Chapter 2: Thrown into the Mountains to Feed Wild Wolves

"Mother, there's no saving third brother's wife now; let's not waste any more effort on her," said the eldest sister-in-law, Mrs. Zhang. "In my opinion, just wrap third brother's wife in a shabby straw mat, and have eldest brother and fourth brother carry her to the mountains to dispose of her! It won't be troublesome."

Actually, what Mrs. Zhang wanted to say was to sell Su Yunjin! While Su Yunjin was still alive, they might be able to get a few pieces of silver for her.

But Mrs. Zhang dared not utter such words!

No matter what, Su Yunjin was her brother's wife. She knew that her mother-in-law and third brother Gu Ya would definitely not agree to this!

Now Mrs. Zhang just wanted to throw Su Yunjin into the mountains to feed the wolves!

"Exactly, exactly!" Mrs. Han, the wife of the fourth brother, agreed with Mrs. Zhang's suggestion to throw Su Yunjin into the mountains for the wolves. "Mother, elder sister-in-law's proposal is good, just wrap third sister-in-law in a mat and discard her in the mountains! It's better for everyone!"

It was then that Gu Ya, who had been sitting silently at the side without a word, spoke up, "Enough! Yunjin is my wife, and it's up to me to decide whether to save her or not."


When Su Yunjin woke up again, she looked at the dilapidated mud-brick house before her and couldn't help but wonder—fantasy again? Where was this?

How did she mysteriously end up in such a broken and shabby place?

She had never seen it before!

"Elder sister-in-law, do we really have to go in?" Just then, a rustling voice came from outside the door.

It seemed someone was about to come in.

She felt strange in her heart!

Su Yunjin closed her eyes and lengthened her ears to carefully listen to the noises outside!

"What's there to be afraid of? Now that we're here, are we supposed to back out? While father and mother are out, and third brother is not here, we can take this opportunity to throw that woman out to the wolves in the mountains," said a voice outside.

Hearing the conversation of the two people outside, Su Yunjin did not open her eyes but then, with a creak, the door opened, and she heard footsteps approaching her bed.

And she felt the person getting closer and closer to her!

Su Yunjin concentrated and held her breath!

The somewhat timid voice spoke up again, "Elder sister-in-law, what if third brother and mother find out? They wouldn't agree with us doing this. Especially third brother—he clearly wants to protect this Su woman today. If we throw her out to the wolves, third brother won't let it go so easily once he finds out."

"Foolish! If you don't tell and I don't tell, who would know we did it?"

"But—!" Mrs. Han was still hesitant. Mrs. Zhang urged her, "We rarely get such an opportunity when the house is empty. If we miss this chance, it will be harder to throw that woman out to the wolves next time."

This time, Mrs. Han did not hesitate any longer; a fierce look flashed in her eyes, and she resolutely said, "Alright, elder sister-in-law, I will listen to you. Let's go throw that woman into the mountains now to feed the wolves!"

Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Han walked to Su Yunjin's bedside. Mrs. Zhang lifted Su Yunjin's blanket and went to lift her head and neck, then said to Mrs. Han, "Fourth brother's wife, go to the other side and lift up her feet."

Mrs. Han nodded at Mrs. Zhang, lifted the blanket on the other side, and went to lift Su Yunjin's feet. Just as the two were about to lift Su Yunjin, she suddenly opened her eyes with a swoosh.

"I'd like to see who dares throw me into the mountains," Su Yunjin said suddenly, startling Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Han, leaving them staring at her wide-eyed and slack-jawed, "You, you, you—!"