Update 3.5

Jade pov

Fees are paid. Customs were done. And the brief slip of paper was huddled gently against my breast. Yep, a smile lit my face, I was ready. A moment of silence, so very brief, then the flashing of white that consumed each particle of vision.

I was warned. And despite that I had kept my eyes open in curiosity. It mattered not. As the white at the edge of my vision faded, and it would, I had paid quite the fee for this trip. I would be… mightily disappointed… if they gave me subpar transportation. Twice the average earning of the middle class.

That was much more money than even I could give light to. But I had earned it, along with some favors, and I was happy to flaunt that money. Of course this wasn't just for pleasure though… I licked my lips, those golden locks flit past my illusory vision.