Chapter 109: The Death of Luo Yi (3)


Mai Xiaomai felt a surge of bitterness coming up her throat. Together with Zhang Hui, they lifted Luo Yi's body from the bathtub and laid it on the white cloth prepared for the autopsy.

When the saw touched Luo Yi's body, Mai Xiaomai's hand still couldn't help but hesitate. She eventually controlled her emotions, calmed herself down, and started to cut with the saw…

All bodies in this world, once beautiful, are the same under the merciless saw...

According to the autopsy, Luo Yi had died from an anaphylactic reaction to penicillin.

Captain Li quickly checked Luo Yi's medical records online and found she indeed had a history of penicillin allergy, and the medications she used contained no penicillin whatsoever.

Based on the analysis of the gastric contents, it wasn't food-related penicillin intake either.

Recently, Luo Yi didn't have any medical records, and her body showed no need for a penicillin injection.