Chapter 142: Awkward New Marriage (29)


The woman's entire head had already been submerged in the seawater, leaving only her long, black hair floating like seaweed, drifting with the waves.

Chutian's black eyes darkened, and he quickly stripped off his suit and ran at top speed towards the woman. Then, he plunged into the sea and quickly dragged the woman, who was barely clinging to life, out of the water to administer emergency aid.

Xiaomai, because of an injury to her foot, hurried over to help with the resuscitation.

She knew how to apply pressure to pressure points, and since the woman had only recently drowned, she quickly coughed up a mouthful of seawater and regained consciousness.

Upon opening her eyes and seeing a man pressing on her chest, she didn't think at all and slapped him across the face, landing the blow on Chutian's cheek.


The fiery sound of the slap stunned Xiaomai.