Chapter 19 Keel Is Equal To Flour, There Is Nothing Wrong With It!

Stop playing."

Locke grabbed Tom's forearm and flicked away the illusory air palm that Tom was holding.

bump! bump!

Two large craters were instantly blown up on the ground. When Tom saw this scene, he was stunned and his hair exploded!

Was the thing you just played so scary?

Asking two men to capture the unconscious Mrs. Gao, Locke motioned to the White Queen: "Extract her memory. I want everything of value."

White Queen nodded, and her eyes began to light up with a bright light symbolizing spiritual power.

After a moment, the White Queen nodded.

"Then go and have a look at her lair here. This old ghost will run here when she gets scared. There should be something good here."

White Queen smiled: "According to her memory, there are indeed many good things."

After a while, everyone came to a huge amount of manor outside. Looking at the manor covering an area of ​​more than a hundred acres in front of them, Locke smiled: "The old ghost who has lived for hundreds of years really doesn't treat himself badly."

Unfortunately, it belongs to him now.

"Emma, ​​lead the way."

The White Queen nodded. She had obtained all the memories of Mrs. Gao and was very familiar with this manor. She took Locke directly to a very private and ordinary-looking small room.

White Queen skillfully and quickly opened three passwords in succession, and the three passwords were in different locations.

In this way, the small room was slowly opened.

When you open the door, you will see rows of firearms, including snipers, submachine guns, assault rifles, etc.

Looking at these firearms, Locke shook his head.

As a traitor to Kunlun, a being who controls Kunlun Qigong and can become stronger through Qigong practice, but puts her own safety on some external forces. That old woman has completely gone astray.

"That's all?"

"Definitely not." White Queen walked up to a wall that was also filled with firearms, touched it tentatively, and then pressed hard. Suddenly, with a creaking sound, half of the wall slowly opened again, and a dark path opened. The passage appeared in front of Locke.

Locke did not hesitate and stepped directly into it. This passage was continuous and there were some hidden traps along the way. Unfortunately, those traps were of no value in front of the White Queen. After a while, the two of them reached the depths of the passage and entered. A smaller secret room.

"This is the secret room that the old lady cares about most. Those on the left seem to be some important medicinal materials that I don't quite understand."

Locke picked up a ginseng that was quite old at first glance. It should be the so-called century-old ginseng. After looking at it for a few times, Locke turned away.

White Queen began to introduce again: "These here are some special items with extraordinary power, which the lady collected little by little over a long period of time."

The things here are much less than those medicinal materials, there is skin that looks pitch black, there are unknown teeth that are dozens of times larger than canine teeth, etc.

"There are a lot of things in there, and even the old lady can't figure out what their uses are, except for this."

As she spoke, the White Queen gently picked up a thing that looked similar to 'flour'. A package was wrapped in a delicate small bag. She moved as gently as she could, as if she was holding a rare treasure. , eyes filled with unprecedented enthusiasm.

"Dragon bone, this is the name of this thing. According to her memory, the function of this thing is... to make people immortal!"

Locke nodded, and it was not surprising. Although the old guys in the Shouhe Association were going crazy for the new keel, they didn't have any left in their hands, otherwise it wouldn't be a matter of urgency.

The enthusiasm in White Queen's eyes soon turned into disappointment. According to Mrs. Gao's memory, this magical dragon bone can indeed live forever, but there are too few of them and they won't last long at all.

Locke lifted Tom up, placed him on the table holding the dragon bones, and gently stroked Tom's hair.

"Tom, did you hear that? This thing can live forever. Although you are very smart, Tom, and are the smartest cat in the world, you should also know that the life span of a cat is not very long."

When Tom heard this, he was distressed at first, then looked at Keel with burning eyes, and then looked at Locke. His little head began to rub against Locke's palm, and his big eyes were full of desire and enthusiasm.

Locke rubbed Tom's little head again: "Of course there is Tom's share in this, but as you can see, Tom, there is only so much, and it is not enough for one person, let alone sharing."

"So, Tom, it's up to you to see if you can try to make 'flour' with the same effect. You are the smartest cat. It's just some specially prepared 'flour'. It doesn't make sense." Tom can't make it, can he?"

Hearing this, Tom nodded vigorously, with a solemn and confident look on his face.

Tom is super smart. If others can do it, Tom can do it too!

The White Queen on the side looked at Locke tricking Tom with strange eyes. She wanted to say that this stuff was made from dragon bones, not some concocted flour.

However, when she thought of the outrageous operations that Tom had done before, the White Queen suddenly felt that maybe, this little monster could really do it?

"Also, White Queen, give me the Qigong you copied on the way."

The White Queen opened her handbag after hearing this. Don't ask why a projection uses a bag, ask a woman.

Stacks of information-like things were handed to Locke.

Locke gave the Qigong to Tom.

"Tom, these are the powers exerted by the old woman. They can make people stronger, but we are not suitable for practice. Tom, please try to transform it into a version that is more suitable for our practice."

"Tom, you must have not forgotten Jerry, and Jerry's whole family of 'terrible' brothers and sisters. If you want to defeat them, Tom must become stronger, and this is an opportunity!"

After saying this, Tom became excited instantly, even countless times more excited than the flour that makes people immortal!

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