Chapter 65: You Guys Make Me Look Very Ignorant.

Under the night, Johnny's face looked...admired!"Frank, man, your boss is so strong!"He directly attacked Mephisto face to face, and he seemed not to be afraid of the hell lord at all. He first scolded him, and then directly crushed him to death, which showed his domineering attitude."By the way, man, where did your boss go in the end? He made such a casual stroke and said that, it seems to have opened up the space.""He went to hell." Suddenly, a voice came from a distance.Johnny's expression suddenly changed, and Frank immediately became alert. Obviously, both of them were familiar with this voice."Don't be so vigilant." Wu Xinmo said with a complicated face, Qi Qi took a deep look at Frank."If I knew there was such a person behind you, I wouldn't dare to chase you to death.""I felt strange before. That old ghost seemed to be deliberately forcing me to take action against you. Now I know the answer."The inner witch is not very smart, but he is not stupid either.Johnny is still very wary. It would be crazy to believe the devil's words casually. More importantly, he feels very insecure now that he cannot use Ghost Rider's Ability.Frank, on the other hand, frowned and thought for a moment, then put away the gun. Wu Xinmo's face also relaxed: "That's right. Now, unless my brain is caught in the door, I will not take action against you again. "Frank was noncommittal: "Did you just say that Locke went to hell?"The Witch Heart Demon nodded, his face becoming more and more complex: "Not only did you go to hell, but you also entered it. The person behind you is invading hell!"Johnny's eyes widened instantly, and even Frank couldn't help but be surprised."Fuck!" Johnny exclaimed, grabbed Frank's shoulders, and shook him with "620" force: "Man, your bbsk is so handsome!""Definitely, definitely let me join your organization!"A boss who refuses to get rid of the hell lord and goes to hell to settle accounts with the hell lord after a disagreement. Having a boss like this gives you such a sense of security. It's so explosive!Frank glanced at Johnny silently, and that look made Johnny suspicious: "Man, what do you mean by that look!""Idiot, do you think anyone can join such an existing organization? He despises you." The Witch Heart Devil killed Johnny instantly with just one sentence.Johnny was instantly petrified.The Witch's Inner Demon's eyes fell back on Frank. His eyes were complicated, as if he wanted to say something, and there was some hesitation, which highlighted a tangle.Suddenly, ripples appeared in the void again, and the next moment, a figure walked out of it, and it was none other than Locke.The aftermath of the previous battle caused Locke's biological stance to fail to stop immediately, so that his mere appearance brought a suffocating pressure to everyone present. Johnny, the weakest, rolled his eyes and fainted.After a few seconds, Locke's life attitude calmed down again. He glanced at Frank and then at Johnny who fainted.With one finger, it landed on Johnny's body. Immediately, a burst of hellfire burst out from Johnny's body. Visible to the naked eye, "Qiang's body began to turn into a skeleton.""Frank, I can just pull that thing out and put it into you.""I'll do it myself!" Frank rejected Locke's proposal without hesitation.Locke doesn't find it strange either. This is Frank, proud Frank. There are many existences in the Marvel world that challenge extraordinary beings with ordinary bodies, such as Iron Man and Hawkeye. However, not everyone can use their mortal bodies to kill extraordinary beings. .Frank has even massacred a parallel universe where real human beings are as good as gods and no less inferior to Iron Man, the quasi-'protagonist'.Frank roughly pulled the skeletonized Johnny up, and the Ghost Rider's power began to revive. His eyes filled with hellfire instantly looked directly at Frank."Sinner, look me in the eye!""Bump!" A fist hit Ghost Rider's head."Stop talking nonsense, bastard, activate your Ability on me!"Ghost Rider was stunned for a moment, and then Rage, in all his years of living, has never seen such an arrogant person!The hellfire in his eyes became more and more violent, and he fired the most powerful Eye of Judgment directly at Frank.Countless scenes changed in Frank's eyes, and Frank's expression did not change."Wait, sinner, how could you..."Before Ghost Rider could finish shouting, his power began to drain away quickly, rushing towards Frank crazily."No!"In just a few breaths, all the energy poured into Frank, regaining his appearance as Johnny, and Frank directly turned into a fireball [as if he was pregnant with something.At this time, the Witch Heart Demon suddenly spoke."The reason why you can gain Ghost Rider's power by resisting Eye of Judgment is that Ghost Rider's power is spontaneously looking for a more suitable host. This human named Frank has an almost perfect Ghost Rider compatibility, and may be able to fully exert it. Out of the power of Zathanos.""Dear Sir, you may not know the origin of Zathanos. Zathanos is the most special and powerful Ghost Rider created by Mephisto. Even Mephisto cannot fully control it."Locke looked back at Wu Xin Mo and said, "Continue."The Witch Heart Demon was inexplicably happy and continued to introduce: "Zhatanos was once an extremely powerful Hell Mephista. He once fought against Mephisto at his peak. As far as I know, he should have the peak strength of Level Sub-God Father." ""Mephisto has always wanted to use the power of Zatanos to create the strongest Ghost Rider of Level God Father. That will be the King of Ghost Riders!"Locke nodded clearly. He naturally knew that the Ghost Rider in Johnny's body was unusual, but to be honest, he didn't know much about it in detail. After all, the Ghost Rider in his previous life was a strong one, and in terms of popularity, he was a second-rate superhero.Locke looked at Frank, who was in a pregnant state, with a knowing smile on his face.Apart from his own woman, Frank is what Locke values ​​most, not only because Frank has great potential, but more importantly, from the time he traveled to this world to Locke's real rise, this old man has been with him the longest. The camaraderie of walking side by side is not something that ordinary people can compare to.If not, Locke would not directly designate Frank as the head of the four generals.Now that he knows that Frank has the potential to become a Level God Father, Locke can only be happy, happy for his good friend.Seeing that Frank was still pregnant for some time, Locke looked at the Witch Heart Demon again: "Tell me what you think."Wu Xinmo was a little embarrassed: "Your Excellency, you can see it.""Compared to your father, you are far inferior in shamelessness and calculation.Wu Xinmo laughed at himself: "I don't think it's shameful in this regard. ""Sir, since you have already seen it, I will say it directly. May I ask if I can follow you?""Oh, the reason~" Locke looked at Wu Xinmo with interest.Speaking of time, Wu Xinmo's strength is not bad. Although he can't reach the Level Sub-God Father, he has gone a long way in the first-class level. According to the combat power evaluation, this guy has a full combat power of 700. After absorbing the Saint Vanganza contract, it can surge to 900, or even 999, the first-class limit.Such a guy, if recovered, it is not a bad thing, but a son of hell, or a heart of hell who is determined to rebel against his father, will not offer loyalty casually.Wu Xinmo didn't hesitate and explained directly: "You asked this because you know I am the son of hell."Locke didn't comment: "Continue."Wu Xinmo nodded: "The son of hell, it sounds good, the descendant of the lord of hell, the future heir of the hell dimension, but in fact, the lord of the dimension is almost immortal, and this so-called heir is a joke.""Then the question is, why is there such a strange status as the son of hell in this situation? It is because the hell dimension, as a special dimension where all the negative things in the world are condensed, is full of amazingly strong negative energy. Most of the lords of hell will gradually be eroded by this negative energy, and finally completely turn into the cruel and crazy fallen Mephista.""Most of the lords of hell don't care about this aspect, but not all of them don't care. Mephisto is one of them who cares a lot. In order to fight against this erosion, He deliberately created me to let me bear the erosion of negative energy on His behalf.""I rebelled against Him only because I was unwilling to be a tool, not because I wanted to be the lord of hell."He faced Locke who seemed to be smiling.Wu Xinmo added awkwardly: "Definitely, the Lord of Hell still wants to do it, but the main reason is the former.""In addition, Mephisto will not allow me as a tool to break through the Sub-Father, because that will increase the possibility of my losing control, but if I don't break through the Sub-Father, my ability to erode negative energy will be very weak. After all, it is a power that even the Level God Father Lord of Hell can erode. Now I have been eroded by more than 80%.""So, I took the risk and came to Earth, just to fight for the last time."Locke nodded. He could see that Wu Xinmo was not talking nonsense, and the logic was also very reasonable [the immortal Lord of Vicon would choose the Son of Hell as his successor. It was originally a bullshit.Locke's eyes glowed red, and he scanned the witch demon up and down: "You are indeed eroded, and the situation is very serious. Even I can't remove the erosion you have suffered. This is almost a rule-level erosion, not an ordinary trouble. To be honest, it is not worth getting involved in this kind of trouble for a witch demon. The witch demon gritted his teeth and said: "Sir, I also know that this matter is very troublesome. In fact, there is another way. I can cut off my eroded body, but because 80% of my body is eroded, once the erosion is cut off, I may not survive..." As he said, he looked at Locke with expectation. This is why the witch demon wants to follow Locke. He doesn't want to die, so he resisted Mephisto. In fact, he knows that the probability of success is infinitely close to zero, but there is no way. That is the only countermeasure he can think of. Now it's different. The one in front of him is not only powerful enough to not fear Mephisto, but more importantly, the opponent's power [is very similar to the ten ancient and powerful historical crystals he learned in hell- Chaos Five!This is hope, real hope. He doesn't want to die, he wants to survive, and the only way he can think of is to surrender. This is his only bargaining chip.Locke thought about it. Wu Xinmo's strength is indeed good, but if he cuts off 80% of his body, this guy's strength will definitely plummet, and he might not even be able to maintain his first-class strength.For such a guy, is it worth it to spend so much effort to help him reassemble his body?Locke suddenly glanced at Wu Xinmo: "Are you a fire demon?"Although he didn't know why he asked this, Wu Xinmo nodded: "Yes, sir. In fact, most of the powerful demons in hell are fire demons."You have three subordinates, right?"Wu Xin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he sensed a possibility: "Yes, Your ExcellencyThey are Earth Demon, Water Demon, and Wind Demon, and their origins are also very special...""Stop, these don't need introduction." Locke is not interested in the origins of the three demons. The origins of these three guys who do not even have first-class combat power are worthless."Follow me, I agree. Call your three subordinates together.""Yes, boss!" Wu Xin Mo said excitedly and respectfully.The reason why I accepted this guy was because I suddenly had some interest in collecting stamps. Earth, wind, water, and fire are the four basic forces that were first born after the creation of the world. In the previous life, there were the creation of the world and the creation of the earth, wind, water, and fire. In other words, take these four guys together and let Tom study them. Maybe he can come up with something extraordinary.After a while, the earth demon, wind demon, and water demon appeared in front of Locke. In other words, these three guys had been hiding nearby [Song was just out of respect for Locke and didn't dare to show his face.Now, I heard that my boss, no, it's the former boss, Wu Xin Mo, who is ready to lead everyone to surrender. So what are you waiting for? It's not a great feeling to have such a strong backer. As for freedom 0.8 or something, the devil doesn't care. Those who have been wandering on the earth for so many years would want to go back to the hell that choked Deadman.As soon as the three demons appeared, they all knelt down on one knee and surrendered respectfully.This scene made the originally happy-looking Wu Xinmo freeze up.Fake, if you do this, don't you show that I am very ignorant!The devil in the heart is full of anger. It's not okay to kneel down. It's okay not to kneel down. If they don't kneel down, wouldn't it look very rude if they all kneel down? If they kneel down, wouldn't it look like they are inferior to them if they kneel down after those three guys? .Locke didn't pay attention to that. With a slight stroke, the Witch Heart Demon immediately let out a painful cry, but he was also a ruthless character. He just screamed and endured it.He casually opened a void passage and threw the eroded part of the Witch Heart Demon back to Mephisto Hell as a gift bag.Then, Chaos force surged and began to reshape the body of the Witch Heart Demon.In a short time, Wu Xinmo's body was reshaped.Feeling the unprecedented weakness, but without any erosion of the new body, the excitement on Wu Xinmo's face was not concealed at all.He knelt down on the ground and gave Locke a bowing ceremony.The three demons on the side suddenly twitched their mouths when they saw it. The former boss was also shameless.In an instant, three more people bowed to the ground.Roll! Just roll! Let's see who rolls who to death!"Everyone, get up."The four demons stood up obediently.The four little things were instantly thrown to the four demons.The Four Demons picked it up and found that they were four badges, each containing four Q cards of different suits."The Queen of Spades belongs to the inner demon of the witch, and you serve as the leader of the four demons.""Yes, boss."

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