Chapter 53 Phoenix Force

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, with a normal sound, Professor X collapsed to the ground.

"Professor, Professor, what's wrong with you!"

Beast on the side quickly stepped forward and examined Professor X with concern.

At the moment, Professor

If it weren't for his weak breathing, Beast almost thought Professor X was acting directly.

Beast, who had always thought that Professor X was almost omnipotent, had never seen Professor

"Whoops, whoops, whoops..."

After a long, long time, Professor

"Professor, professor, what happened to you??"

Professor X shook his head laboriously.

"Don't ask me, I almost didn't come back."

Beast's eyes suddenly widened: "It's so dangerous? Even you almost..."

"Dangerous?" Professor X laughed at himself.

"This is not a question of dangerous or not."

"Beast, have you ever seen a god?"

Beast suddenly frowned: "There is no god in this world, it must be some kind of Mutant disguised as a god."

With Mutant's weird ability, it's not impossible to disguise himself as a god.


However, Professor X just shook his head.

"No, not a Mutant, a real god."

"Before, I didn't believe that there was such an existence, but it's different now."

"Because, I saw it with my own eyes~"

I couldn't even look directly at the other person. Just one glance from the other party easily defeated the spiritual power that I was proud of. If such an existence is not a god, then what is a god?


On the other side, in the original spiritual network world, Locke turned around and looked at White Queen and others, and said warmly: "You guys go back first."


White Queen and others left one by one.

At the moment, there were only two figures left in place.

One is Locke, and the other is the inexplicably awkward Jean Grey.

Why is it embarrassing? Because since Professor X's spiritual body left, she also wanted to leave, but she found that she couldn't leave!

God, there was an existence opposite Professor

Moreover, whether it was an illusion or not, Qin Gray felt vaguely that the terrifying power in her body had rarely subsided.

After feeling it carefully, it seems to be true, but this makes it even scarier, okay?

Locke's eyes fell on Qin Grey, and he glanced up and down.

Her hot figure is no worse than the women around Locke, and the size of her breasts even has a tendency to surpass Wanda.

"Yes, yes, you are worthy of being a host of the Phoenix force."

Being glanced at by the other party, Qin Gray's face turned red inexplicably, but soon, she didn't care about it anymore.


"Phoenix force?"

"That's right, it's the Phoenix force, the power inside you."

Qin Gray's expression was slightly complicated. It was not until today that she knew that the terrifying force in her body that often made her feel pain was originally called the Phoenix force.

"Sir, I know you are very powerful. Can you please help me? I want to know what she is."

Locke nodded: "Phoenix force is one of the three ancient forces in the universe. Its origin can be traced back to before the birth of the universe. You can understand that it is one of the three most supreme forces in the entire universe, with unlimited potential and power."

"And the Phoenix force is the most violent among them. It is the existence that symbolizes destruction among the three ancient powers."

"No wonder..." Qin Gray murmured softly. No wonder that power often gave her a desire for destruction, as if she wanted to destroy everything.

"This is your luck, because you only have a fragment of the Phoenix force in your body, and you don't even have one ten thousandth of the power of the real Phoenix force. The complete Phoenix force is enough to destroy the entire universe. That is not something that ordinary life can control. The power is just fragments now. It is not strong enough, but it has the possibility of being controlled. "

Qin Gray shook her head and smiled bitterly: "I can't do it. I've tried it, but it's impossible to control that power."

A finger gently blocked Qin Gray's lips: "No, you haven't really tried. You just have an attitude of being helpless in the face of the disease and having no choice but to try to face the other person directly. You have never really had any feelings for Phoenix force." Let go of your heart."

"You know, Phoenix force is the only one among the three major forces that has self-intelligence. If you don't treat her sincerely, how can she treat you sincerely~"

"Are you sincere~" Qin Gray had a vague realization.

"Definitely, your too weak spiritual power and weak physical strength are also the reasons why you cannot truly be Phoenix force."

"Phoenix is ​​proud and disdains mediocrity."

Qin Gray was speechless. Sincerely, she could still try spiritual power and physical power. What would she do?

She is not a physical Mutant, so does she need to exercise?

She didn't think that the kind of exercise in the gym could have an effect on the power that the adult opposite said could destroy the universe.

Suddenly, a hint of cunning appeared in Qin Grey's eyes.

"Sir, you should be able to do something about it."


Locke smiled and nodded: "I do. I have a complete set of secret techniques that can strengthen spiritual and physical strength."

"But why should I leave it to you~"

Qin Gray smiled and said: "Because sir, you treat me differently. Even Professor X, you don't take it seriously. I don't know why. It may be because of the Phoenix force in my body, or maybe..."

Qin Gray's face turned red inexplicably again, and she thought of the hot sight before.

With one hand, he gently lifted Qin Grey's chin: "Yes, quite smart. I am indeed quite interested in you, especially the latter one you thought of~"

Qin Gray's face turned even redder: "I, I have a boyfriend."

Locke sneered: "Boyfriend? The Phoenix force in your body is the most proud of the three major forces. The Phoenix force can't look down on a mere Mutant. Even if he comes close to you, it will trigger a fierce resistance from the Phoenix force."

Qin Grey's face turned pale first, then turned red.

"Then why can you get close to me?"

"Haha, why do you think the Phoenix force in your body is so quiet? It's because she feels the power that is enough to destroy her."

A ray of scarlet energy turned into a scarlet flame in Locke's palm.

"The three most powerful forces in the universe, Chaos force!"

After a moment, Locke casually dispersed the power in his hand.

"Go back and think about it carefully. Your future should not be in that pile of Mutants."

Locke looked at Phoenix's leaving back with a deep look in his eyes.

The reason why Locke has such an unusual attitude towards Phoenix is ​​not only because the other party is the host of Phoenix force, but more importantly, the three ancient powers of the universe, Chaos force and Phoenix force are relatively easy to obtain. On the contrary, it is the final fairy power that is in Locke's memory can only be born under one circumstance.

Mr. Omen, a villain boss, created a Phoenix clone by chance. Instead of obtaining the Phoenix force, he was possessed by the power of the goblin. This is currently the only chance in Locke's mind to obtain the power of the goblin.

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