Expansion 1.12

Unknown pov

I snarled. Or that was what I wanted to do, seems like I still didn't have the strength to do even that. Ah- but what do I have but time. Those damned warriors would die off one day or another. Whether that be today… years from now. I didn't quite care.

For now I let oblivion take me. 


I woke again, this time with just a little more energy, the rampaging headache was back. And it clouded my mind with rage. I struggled against the container, making my displeasure known.


Not even a single word from my captors. I snarled and tried to open my eyes.


Again there wasn't a single thing but this black void. What the hell had they done to me… to… to me…

I took a breath. Whatever that counted for in this damnable prison. Then with all the strength I could muster I raged against this claustrophobic cage.
