Chapter 57 The Strongest Ancient Dragon-An Kayla Gang

The plane trading interface has been closed, and the Elf Queen is still unable to come to her senses.That kind of power, that kind of terrifying power...In their world, there are at most hundreds of powerful beings fighting each other. Suddenly seeing this kind of power that can destroy the world with one strike is really a strong impact on the three outlooks.After an unknown amount of time, the Elf Queen suddenly came back to her senses, took out the book called The Lord of the Rings, and was stunned.If there were some doubts before, they are gone now. With such power, the Demon King Sauron is completely meaningless, and the other party cannot use any taboo design related to the Lord of the Rings to frame him. There is no need at all, and Don't bother to do that.This, perhaps, is just a book, as the person said.Thinking like this, the Elf Queen suddenly became curious about what kind of book this was.The Elf Queen stretched out her slender fingers and gently turned over the pages. She started flipping through page after page. She was confused at first, then curious, and in the end, she was shocked!"This is actually a book of prophecy!!"Here, the process of major events in the future of the entire world is actually recorded!No wonder that one knew her world so well.After a while, the elf queen, who was filled with shock, turned to the end of a book, and a line of annotations appeared at the end.The so-called extraordinary restraint means that the world has a powerful force that limits the extraordinary development of the entire world and curbs the extraordinary upper limit of the world, so that all living beings are forcibly restricted to a baseline. No matter how hard you try, you cannot break this restriction. ."I am not that kind of evil being." Suddenly, a gentle voice like the mother of all things sounded.The Elf Queen stiffened instantly, and a cold air went straight to the soles of her feet."Don't worry, she's not a bad person." At this time, another voice rang.On the surface of the book called "The Lord of the Rings", strange scarlet energy surged, and after a moment, a phantom condensed. This phantom was no stranger to the Elf Queen, and it turned out to be Locke, who had made a deal with her before.As soon as Locke's shadow appeared, he said lazily to the sky: "You scared her a little. 19"In the void, layers of ripples suddenly appeared, and finally an illusory female face condensed. This face was not absolutely beautiful, but it was filled with the motherhood, love and gentleness of the mother of all things.The moment she saw this phantom, she had never seen it before, but a name inexplicably appeared directly in the mind of the Elf Queen: Ilúvatar, the God of Creation!The Elf Queen suddenly took a breath. This day was so exciting, countless times more exciting than anything she had ever experienced in her life. Even if she was the Elf Queen and the most accomplished queen in history, she could not control the time.It's going to collapse!"Children, there is no need to be afraid. You elves are God's most beloved children."The Elf Queen took a deep breath. Thousands of years of experience had finally given her an extraordinary mind."I have met your Majesty, I, Queen of the Elf, Galadriel, would like to express my sincere greetings to you."The soft gaze of the phantom of the Creator God fell on the Elf Queen: "Galandriel, you are excellent."Now, let us entertain our guests."As he said that, the phantom of the Creator God's eyes fell on Locke.Locke shrugged and sighed: "I know you guys are playing with the Kingdom of God..."Originally, he wanted to take a gamble and steal the house while Ilúvatar didn't notice. Even Locke had a bold idea. Maybe this world is not the other's kingdom?Unfortunately, it failed, and he was noticed as soon as he came to the projection village."Group? Has this foreign gentleman seen many individuals like me?"Locke nodded and shook his head: "I haven't met many of them, but I know a few. For example, there is an old man named God who likes to play the Kingdom of God.""Sir, it seems that you have some unfavorable views on the Kingdom of God?"Locke shook his head: "No, it's not bad. In fact, the Kingdom of God is a system commonly used by many local gods who cannot see a higher level. They turn the entire world into their own Kingdom of God and become the gods in charge of everything. ""Definitely, you are a little different from this one. You created the world yourself, and you were originally the Lord of the Kingdom of God. In fact, most people who play Kingdom of God first create the Kingdom of God, then become the Lord of the Kingdom of God, and then a little bit more Expanding the kingdom of God to the entire world is the opposite of what you are doing.Hearing this, the creation god Xuying nodded: "It is indeed different from me.""According to what the gentleman said, this is a common method used by local gods. Are there other methods?""Definitely!""The system of the Kingdom of God is actually not bad. Within the Kingdom of God, even three or five powerful people of the same level will not be the opponent of the Lord of the Kingdom of God. However, success is the same as failure. When the Lord of the Kingdom gains great power, It has also been bound to the Kingdom of God. When the Kingdom of God expands to its limit, it will be restricted by the Kingdom of God. If you want to advance to a higher level in the future, the possibility is very low. For those who are truly ambitious, it is very difficult. Few will choose the Kingdom of God system.The God of Creation fell into deep thought: "I see, no wonder my strength has not increased at all for endless years."Suddenly, the phantom of the Creation God looked at Locke with a strange look: "Sir, can you teach me some of the knowledge about gods you know? In return, I will give you a gift. I know that you seem to be very interested in dragons." very interested."Locke raised his eyebrows. He didn't succeed in stealing the house. He thought that there was no chance of catching the dragon. What is this, a sudden joy from the sky?"In fact, I don't know much about the knowledge of God. Let me first talk about the hierarchy of my world.The God of Creation nodded, and now He is looking forward to all the advanced mysterious knowledge from other worlds.Locke spread out a hand, and shadows appeared on it."The first is the first level, the surface level. As the name suggests, this level can only cause some damage on the surface of a world. The surface level is divided into third-rate surface, second-rate surface, and first-rate surface."The phantom in Locke's hand, along with Locke's solution, constantly presents a picture, from the third-rate elementary extraordinary on the surface, to the second-rate one against a hundred, to the first-rate one-man army.There is the Hulk who crushes an army head-on with his terrifying strength, there is also the Master of Illusion, who can control thousands of people with a single thought, and there is Thor..."Not bad power. The complete Maia is almost at this level." The God of Creation Ilúvatar commented.Locke suddenly realized that those white-robed berserkers didn't expect that they were quite powerful."Then there is Sub-Heavenly Father, which is the beginning of metamorphosis between gods and mortals and the hallmark state of higher life.""Above this is the real Heavenly Father, who has the powerful power to destroy the planet with one blow." This time, what appeared on Locke's hand was a picture of Odin controlling Bifrost to destroy the star with one blow."Very strong!" This time, there was an obvious solemn expression on the gentle face of the creation god Ilúvatar. Obviously, this level was enough to threaten him."The one above Heavenly Father is called Level Single Universe, and the most significant individuals at this level are called the God Group."Here comes the truly astonishing picture, huge amounts of individuals like planets, making planets at will, rolling out suns, and creating galaxies. The world is in their hands, just like small balls of dust.Jing'an sculpture!The great God of Creation, Ilúvatar, couldn't help but fall into a long silence when he saw the image of the group of gods randomly making out the sun.For a long time, for a long time..."What a terrifying power! Seeing them made me understand what awe is!"The picture in Locke's hands does not stop. The multi-powerful man uses the universe as his playground, the Super Universe Level controls the infinite multi-universe, and the final omnipotent universe, omniscient and omnipotent, and everything is unified."I don't know much about the following levels, so I can only give some vague judgments based on my own knowledge."The creation god Iluvatar shook his head: "That is enough, it allows me to see a wider and vaster world.""This valuable knowledge has inspired me a lot. Distinguished guests from Otherworld, in the name of Ilúvatar, I will give you the best gift in return."It's just some hierarchical classification, which doesn't seem very valuable, but the value of information is always relative. For the strong men in the Marvel world, this is basic information that is useless, but for a closed local god, this is general information. On the way to a higher level.So at this moment, Ilúvatar's gratitude to Locke can be imagined.Suddenly, a pile of tattered, but extremely huge amounts of bones fell from the sky and landed in front of Locke, forming a small army."A mere Smaug is no longer enough to repay my gratitude."Suddenly, the hill-like bones were quickly spliced ​​together, and in a moment they were reorganized into a huge amount of bone dragon. The next moment, blood, muscles, heart...The bone dragon lost everything and returned quickly. In a moment, a complete Dragon appeared in the sky.This Dragon was extremely huge, with a body length of over three hundred meters. Even the so-called most evil dragon, Smaug, was as small as a minor in front of this real Dragon."Roar!!!!"The three-hundred-meter-long Dragon roared up to the sky, with terrifying power that shook the clouds in the sky away!"This is An Kayla Gang, the most powerful ancient dragon. He has amazing power comparable to the low-level Valar."At this time, Locke did not look at the Dragon in the sky that was about to be owned by him, but stared at the shadow of the creation god Ilúvatar."The power of time! What you just used was the power of time! You actually understood the law of time!"You know, even those other Level Single Universe groups of gods have very little insight into the law of time.If not for this, Kang, an ordinary ordinary person, would not have caused such a big mess by inexplicably creating a time machine.In any world, the time law is one of the most advanced laws, without exception!The God of Creation, Ilúvatar, looked puzzled: "Time is one of the powers I control. Is this power unique?"The corners of Locke's mouth twitched, showing off his face inexplicably."Even other existences in the Level Single Universe control the power of time."There was a look of astonishment on the face of the God of Creation, Ilúvatar, like, I originally thought I was a beggar, and the bowl I usually use for dinner was a broken bowl, but you suddenly told me that this thing is porcelain, priceless, and so superior. There are no big shots.I was very surprised, is there any such thing?"In that case, I'll give it to you." Ilúvatar said casually after he came to his senses.The next moment, a green spiritual light shot out and instantly disappeared into Locke's shadow. Locke's expression suddenly became extremely wonderful."I can't copy my power to you, I can only use my own power to condense a seed."Locke nodded numbly. Nonsense, if the power of time could be copied casually, Ilúvatar would no longer be at the level of the Father.I originally thought that the cat would come over and steal a house and then run away. But now, 460, he wanted to steal a piece of silver, but they just gave him the biggest piece of silver. Not to mention, he also lost a gold mountain. It was... indescribable. .Creation God YiLuvita left full of gains, and Locke gradually came back to his senses. After all, he was a time traveler, and his ability must be good, but he was a little agitated by being shown off his wealth by a certain god.Locke came back to his senses and looked at the Dragon An Kayla Gang in the sky, which was much cooler than Smaug. Smaug seemed to be underdeveloped, as thin as a snake, while An Kayla Gang was alreadyAfter being fully developed, it is completely an alien version of Deathwing, cool and domineering!The only problem is that the extraordinary suppression power of the Lord of the Rings world is too strong. In addition to its steel-like body, this strongest Dragon can only spit out dragon fire and be a dragon king like Deathwing.The gap is not small.But the problem is not big. This is the reason for the extraordinary inhibition, not An Kayla's original reason. When he is brought back to the Marvel world, the restrictions of the extraordinary inhibition will be slowly lifted. An Kayla's originalThe true power of the strongest ancient dragon can be fully demonstrated, and it will never be killed by a mere human with one move.According to the creation god Ilúvatar, the true personality of An Kayla is comparable to the low-level Valar, which is equivalent to the low-level Sub-Heaven Father, a true overlord-level Dragon!As soon as Locke raised his hand, the vast Chaos force spurted out, instantly restraining Kayla An. After a moment, the three-hundred-meter-large Dragon turned into a cute little creature the size of ten fists.throat.Not to mention that An Kayla was still restricted just now. Even if she was not restricted, Locke would still be able to handle it. With his Chaos force, Locke broke through Ya Tianfu, and his combat power was off the charts among Ya Tianfu.grade.Putting away Kayla Gang, Locke turned to look at the Elf Queen."Please do me a small favor. When we trade again tomorrow, send this phantom of me back.The Elf Queen's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up: "Are you still willing to continue trading with me?"There were so many shocks today that even the Elf Queen needed to digest them, but there was one thing that the Elf Queen was sure of.The person in front of her will be the biggest opportunity she has ever encountered in her life. Although she doesn't know exactly how powerful Locke is, seeing him communicating with the creation god Ilúvatar,They all have a posture of equal dialogue. You can tell everything with your toes. This is definitely a super strong person!For such a strong person to be able to trade with him, even if he can only trade once a day, this is a huge opportunity, big enough to make Maiya and even Vera go crazy."Definitely.Locke also now understands that although the destructive power of the world of "The Lord of the Rings" is very limited due to the restrictions of the creator god Ilúvatar, in fact, the mystery is not that low., it's just that I can't express it. If you take things from this world back, there may be amazing changes. .'

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