Chapter 64 Mephisto’S Conspiracy

At night, it was pitch black outside, even the lights no longer had the slightest glow, and the entire area seemed to be plunged into complete darkness.

Punisher Frank's eyes were cold and he looked at the outside world with vigilance. Not far from him, there was a big man who was only slightly shorter than him. However, the temperament between the two was completely different. One was like a predator, The other one just looked like a depressed and decadent man.The decadent man Johnny sniffed: "Man, when do you think they will come after you?"Frank frowned: "Shut up!"Johnny felt a little aggrieved: "Man, you shouldn't do this to me.""I really can't do it, and I don't know what's going on. Ever since you appeared, the monster in me has been silent. It's not that I don't want to give it to you, but I really can't do it."I told you to shut up! There's something going on outside!"The decadent man Johnny's expression suddenly changed, his eyes showed obvious panic, and he unconsciously moved closer to Frank.This period of getting along has given him a complete sense of trust in this man named Frank.This man is really powerful! With his human body, he has fought against those monsters from hell for more than ten times. Without this man, he might have been killed long ago.Frank's calm gaze looked directly at the outside world. After a moment, he said: "It's a wild man.""Huh~" Johnny suddenly breathed a sigh of relief."I said, man, it's not good for us to continue like this. Should we find someone to help us?""Shut up!" Frank's face looked obviously ugly for the first time.Johnny's lips trembled, and he whispered softly: "The old guy said that there is a powerful force behind you, maybe we can..."Johnny stopped talking, not because he didn't want to talk, but because a gun was stuck in his head.Looking at Johnny who finally had to, Frank withdrew his gun 180, leaned against the wall, closed his eyes, and his brain was spinning rapidly.Frank can naturally call on the power behind him and seek Locke's help, but as a perfect warrior, Frank has his own pride.If you can't fight, go home and find your parents. That's what children do.Although he has been hunted during this period, and although there is something wrong with Johnny, it is not yet a desperate situation for Frank.Find ways to solve the problem.Definitely, the easiest way is for Johnny to activate the Ghost Rider's power, and then hand it over to Frank, who will then kill him. But now that Johnny can't do it, he has to choose another way.Frank's brows gradually wrinkled. His understanding of the mystery was limited. As for Johnny... let's not talk about that loser.Without enough information and data, it is difficult to come up with perfect countermeasures."The monster inside you, how did you Awaken it for the first time?"Johnny was stunned for a moment, and then said: "That's how I woke up on my own."There was a hint of ugliness in Frank's eyes. He had a guess that Johnny couldn't control that power at all, and his knowledge was very limited. In this case, the greatest possibility is that the control of that power does not actually belong to Johnny. , or not just on Johnny.The current situation is probably that another controller has forcibly shut down the power in Johnny's body.As for the reason, Frank is not sure, but he has a guess. Maybe he doesn't want him to get that power, but he is afraid of Locke behind him."You said, who gave you that power?"Johnny's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth and said: "The Great Lord of Hell, Mephista Mephisto, (bjeb) is a despicable, shameless and cunning bastard!"Frank nodded, this should be the other controller who turned off Sunni's power.The witch-hearted demon who is chasing them now is said to be the son of hell, and has a big conflict with Mephisto. According to Frank's guess, that Mephisto may be afraid of Locke behind him, and the other witch-hearted demon may not be up to the level, but instead Not knowing the background behind him, he was full of murderous intent towards them.The problem now is that even the Witch Heart Demon is not something he can fight against.Frank, although he has received a lot of resources from Locke and worked hard, in fact, the current battle is only less than 40. It is difficult to fight against three demons with a combat power of more than 70, not to mention that there are still more to come. A witch-hearted demon who doesn't know the depth of it.Frank rubbed his stiff brow. He had not encountered this kind of dangerous situation for a long time."Frank, Frank, your stuff is glowing!"When Frank turned around, he saw that the coat he took off was actually glowing.Subconsciously, he stepped forward and groped for the glowing position a few times. Soon, he pulled out a badge. Looking at the badge with the Ace of Spades logo in front of him, Frank had a complex look in his eyes.For him, he didn't want to wear this badge until he met the qualifications, but for Locke, Frank the Punisher was the only person worthy of this badge, so he gave the badge to him early Got him.Even so, Frank just keeps this badge and never wears it.Looking at the glowing badge, Frank had some hesitation. He estimated that the badge was shining inexplicably now, maybe Locke was looking for him, but he wasn't done yet...Suddenly, wisps of scarlet energy spilled out from the badge, condensing into a shadow in mid-air.It was at this moment that suddenly, the terrifying fire of hell appeared on Johnny's body, and the next moment, an old gentleman walked out of it.Locke's projection instantly looked at the old gentleman opposite."The great lord of hell, Mephista Mephisto, I have long admired my name."The old gentleman took out his hat and performed an ancient courtesy. His behavior was full of elegance and he did not look like a hell leader at all."The newly promoted Level Sub-God Father, I have admired you for a long time.""Admiration~" The corner of Locke's mouth raised an inexplicable arc: "You attack my people, is this your admiration?""Mephisto, do you think that I dare not take action against you?"As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying energy spread out instantly. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding area seemed to turn into a scarlet sea of ​​terrifying energy, and everything within the range was annihilated.Mephisto's expression condensed, and the fire of hell surged around his body, beginning to resist the erosion of the scarlet energy."This kind of power is indeed Chaos force!""This terrifying power has actually reappeared!""Now that you know it's Chaos force, how dare you take the initiative to provoke me!"A pair of scarlet eyes suddenly appeared behind Locke. The eyes seemed to be pregnant with the terrifying power of destroying everything, completely locking Mephisto. Just waiting for an order, he launched a devastating blow to Mephisto.Mephisto's shadow fluctuated violently, almost completely collapsing. It took a long, long time for it to condense and take shape again.At the moment, Mephisto had to lower his head: "You may have misunderstood this matter, but I have never taken action against your subordinates. I even canceled all plans after your power happened. ""I see. It seems that I misunderstood you..."A smile suddenly appeared on Mephisto's face: "Indeed..."",..."With a sound of "touch!", a shadow of Stowe exploded instantly.Locke withdrew his hand that crushed the opponent: "Do you think I'm an idiot? You Mephisto don't have any conspiracy!"This is the most shameless hell lord in history. If you talk nonsense with him, he will easily fall into his trap. The best way is to kill him directly as soon as you meet him.With a quick grab, he directly extracted the memory of the phantom Mephisto, and Locke began to look through it.Following Locke's instructions, Frank found Ghost Rider, and according to Locke's statement, he directly resisted a blow from the Eye of Judgment. He succeeded and even began to take away Ghost Rider's power.Mephisto discovered this scene, so that's okay. He couldn't control the Ghost Rider's power in Johnny's body. If this monster who resisted the Eye of Judgment obtained it, the Ghost Rider's power could completely say goodbye to him. .So Mephisto directly interrupted Frank's capture and wiped everyone's memory of it.Originally, when we got here, everything should be over. After all, Frank had a badge made by Locke himself, and he could clearly feel the power of Locke in it. Facing a new sub-Heavenly Father, according to Mephisto's usual nature, he should turn around and run away. , He now only has one projection, which is no more than enough.As a result, Mephisto accidentally discovered a problem, that is, Frank actually had an almost perfect fit and could perfectly match the power of Ghost Rider!Ghost Rider has the concept of compatibility, otherwise why there are many Ghost Riders, some are strong, and some are weak and scummy.The perfect fit means that Frank can perfectly integrate, perfectly control, and become the most perfect and powerful Ghost Rider. "Frank may even use this to break through and become his father."Mephisto couldn't help it. There was a high probability that this powerful warrior could reach the level of Ya Tianfu. Even a veteran Heavenly Father like him could not be underestimated. It was even said that among the many hell lords in the entire hell, he could have Ya Tianfu. The level god father of the warrior and the lord of hell are all very rare.Naturally, Mephisto was moved.But who is he? Mephisto, who likes to use his brain the most (shameless), how could he stand up and confront him directly? He soon had a bold plan.He drove the witch who knew nothing to hunt down Frank and Johnny, forcing them into a desperate situation step by step, and then led the witch to capture Johnny's ex-girlfriend for one purpose, forcing Johnny to sign a contract. , which is nominally a contract in exchange for Johnny's soul, but is actually a teleportation array to hell, directly pulling Johnny and Frank into hell. Until then, Frank is still at his mercy.As for the problems discovered by Locke at that time, they are all the plans of the Witch-in-the-Mind Demon. What does it have to do with Mephisto?Looking at Mephisto's memory, Locke smiled, his smile was very cold, and the temperature around him began to drop continuously. .

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