Patch 3.03

"Mm~" I groaned, my head was on something… something both hard and soft. I reached out to grab the offending item only to pinch something sensitive.

She moaned out teasingly. Celeste looked down over me and pinched my cheeks in return.

"Naughty~ naughty~" She teased. And I just groaned in response, jumped off of her lap and stretched my arms. Let my body awake from the slumber forced on it.

"What time is it?" I ignored any semblance of teasing.

"The right time."


I had tried to ask what that was supposed to mean. Why she had been so cryptic, yet I needed not such answers for it sat right in front of me in the form of a small girl.

She was dressed in the cloth I made for her. Looking as beautiful as a doll sculpted from the hands of the gods. And what may have been the first word I heard from her echoed into my ear.

"Thank you… really…"