Chapter 59: Hatred Comes To The World

There was a knock on the door of Dr. Lan's private laboratory.Dr. Lan opened the door curiously and immediately saw Bruce Banner."Dr. Banner, why are you here? Do you want to know the result of that thing? Sorry, I may still need some time.""No, no, no, Dr. Lan, my friend, I don't need those anymore. There is a mysterious person who can help me solve the problem. I am here just to ask you to destroy that blood sample."Dr. Lan's face changed: "Why, Dr. Banner, as a scientist, you should know the value of that blood sample better than me. Even if you no longer need those, if you can research some, it will be enough to repay the whole world!""Listen, man." Bruce Banner apologized: "I know, I know it all, but I know better that the danger contained in that blood sample is enough to create a person who has no reason and only knows destruction. A terrible monster that will be a disaster for all mankind."1Dr. Lan was silent.After a long time, Dr. Lan said with a disappointed look on his face: "Okay, I respect your choice.""Thank you so much, Dr. Lan."The two walked into the laboratory one after another, but when Bruce Banner saw the situation clearly, his eyes suddenly widened."Fake! Why are there so many!"Looking at the rows of blood samples, Bruce Banner was stunned.Dr. Lan shrugged: "Dr. Banner, as you know, experiments will inevitably make mistakes, so I cloned a batch of samples.Bruce Banner couldn't say that he understood Dr. Lan's approach. Maybe he would have made the same choice in his place, but now it was his turn to have a headache.Bruce Banner rubbed his painfully swollen brain: "Find a way to destroy them all. This bad idea of ​​pouring them into the toilet is absolutely not allowed."He quickly began to prepare some chemical reagents. He had to ensure that every blood sample was destroyed. Any residue could have dire consequences. 727Bruce Banner didn't notice that while he was preparing the reagent, Dr. Lan quietly took a blood sample and hid it secretly.However, just as Bruce Banner was hurriedly preparing reagents, suddenly...Boom!The door was violently opened, and a heavily armed team rushed in, with guns pointed at Bruce Banner.At this moment, Bruce Banner had only one thought in his mind, it's over! We're in big trouble!Damn General Ross, I will never let him destroy those blood samples!In a pure white interrogation room, Bruce Banner lowered his head with a look of helplessness on his face."Where is General Ross? I want to see him."After a while, General Ross, dressed in military uniform and with a serious look on his face, appeared to interrogate the ministers.As soon as he saw General Ross, Bruce Banner said helplessly: "General Ross, there is no Hulk in my body now. If you don't believe it, you can take a blood test."When the inspection is over, can you let me go? Without Hulk, I should have no value to you."General Ross frowned: "Hulk has left your body. What does it mean?""I don't know what to say. Do you remember the mysterious man who took me away before? They separated the Hulk from my body. Now I am just an ordinary person."General Ross's face became completely ugly. What he wanted was Hulk, the Hulk! A Bruce Banner who had lost Hulk was no different from trash to him!"Here we go, do a blood test on this guy!"He couldn't just believe what Bruce Banner said, and more importantly, he wasn't willing to give in!While Bruce Banner's blood was being tested, a special forces soldier quietly left the military camp. His name was Emil Blonsky.Emil Blonsky returned to Dr. Lan's laboratory. Perhaps it was the instinct of the King of Soldiers, or it might be some kind of strange induction. He vaguely felt that Dr. Lan had something important here.As soon as he returned to the laboratory, he happened to see Dr. Lan collecting the blood samples. Remiel Bronski's eyes were instantly attracted to those blood samples.Almost instinctively, a strong desire arose in his body, eager to get those blood!He didn't even ask whose blood it was. He put a gun directly on Dr. Lan's head: "Inject that blood into my body, now, immediately, immediately!"Dr. Lan's breath was stagnant. He wanted to refuse, but his head was resisting his idea and he didn't want to compare with the bullet whether the bullet was stronger or his head was stronger.Dr. Lan, who was forced by the gun, could only prepare to inject Emil Blonsky."No, no anesthesia is needed!""Don't even try to play tricks, otherwise I will blow your head off instantly!"Dr. Lan was even more helpless. He could only tie up Emil Blonsky casually, then picked up a blood sample, gritted his teeth, and injected it into Emil Blonsky's body.In an instant, Emil Blonsky's eyes widened, and a pair of originally human eyes suddenly appeared. At this moment, they were no longer human eyes, but more like Beast eyes.Power, violent power, pours out of his body in an endless stream.Emil Bronski's body began to expand, bumping and thundering sounds continued to sound.Until a certain moment..."Roar!!!!"A roar like an ancient ferocious beast exploded, and the entire laboratory collapsed. The next moment, a huge figure suddenly rushed out from the ruins, jumped dozens of meters, and then landed with a crash, smashing the ground out. A deep pit.The smoke dissipated, and a monster-like figure appeared in it.Nearly three meters tall, it looks like a giant. Its dark complexion gives people (bjcf) an inexplicable feeling of ferocity. The ferocious barbs on its back make this monster even more ferocious and ferocious. It just stays there. , which makes people feel like they want to escape desperately.At this moment, hatred comes!"Power! Infinite power!"The hatred felt in his body, which could not be described in words, was like an infinite power like a vast ocean. This feeling fascinated him and made him intoxicated.The next moment, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.With this kind of power, I will be a god! A god who can do whatever he wants!boom!A car was blown away by Hatred, instantly smashing a passerby into a pulp. This bloody scene further stimulated the violent ferocity in Hatred, making him even more excited."Kill! Kill! Kill!"Abomination began to launch a one-sided massacre of everyone nearby!In the HYDRA base, Locke, who was immersed in the analysis of the power of time, suddenly raised his head and looked in one direction with interest."It appeared so quickly, it was faster than I thought."As soon as the words fell, Locke's figure disappeared instantly.In the military camp, General Ross quickly got the news. Seeing the scene in the video of Abomination killing everyone crazily, General Ross's eyes lit up. This monster was very similar to the Hulk.Someone casually called Bruce Banner over, pointed at the picture and said, "Do you know what this is?"Bruce Banner suddenly looked ugly: "It's blood, Hulk's blood!""Damn, I knew there was going to be something wrong with those blood samples!"When General Ross heard this, he became more and more excited. He didn't care about the blood samples, he only needed to know that this monster was born because of the Hulk.If you can't catch the Hulk, you can't catch a duplicate either.General Ross excitedly gathered his men to capture Abomination.At the critical moment, Bruce Banner just followed: "Take me with you, take me with you. I may have a way to deal with that monster."General Ross thought for a moment and took Bruce Banner with him, treating him as waste and reusing it. Maybe it would be useful.Abomination is still killing and destroying crazily. He is like an irrational madman, mercilessly destroying everything in sight."Weak! Too weak!""I need a worthy opponent!""Hulk, where are you, Hulk!!"A roar instantly shattered the glass of all buildings within a few hundred meters.In just a few hours, Abomination completely destroyed half of the city, and more than five thousand people died in his hands.Not enough, far from enough!Finally, the belated army finally arrived.Boom! Boom! Boom...The shells were shot out instantly, hitting Abomination again and again. However, Abomination, who could have dodged it, didn't bother to dodge at the moment, and allowed the shells to explode in his chest, except for making Abomination's chest black. Outside of this area, not even a single scratch appeared.With a ferocious smile on his lips, Abomination rushed towards the tank that fired the shells, and opened fire against hundreds of soldiers. He did not dodge during the whole process, and the bullets falling on him were no different from mosquito bites.He rushed to the tank in one step and punched the entire tank deeply with just one punch. The tank soldiers inside were directly shocked to death.Hatred grabbed the tank and, in full view of everyone, brutally smashed the entire tank into pieces all over the ground."Roar!!!!"Roaring like a beast, full of excitement and ferocity!"Fake, this one is much more ferocious than the last one." Iron Man, who arrived belatedly, looked at the fierce hatred below in mid-air, and his scalp was numb.With the emergence of Iron Man, superheroes also began to appear one by one.Floating Spider-Woman.Holding a shield, Captain America is resurrected from unknown time.Hawkeye is lying on the roof of a building, always aiming.And, the braised egg-headed mother-in-law Fake Man quietly appeared on the battlefield and then quietly retreated behind everyone.Although many superheroes came, looking at the hatred below that looked like a mythical world-destroying beast, at this moment, almost all the superheroes swallowed hard.This is what they have to deal with??!!This horse riding is a joke that is not funny at all!

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