Patch 5.9

Gabriel pov

My feet hit the ground with hurried steps muffled by no effort of mine. I felt the small weight under my arm, the egg, it was tucked under my armpit as I made a good pace towards Bailey's city.

My teeth grit in frustration. I had orders, they may have been arbitrary ones - given in passion - but they were still orders. 

An objective that I had failed. 

Doubt filled my mind. Not that I would be reprimanded, not that I was a failure. But that I would be rewarded for the mistake on my part.

As my feet hit the ground again vibrations shook my body just as hard as frustration hit my mind.

They couldn't have followed me. I was not confident in my stealth, nor was I in my concealment. But I was so far away from them.

Trees blocked their vision and all they could go by was a faint smell I had washed off several times and sound. Of which there was none.

But they can.