Chapter 47 Tom Is Very Angry

Tom is very angry!

An angry cat was in a corner, its eyes constantly looking in a certain direction, not hiding its hostility at all.

Not far away, the Hulk, who was over three meters tall, sat obediently on a pony.

Well behaved.jpg!

Realizing that eyes were constantly falling on him, the Hulk subconsciously turned his head and saw that it was a cat, and a smile (ferocious) suddenly appeared on his big face.


The hair on Tom's body exploded instantly!

Threatening! This is intimidation!

This big green monster is terrorizing Tom! !

Tom swooped into Locke's arms. The cat was unwilling to come out of Locke's arms.

Locke looked a little weird and said: "Okay, Tom, Hulk is not targeting you, he is just smiling at you."

"Crack!" With a sound, Tom was completely petrified. It was not an exaggeration, but Tom was really petrified. With a constant clicking sound, the whole Tom was shattered into pieces on the ground.

The next moment, a hand appeared out of thin air, took out a broom from nowhere, brushed it a few times, and swept itself into a ball, automatically splicing into a new Tom.


Hulk:? ? ? ?

This outrageous operation made even the green fat man look confused.

What's even more outrageous is that the Hulk is still confused. Bruce Banner, who is temporarily suppressed in the body, has gone crazy.

"Fake, this is unscientific!!"

Bruce Banner, who holds seven doctorate degrees at the same time, saw this unscientific scene. The three corpses jumped on the spot. For a moment, they actually suppressed Hulk's suppressed consciousness and transformed into Bruce Banner in human form again. Banner!

Bruce Banner, who had recovered his human body, stared at Tom. At this moment, Dr. Banner's views were violent, and he was frantically using his own scientific views.

This look was a little scary, causing Tom to shrink his neck and carefully shrink back behind Locke.

Threatening! This is definitely intimidation! He's threatening Tom!

Tom, the cat behind Locke, jumped up and down in anger.

He wanted to give the other party a good beating, but thinking about the big man after his transformation, Tom couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Suddenly, Tom seemed to have thought of something and left angrily. When he left, he also took away a dumbbell that someone didn't know who had thrown it in the corner.

Looking at Tom's leaving figure, Locke shook his head. Tom was defiant, but he retained the rich emotions of a cat and always did things that made people laugh or cry. Fortunately, Locke didn't mind these things and let him go. Bar.

His eyes returned to Bruce Banner: "Dr. Bruce Banner."

Bruce Banner took a deep breath: "Sir, you can just call me Dr. Banner."

Locke nodded: "Dr. Banner, do you want to completely separate from the Hulk in your body?"

Bruce Banner's eyes lit up instantly: "If possible, I definitely want to completely get rid of it almost every moment of every day. To me, it is a monster."


"Hulk is not a monster!" Half of Bruce Banner's face instantly shapeshifted, revealing the Hulk's big face, and roared Rage at Bruce Banner.

Bruce Banner looked solemn and spat at him without fear: "Hulk, you are a monster, a monster created by me! You only have fighting and madness in your mind. Your existence will only cause destruction. You shouldn't do it at all." Appear in this world!"

"Hulk is not a monster!!" Hulk became more and more angry, and even his whole body couldn't help but transform.

"Hulk, you don't need to be so excited." Locke's voice sounded. It was such a plain sentence, as if it had some kind of magic power, and it actually forced Hulk back when he was about to transform.

Looking at Bruce Banner who had regained his human form, Locke's desire to communicate suddenly became much weaker.

"Dr. Banner, you originally wanted to talk to you about Hulk's true origin. After all, under certain circumstances, you can actually be regarded as his father."

"Now that doesn't mean much."

"The origin of Hulk?" Bruce Banner looked confused: "Didn't it mutate and form lesions after I was exposed to gamma rays?"

"Yes or no, it is indeed a mutation, but it is even more of a miracle."

"Dr. Banner, the existence of Hulk is a miracle that you, a doctor of seven disciplines, cannot understand in your entire life."

Bruce Banner was a little unhappy for a moment. He felt that his scientific literacy had been questioned.


A snap of fingers.

Bruce Banner's body was shaken, and his entire soul was shaken out of his body in an instant.

Bruce Banner, floating in mid-air, stared blankly down at his 'self' as if he had fallen into a deep sleep. The scientific values ​​​​that he had always had were once again impacted.

"This is... a soul?"


Locke nodded, and with a flick of his hand, a plane mirror appeared on the side of Bruce Banner's soul. Bruce Banner looked over subconsciously, and his eyes were filled with confusion and shock.

One soul, two appearances, it's him, and on the other side, it's the Hulk!

"Hulk...has a soul?" Bruce Banner murmured in shock.

He always thought that Hulk was a disease, a monster hidden in his body, but he never thought that Hulk actually had his own soul.

Having a soul means that it is a real life.

Hulk is equivalent to a real life that coexists with him!

Locke didn't answer Bruce Banner's question. He didn't need to answer it. It wasn't a question at all.

"To separate you and Hulk, we need some means and some preparations."

"You can stay here temporarily during this period."

Bruce Banner nodded with a heavy face, his mood was lower than ever.

Locke turned to leave with a sneer on his lips. He originally thought that Hulk and Banner were actually a pair of arrogant brothers who disliked each other. If not, Hulk would not be willing to completely integrate with Bruce Banner. , so he put his mind to it and chose to chat with Bruce Banner.

As a result, he now discovered that this was not the case at all. The disappearance of Hulk in the later period was more likely due to his immature worldview being eroded by Bruce Banner's adult worldview. In the end, he was tamed in ignorance and completely handed over to himself. Bruce Banner.

As for the current Hulk, he is still in a wild and untamed state, and there is actually no need to talk about it at all.

Bruce Banner has always believed that Hulk was a disease, so he disliked the conflict. Although Hulk was refuting, but with his immature thinking, he might not believe it at all. Now, the answer to the mystery has been revealed by Locke. Hulk is not what Bruce Banner imagined. The long-standing grievances have completely exploded, and Hulk will want to leave the other party more than Bruce Banner.

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