Patch 1.19

I was led around the village - if it could even be called that - there were several people that seemed to be content with their life. A smile on their face as they pursued some nascent path.

It wasn't quite clear what they did for the defense or development of the town. But there were some that lived out their dream of chopping and cutting wood. Another that directed them towards some distant place. 

And although it was back breaking labor that would have made other men stoic, these people didn't even give a complaint. 

"Oh. Them?" The man who led us turned and started to walk backwards. "Heh- it's been three days since we've begun construction and it's amazing to see what people without exhaustion can do."

I rolled my eyes.

"I was more wondering why they were doing it."

"Oh that," He snapped his fingers, "We're paying them for this."

