Chapter 15 Invincible Tom

The void twisted, and a passage appeared out of thin air. Locke walked out of it, followed by Tom, who was dragging a hill.

Looking at the familiar room in front of him, he glanced at Tom behind him who was looking around curiously. At this moment, an unprecedented smile appeared on Locke's face.

Ever since he knew this world was the Marvel world, Locke's heart has been filled with a sense of depression, not because of the various messy disasters in the Marvel world, but because of the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

Asgardian of time, no one knows what the other will do once he discovers a lot of changes in the timeline.

Now, this pressure has dissipated.

From this moment on, even the Ancient One was unable to do anything to him.

In terms of combat power, Tom is definitely not as good as the Ancient One, but Tom's power is idealistic. As long as Tom feels able, he can do almost anything he wants, and may even transform into various powerful forms at any time, such as Tom Superman, Lightning Tom, Magician Tom, etc.

Let's put it this way, even if the Ancient One slaps Locke to death out of thin air, as long as Tom is here, it won't be long before Tom can toss out some weird things to resurrect Locke, even if the Ancient One is strong enough to banish Locke in an instant If you go to other time and space and give Tom time, he can also build a time and space machine to bring Locke back.

As for annihilating Tom, let's just say a joke, Tom, who can be resurrected at will even if he is physically destroyed, would be afraid of that thing~

Tom's recovery ability makes even Majin Buu jump up and curse when he sees it.

Idealistic Tom is such an unsolvable existence!

Locke looked up at the sky. After a long time, he murmured: "It seems that she is not going to do anything."

Locke brought a different time and space creature from another time and space. There is no reason that the Ancient One cannot detect it. If it doesn't appear now, it must have been determined that there is nothing to do with Tom.

Locke touched his chin: "In this case, you can go to Kamar-Taj if you have the chance."

"I'm sorry, Kamar-Taj is not planning to welcome guests recently." A voice with a strange tone appeared inexplicably.

Hearing this voice, Locke did not panic, but smiled: "Sorcerer Supreme, since you are here, why don't you show up to see him."

The void was distorted, and a bald man with an extraordinary temperament walked out of thin air wearing a robe.

Seeing the person coming, Locke couldn't help but admired: "As expected of Sorcerer Supreme, his temperament is indeed extraordinary."

"Please sit down!"

The Ancient One looked at Locke up and down with strange eyes, looking at some strange existence that he had never seen before.

"You are special."

"I have never noticed such a special existence like yours before." It seemed like surprise, but also like sighing.

I didn't notice it before, but I discovered it now, but it's too late. Thinking like this, Ancient One glanced at the very well-behaved Tom from the corner of his eye, with a hint of undetectable fear in his eyes.

"That's not surprising. I've never touched something I shouldn't have touched. Because I'm so small, I can't get into the eyes of the Sorcerer Supreme."

The Ancient One nodded clearly. She has always only cared about the overall situation of the entire earth. As long as some important nodes that affect the entire future are not touched and do not affect the fate of the entire human race, she will indeed not pay attention.

He sat down opposite Locke and looked at Locke who was making tea skillfully at the moment with interest.

"You seem to know me and the world very well."

"Maybe I know more than Magician~"

"Yeah, that's really interesting." Ancient One nodded calmly.

"What? Magician doesn't want to know where I know it, and how much I know?"

"My curiosity is not that serious." Ancient One shook his head.

"That's really a pity. I'm also planning to make some deals with Magician."

"Magician should understand that I have nothing against Kamar-Taj and I also abide by the order."

"Your order is not very fair."

"An order of injustice is also an order, isn't it?"

The Ancient One was silent. She really didn't care whether the earth was in a just order or a dark order. As long as it wasn't disorderly chaos, it was out of the scope of her action.

At this time, Locke finally made tea. Several cups of tea guessed a square formation. With a gentle push, one of the cups of tea was pushed towards the Ancient One.

"Magician, please~"

Ancient One's eyes dropped: "Welcome tea."

As a Sorcerer Supreme who has lived for two hundred years and is a tea drinker, Ancient One naturally understands the tea ceremony.

Locke waved his hand again: "Please~"

A second later, the Ancient One sighed, elegantly picked up the teacup, and drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing this scene, Locke smiled.

After drinking the welcome tea, you are no longer prepared to be an enemy. The Ancient One surrendered and agreed with Locke's less just order in the future.

"Next time, you can come to Kamar-Taj to have tea together." After saying that, a portal opened out of thin air behind him, and the Ancient One stood up.

"Magician, I have a curious question, I wonder if you can tell me."

Ancient One did not look back: "Twelve million times, I observed the future twelve million times."

"Then, I wonder what the result will be?"

"I killed you eight million times, you were resurrected eight million times, and then you killed me seven million times. In addition, the Trinity Weishan Emperor fell seven times."

Locke's expression changed, but he didn't expect that the Trinity Weishan Emperor would actually take action.

"What about the rest?"

Ancient One suddenly looked strange, and the corners of his mouth twitched inexplicably.

Without answering, he stepped into the portal and disappeared without a trace.

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