Chapter 0040, Dispute

On the day Yun Jinnian left, a maid died mysteriously in his house. She died without any visible wounds, poisoning, or internal injuries; she simply perished.

When the butler mentioned it to him, he just said to bury her generously and send some silver to her family. Then, the matter was dropped.

Soon after, the medicine shop ran into trouble, and the jewelry shop and antique shop were successively robbed, facing significant compensation. Today, he had a collision with Princess Jinfeng on the street.

Could it be...

Could it be?

Yun Chen rubbed his temples, then called for the butler, "Did anyone go to see off Jinnian when she left that day?"

The butler's face turned pale, "Master, on that day, the Fourth Miss left alone. No one saw her off, just a carriage covered in green cloth!"

Yun Chen closed his eyes for a long while before asking, "Did she leave through the main entrance or the back door?"

"The main entrance!"