Update 1.8

Gabriel pov

Her parting was a tragic event in my eyes. Those warm lips that pressed against mine… I touched my lips and felt the lingering warmth. There was something so soothing about her presence. Something so tragic about our parting.

She closed the door behind her and I locked it. I jiggled the handle, just to make sure it was completely locked. A moment of silence was all that was left in her wake.

Once more I was alone. Completely and utterly. I pursed my lips and sat in my pod, I didn't bother to even close the damn thing. Instead just staring at the blank ceiling, there wasn't a damn thought on my mind.

But duty called. And beyond that was the soothing echo of forgotten woes, that if I were to close that pod then my worries would fall to the side in favor of the coursing adrenaline of future battles.

Maybe even the sorrow of another fallen city.