Patch 3.5

Lit in front of my eyes was what seemed to be a line of flames. Just a moment ago the area was completely dark. With the only sight allowed of us both being the flame I held in my hand.

But like some switch was flicked, the grand cavern was lit by hundreds of flames. Curiously enough they glew green. A sickly green whose ebb and flow seemed to unnaturally flicker here and there.

Unlike any other flame I had seen.

My lips licked together as the torch I held onto was thrown to the grown. I stomped it down with my foot and let it flicker one last time. 

My other came together to join its brethren. Both held taut to the staff. And as if called by some force I threw myself to the ground. Flames lit above me and that was all I could recall.

It was like some temporary amnesia. The events had gone by so fast that the only thing I could recall was the intense emotion whose flame lit so deeply between the cage of my heart.