Patch 2.8

The path was silent. Words refused to come from my mouth as I trudged through the endless snow. A landscape that seemed to stretch on forever.

There was barely even a creature to be seen. Prey, yes. Enough to fill our stomachs with more than dry and stale rations.

But that same food, seasoned and spiced with the occasional rabbit or small bird… it grated on my senses. The walk was far and away. With boredom aplenty.

So when I spotted something further away. A wash of silver in the endless white. It was no wonder that the turmoil in my heart stirred with unspent anger.

Not at them… never at them. But against the relief and joy I would achieve from such a hunt. They weren't the small and easy prey I could kill with a swipe of my hand, a flick of my wrist.

But one that could - that would - fight back against my machinations. 


"Go ahead."

She smiled easily enough. Her eyes beaming down towards me with some nascent enjoyment.