Chapter 49 Mutant Bipolar

Scarlet light suddenly appeared on the sofa, and at this moment, Locke's figure suddenly appeared.

The White Queen, who was working, suddenly raised her head. When she saw Locke clearly, a charming smile suddenly appeared on her face. Regardless of the work at hand, she stood up and walked to Locke's side, sitting on Locke's body. Locke followed suit. Hold the other person's slender waist.

"How many days have I been gone?"

"Three days is shorter than the time you originally said."

Locke nodded. He originally thought that this breakthrough would take about a week.

"Has anything big happened in the base recently?"

"Big deal?" White Queen thought for a moment.

"There are no big things, but there are a few small things."

"Oh, tell me~"

"First of all, Wanda. She is smarter than I thought. She has completed the plans you made very well. Now she is an excellent leader that people can rest assured."

"The other thing is, the Bruce Banner you brought back is not in good condition."


"What happened to Bruce Banner?"

White Queen suddenly pursed her lips and smiled: "That guy was hit a bit badly."

"Who hit him?"



Locke raised his eyebrows: "Tom? What did Tom do? Create some unscientific works that challenge his scientific ideas?"

"It's not this, but it's almost the same."

"Tom spent three days, somehow building up a lot of muscle, and then beat the crap out of that Bruce Banner."

Locke's expression was startled, and then he couldn't help but laugh. Locke was not surprised that Tom could beat Bruce Banner. Let alone Bruce Banner, if Tom really got the upper hand, he would beat him like the Hulk, or even the four-handed Hulk, the Green Emperor, Beat the same.

After thinking for a while, Locke said, "That Bruce Banner, it's time to let him go."

"Leave? That Bruce Banner has seven doctorates. Why don't you keep such a talent?"

Locke shook his head: "With Tom, we don't have much need for highly intelligent people. What's more, even if we do need them, there are people more suitable than him."

Locke didn't like Bruce Banner, which he didn't even bother to hide.

A guy with a developed brain and simple limbs, his existence severely restricted the development of Hulk.

Among Hulk's more than a dozen transformations, the several forms dominated by Bruce Banner are not considered strong. On the contrary, it is the transformations dominated by Hulk that truly reveal his powerful side, and there are almost no weak ones.

"Separating Hulk and Bruce Banner requires a long process, and then the base will be handed over to you." After all, it is the separation of souls, and the slightest mistake will affect the souls of both.

Locke doesn't care what happens to Bruce Banner, but he doesn't want Hulk's soul to be damaged.

White Queen nodded: "Don't worry, I will take care of everything."


At the same time, in a room, SHIELD Director Lu Dantou, Iron Man Tony Stark, and General Ross, three people who usually had no contact with each other, were now sitting together.

Iron Man Tony Stark looked impatient: "Hey, agent, I told you, I have no interest in your little boy organization."

Braised Dantou looked sternly: "Tony, you still don't understand, things are completely different now than before."

"I don't know since when, the number of Superman types began to explode, and Superman type crimes are becoming more and more common. In this case, if there is not a powerful organization that can directly deter those Superman types, this kind of Superman There will be more and more criminals."

Tony Stark was a little silent. He used to be proud, definitely, and he is still proud now, but it must be said that the Superman-like group made him deeply fearful.


"Tony, I need you, everyone needs you!" Seeing that Tony Stark's resistance was not so strong, Braised Eggman naturally continued to work harder.

Tony Stark thought for a while: "Let me think about this first."


On the other side, General Ross listened to the conversation between the two and said impatiently: "You can talk about your little boy plan yourself. I am very busy and have no time to play children's games with you!"

With that said, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait a moment, General Ross. You don't want to know about the Hulk, do you?"

General Ross stopped leaving, turned around suddenly, and looked at Braised Eggman with burning eyes: "Do you know where Hulk is?"

Braised Eggman did not answer directly, but said: "General Ross, now you can sit down again and listen patiently."

General Ross sat back down: "Nick Fury, I don't like others to lie to me. If you really do that, believe me, you won't bear the consequences!"

Facing General Ross's naked threat, Braised Eggman's expression remained unchanged. He clapped his hands gently, opened the screen, and began to play the video.

"You two, this video should be familiar to you."

The expressions of General Ross and Tony Stark changed at the same time. The image played by Braised Eggman was clearly the image of the Hulk erupting not long ago, crushing the enemies head-on with his own power.

General Ross looked cold and said coldly: "Nick Fury, are you provoking me?!"

Tony Stark's face also looked unhappy.

But Lu Dantou shook his head: "No, I'm not provoking you. Look here."

With Luo Dantou's finger, the Illusion Master in the image was suddenly magnified several times. Luo Dantou pointed at the position of Illusion Master's chest.

Tony Stark glanced at it: "A badge, it looks pretty good, and then what?"

"This is not just a badge. According to my guess, this should be a secret organization, and that badge may be a symbol of this organization."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Tony Stark and General Ross changed.



"That's right, organization!"

"What's even more terrifying is that I suspect that the Hulk is also favored by that organization and wants to be absorbed into it."

"Also, look at the surface of that badge."

"This seems to be an Ace of Clubs sign?"

"Yes, based on my guess, I suspect that organization is using playing cards as a symbol."

"The Ace of Clubs is obviously as dangerous as the Hulk, and there may be four such beings in this organization! Because there are four Aces in a deck of playing cards!"

As soon as these words came out, Tony Stark and General Ross took a breath instantly.

Four Hulks can fight against an army on their own. What a terrifying organization this will be!

"No, we can't wait any longer, we must investigate this organization!"

"It's useless, Tony. Even if you find out, what's the use? Facing four monsters of that level, what chance do you think you have of surviving?"

Tony Stark was silent for a moment.

General Ross looked at Braised Eggman: "Then what do you want to do?"

"You two, I need your help. I need you to go with me to meet someone."


"One may be able to truly detect the existence of that organization on his own."

"One of the most powerful Superman types, the Mutant Bipolar - Professor X!"

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