Patch 2.4

The slums… the outside… whatever one wanted to call it was different. Not that it had changed in the short amount of time I was away. It couldn't have.

But walking in plainclothes, with only a hood and scarf to conceal my identity, with not even a weapon in sight.

Amazing isn't it. That we as humans wouldn't recognize a slaughterer if they just changed their disposition and clothes… just a little bit.

It was the only reason that my little guise worked. I turned towards the outskirts. Hoping that there might have been one that could recognize the tracks and direction of that lady.

I knew not what her name was, barely could even recall her face. But they would know. For that I was sure.

The cover of the tent was the same as all the others. Where they had obtained the hide, the resources necessary to survive in this hellscape… 

My head shook, divesting itself of those errant thoughts.